Pastor Ken…
I’m excited to pray and to spend a little time in worship and be stirred in our souls for Him and set in motion today for His purposes and what He intends to do in us. And through us, God has a plan.
Prayer to invite the Father into our lives…
Father, we just invite you in right now to those hurts to those pains. We invite you into our bodies, where we ache and hurt and are suffering in some way. We invite you into our souls, our mind, our will, and our emotions. We invite you into this gathering today, into our time of prayer. We’re not here to do our own agenda. We’re here to seek you and to let you fill us and move through us in whatever way you see necessary. We invite you Lord into our relationships and into our businesses and ministries and churches today into every aspect and arena of who we are. We welcome you, Holy Spirit, have your way.
Prayer to speak peace…
I speak peace over this community, over this family of pray-ers and believers, and those are with us and who watched us even maybe days and weeks later, I speak peace over you today. Peace be still to your soul. Peace be still to your strivings. Peace be still to your symptoms in the name of Jesus. I speak peace be still to that tumultuous situation, to that relational upheaval that’s going on, to that unknown thing, to those attacks on your mind and your emotions and your life in some way. I speak peace in Jesus’ name. Just like Jesus spoke peace to the wind and the waves and they obeyed Him. They listened to Him. So I speak peace on the authority of Jesus, whose I am and in whom I serve, over you and over all that concerns you. Peace and rest and hope and grace and love to you in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Father.
Peg led group in worship…
What’s burning in my heart is that God is going to turn things around for you. Whenever it looks like He’s going to turn things around, just take a hold of that this morning. God is turning things. He hasn’t forgotten you. He hasn’t forsaken you. He hasn’t left you. He is going to turn things around for you. And also that we are so blessed to know what we know that God is our healer, that He wants to heal. He doesn’t want to leave us in a sick state, in a broken state, in an unholy state. God wants to heal us. He is our restorer. We just give you thanks, Lord, that you are our healer, that you make us whole in every way: spirit, soul, and body.
Group worshiped…
Peg shared…
I heard this when we started this section that the deep hurt that is in you, that God is going to use that to bless other people and to turn things around for you. So yes, it wasn’t supposed to happen. Yes, it didn’t need to happen, but it did. And He’s going to take that deep hurt and He’s going to use that as a springboard to bless others and to turn things around for you.
Pastor Ken prayer about the key…
We just pray, Lord, that you would turn the key. We turn the key. I just hear this phrase, “turn the key on impossibility.” Father, we just pray that you would turn the key. We request that you would turn the key on our impossibilities on the Church’s, seemingly impossibility … on the impossible situations… we turn the key in the name of Jesus… to open it up, to open it up, to bring about hope and help as needed…
Prayer for grace…
We pray for a pouring in of grace… we send and we pour in grace in those broken places… perhaps that’s your heart today… perhaps that’s a situation that you’re acquainted with… perhaps that is in your city or in your nation… we speak grace. We pour forth grace. We pour forth, as it says in the scriptures water onto dry broken impervious ground today by the supply of our prayers…
Prayer about darkness and hopelessness…
We lift up impossible situations. We speak to the darkness today. We speak to hopelessness today. We speak to spirits of suicide today and we command them to bow their knee, to the name of Jesus… to oppressiveness … fearfulness … regrets today that are contending for the attention of the Church and families and individuals today … darkness even, a cloudiness confusion, and yes, even deception. We speak light to those families, to those situations today, to those dear hearts today that are struggling and grappling in their soul with hurt and yes, even anger … because of what has happened as Peg alluded to …
We pray for a key to turn in hearts and in lives. A key to turn on impossible situations. A key to turn now today in an impossible diagnosis in a perceptive that there’s only hopelessness and darkness and nothing left and no future and nothing bright and nothing.
Prayer about clearing out…
Lord, we pray today for a clearing out as the key turns, a clearing out today in people’s souls, a clearing out in the spiritual atmosphere over churches, over cities, over situations, over families… where the enemy blew in at one point in time with storm clouds and a hopelessness and chaos and confusion and devastation and sadness and disappointment and on and on… Lord, right there in those places over families and hearts and lives in churches today, we pray for a new breeze, a fresh wind of the Spirit blowing in and remove what the enemy attempted to do … and to bring in a renewal, to bring in a hope and a fresh perspective and a new outlook to people’s hearts and lives … an outlook in Jesus’ name
We pray for a new glasses being administered to people’s eyes, their spiritual eyes.
Prayer to rebuke the enemy…
We speak to the enemy. We speak to low-level devils in many instances, and we say, “Cut it out. Cease and desist. Stop in your advances in those lives, in those families, in that church, in that community” We say, “Stop it in Jesus’ name.” We hold up the banner of the name of Jesus. We raise up a standard of the Spirit and the blood of the Lord against you today. And we are marching your way. You better believe it. We’re coming your way, forces of darkness. And we come by the name of the One in whom we serve in Jesus’ name. We come with authority for it’s been given unto us to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the forces and agents of the enemy and darkness and nothing shall by any means hurt us or harm us.
So Father, we lift up those unprecedented things that are going on, those hurting hearts, those impossible situations, we lift them up to you and we bathed them in a supply of the Spirit of God today through our prayers… we release a supply of the Spirit. We release a fresh wind of the Spirit today to blow into homes, to blow into lives, to blow into the hearts of men and women and teenagers and children…
Prayer about mothers…
Even over mothers who are pregnant with a baby in their wombs… we speak grace, we speak a wind and a supply of the Spirit to that mom and to that child that she’s carrying…
Prayer about setups, adjustments, tweaks…
and together, Lord, we as a prayer movement right here, we pray for some setups today. We pray that there would be a release of your hand, the hand of the orchestrator, the Holy Spirit to orchestrate, to adjust, to make tweaks in hearts, in lives, in situations, in the plan of God as it relates to us … that you posture us and position us now… that you would help us… maybe we’re off by a step maybe… maybe we’re behind just a bit … well we pray today that in the church at large here at Living Word where you are in our families and in our own journey, we pray for an adjustment in Jesus’ name… a supernatural recalibration … in our perception, in our cadence and step spiritually day by day… that we would sync up supernaturally with the favor of God, that we would sync up with and step into, Lord, that there would be an obedience at a heart level and in an action level… an obedience to the promptings of the Spirit to the Word of God that we might sync up and stand in and walk in and swim in as naturally as a fish swims through the water or a bird flies through the air … that we would function and move and live and breathe in the fullness that’s already been granted to us individually and as the church … that we would function in what is already blessed rather than arduously and religiously asking you to bless something that comes more from our flesh
Prayer about leaders…
Lord, we pray that you would help us to live and move and have our being in what has already been blessed. I just pray that over this per community, I pray that over our churches today, we pray and we agreed that that would be so for our leaders, especially those godly leaders in offices of decision-making and authority on a national, a statewide, a local level in you where you live …
Prayer about clearing out clutter and confusion…
New conditions. We pray for a brand-new conditions today … a clearing out of the clutter, of confusion, pushing and a clearing out of the old and establishment by the organizer and orchestrator God, the Holy Spirit of brand new conditions…
Prayer about America…
We declare it on a national level in your nation and right here in America. God have your way in America. Have your way in our politics.
It must come Father. We contend for it today. We lift those things up for you as pertaining to your plan, for our land and your glory and the work that you want to transact and do…
So release it… release it more and more… the mysteries, the mysteries … the mysteries of the spirit that have been prepared for this hour that there would be a display … that there would be a telling of those mysteries… that there would be a full revealing… a reveal of the Spirit… a reveal by the Spirit … every nation, every kindred, every tongue…
Peg interjected…
I just heard freedom a while ago for the nations … freedom for the people in those nations. I just see a mom holding her baby not sure what’s going to happen next, but God wants freedom for every single one in every nation. That’s the freedom of the Spirit… the glory of God covering the earth…
Pastor Ken…
Prayer for all the elements and ingredients to come together…
We pray even as it is in heaven, even as it has been an intention and a passion of your heart, Lord, so let it be so and in evidence in our lives and in this church and in the nations today… we pray for all the elements, all the ingredients now … we ask for all the elements and all the ingredients… there’s something new that you’re preparing that you’re stirring now … we need each and every person, each and every gift, each and every precious and dear heart today. And so today we pray over the church. We pray over those who have gone away and have left the church. We pray for people we know and maybe people we don’t know… and we cast out a wide net in Jesus’ name, that there would be a drawing back, a restoring in the church that there would be an orchestrating of the Spirit to move people into position now, to move people into a healing and restoration and restitution even … that you would move people back into their places where it may be they’ve left… maybe they’re just off by a step… maybe they’ve gone far away, even back into the world. So today we speak mercy to them, grace to them … in prayer, we built bridges to them that they might cross back over into the house of God, into relationship with you but in addition, step back into their prayer place, their ministry place, their place of service and obedience to you in the family of God
Prayer for those that have left to come back…
Come back… come back… The Spirit of God is calling… Come back, come back… give up, give up on your own deal there. Give up on your own intentions in your own way and come back. The Father is calling you like He called to the prodigal son. Come back, come back. It’s time. It’s time…
Prayer for divine appointments…
We pray for divine appointments today, even as we go about our everyday lives, divine appointments, divine assignments in the Spirit through prayer, but also in the natural that you would orchestrate and organize our comings and our goings like never before, not just on Sunday morning or when we connect as a prayer group. But when we go to the bathroom, when we go to the store, when we arrive at a meeting that there would be a perpetual searching like a radar screen, that’s pinging back and forth, searching, searching, being aware and watching that we would be up, up, up now on the wall… watching, watching, letting our spiritual radars pinging, and watching and looking for the step for the Word. And oftentimes just being available because it happens unconsciously very often when we’re simply surrendered. So we just pray Lord for more of that…