Sister Annie…
Thank you for joining us, everybody. Pastor Ken just asked me what was on my heart. And I said, I don’t know if I’m in the spirit or the flesh because I’m so stirred about what’s happening with our nation and the unprecedented lawlessness that was exhibited and related to a very important Supreme Court decision. So yes, my spirit is very stirred and my soulish realm is very angry and upset. True confessions.
♪ So what do we do to get back in the spirit? We’ve focused on God’s Word. We focus on what we’ve heard from Him. And we remind ourselves of what He said and that His Word is settled forever. His Word is settled forever in the heavens. So I’m speaking to my soul and I’m telling it “believe in God, believe in God, believe what He says. Believe what He promises.” ♪
So I was reminding myself of God’s promise in Second Chronicles that if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal them. And so Lord, ♪ we put you in remembrance, we put you in remembrance of what you said. We put you in remembrance of every one of you promises. ♪
Group continues to worship…
Pastor Ken…
Good morning! If you’re in the chapel here or joining us on one of our online streams on YouTube, Facebook or online church. Welcome. So good to have you with us this Tuesday morning. Just give the Holy Spirit permission to move in your soul and in your heart. Let’s just let Him breathe on us this morning.
We look to you, Father, for all these situations and circumstances that Annie just referenced as she worshiped and led us in prayer. Lord, we just lift those situations up to you again. We just call for grace upon grace upon grace to land on them in this nation today… in our government and leadership today … on the church and in the church today…
Prayer for America… for rain… on the houses of government
So many unprecedented problems and sets of circumstances. Lord, we just lift them to you. We need you, Father. America needs you. We need you like we have never needed you before… And so we just open our hearts up to you and just call out for the rain, for the former and the latter as coming together now… the rain upon our shores and upon our land … upon your land wherever you might be today… we stand in agreement with you. We pray for heaven’s rain. We pray for heaven-sent help in Jesus’ name. A great, a great, a great movement of your Spirit, Lord. We’re praying for … We pray, Father, for your Spirit to operate in our nation on a greater scale and in some new ways today in the houses of government and positions of authority. We pave the way for the Spirit to come and speak and move and work and do just what you want Him to
Prayer for a breaking of chains…
We pray for a breaking of those chains, of those demonically inspired laws and edicts and precedence’s … that have taken rights away… have restricted what you’ve wanted to do in our population and in our country. We pray for a moving out of the old and all that is unjust… and a removing of all those who would stand in your way… We pray for a clear path today. We join with you, Father, and we stand upon your plan today. We pray that you would come and have your way in America, in Europe, in Asia, in Australia, in South America, in Mexico, in the Baltic regions…
Prayer for Asia…
That there would come a dawning of a new day … Yes, in Asia, Lord… in the ancient lands in Asia… in nations both great and small … that there would come a moving of the Spirit, a demonstration of God to build a highway for our God, for Jesus to come in this generation … and be put on full display among the nations … Including this one…
Prayer about open gates…
We just lift our hearts to you today, Lord, and we just say “open the gates, open the gates, let the King of glory come in”
Let entrance be given … let there be an announcement of a new day… with some new things put on display for us to see and witness and work with … yes, Lord, even the supernatural workings of God… in your home, in your situations, in your circumstances and in your nation, we declare that today…
We declare and we command everything that’s been shut up, that’s been bound or hindered or walled in, we command it to come open… for the glory of God… opened up to receive the plan of God, the assignment of God, the gift of God, the supply and the anointing and the fullness and the glory.
Prayer for an unveiling…
We tap into the secrets this morning, each and every one of us in our heavenly prayer language … open, open, we pray for an unveiling of secrets and hidden things and those elements and ingredients and concepts and creative outputs… and even timing… the timing of things… we pray that they would be unveiled that the curtain would be pulled back on this generation spiritually speaking… where they’re to come an opening now … opening up, opening up in Jesus’ name… Yes, Lord, even things that we didn’t even think in our intellect were possible suddenly it happens in a day … you had planned and prepared it long ago and perhaps we’ve been praying about it for years and decades and months and weeks, whatever the case is, Lord, we pray for the impossible… after all, Lord, you’re the God who joyfully loves and seeks to do that, which is impossible to make a way where there doesn’t appear to be a way. And so we pray that your hand would be released to do your good pleasure in America, in our homes, in our lives, in our churches, in our nation.
Prayer about a raising up…
And we pray today, Lord, for a raising up … release it, release it, raising up, a raising up now … this isn’t it. No, no, no. There are even more that are coming after us … there’s even more… Oh, you’re not limited by age. You’re not limited even by training necessarily … And so we lift up those who are coming after us. We lift up the generation Z… and those who will come before them… we lift up the young generations, Father. We pray for movement today. We pray for a path for them today, Lord, for them individually. But then as a generation, a path to God, a path to transformation, discovery, encounter the living God … Lord, we believe you will use children in this hour … nothing, nothing, nothing shall be impossible…
Prayer about assembling a team…
Increase, increase, increase. We speak increase over the church… over the prayer place.
The spirit of God is assembling. He is assembling all the parts, all the pieces, all the ingredients, all of those who have the mark of Jesus in their soul… He’s assembling and pulling us together. He’s building a team more and more and more … it’s on the rise. The enemy wants us to think that he is overcoming and he has won, but the Spirit of God is contending and announcing on the contrary, the Church is on the rise.
Prayer about great things are afoot…
Even now, if you’ll be spiritually perceptive, you will see and understand that great things are a foot. Great things are beginning to percolate and rumble and move and happen. So just get on over, the Spirit of God is saying, move on over into faith, move on over and just get in agreement. Get in alignment. Get in worship. Get in celebration. Get into a forward looking, leaning into a positive faith-filled anticipation of God… whether it’s a small thing or something on a grander scale, such as in nations…
Prayer about God watching over His Word…
The Lord is reminding us that His hand, as the Word says has not been shortened. His power has not diminished. No, not one iota… for He is still great because He’s still God, and His Word still stands strong. He is still great because He’s still active and alert watching over His Word, even as it was prophesied of old … watching over His Word to you and to me, and to this land and your land… He is watching over to perform it, that it would fully come into manifestation … that it would be seen and heard and demonstrated that God is alive on planet earth. That God is about His business. That God will have the final say in us and through us and in the nations, in Jesus’ name
Word came forth…
Operate, operate, operate… There’s a spiritual operation going on… covertly perhaps, but nonetheless powerful and intentional and of the hand of God… covertly … covertly in our politics and in our politicians’ hearts… covertly, He’s operating in our land and in our leadership and in the White House … covertly, covertly, there are seeds being sewn right now for revival… seeds that are being sown to perpetuate and propel the purposes of almighty God, not just in your life and in my life and in your church and in my church. But the Spirit of God is saying, and we are praying for seeds to be sewn on a grander scale… seeds now… no matter the side of the aisle you want to refer to, there are seeds being planted. There are movements and adjustments being performed, we declare … even now you can’t see it. No, you may not know about it in your understanding, but God is at work … the angels, we lose you on assignment… angelic hosts, “Go in Jesus’ name and assist and propel and support and uplift and facilitate in Jesus’ name the purposes of God” … whether it be with Roe v. Wade law, or whether it be with something to do with our nation and decisions that will affect us…
Prayer about the capital…
We lift up Washington DC this morning, we lift up our capital and all the various branches of government and all the various offices where there are people who support, who advise, who pray, who make decisions, who make copies, whatever the case is today, we just go to DC… and we just blanket Washington DC today with a supernatural supply…
Prayer about a shift coming…
We contend that things would shift today in a moment, not the enemy’s way, but shift in the right direction in God…
We pray for an uncovering of evil and darkness. We pray for a rolling back of the tide of wickedness and secular humanism and demonic intention and plans formed in the pit of hell.
We pray today for a standard of the Spirit of God to be raised up with the blood of Jesus, the tide of the blood to roll back to push back that now today … a releasing of it… every nation today … among every kindred and every tongue and every people group … release it… we release it today.
Lord, have your way in America today… open up, open it up. We pray for a full force, the full force, the full flow … it’s coming… it’s coming. It’s coming your way… We declare it. We prophesy it today. The full force of God’s glory is coming your way, the full stream, the full river of God, sent to the earth for this time in preparation, in display, in fullness.
Prayer about the hard places…
We lift up, Father, those hard places, those hard situations, that impervious ground … those cities, those nations… maybe a particular situation, a particular heart or life that has been resistant and closed off and not even open to God, not even open to the influence of the Spirit… We pray for a pulling out of all the stops and a full supply, a full force of God sent to go to work on that situation that looks impossible. In fact, we lift up people.
Prayer for rain…
We pray for rain, rain on hearts … to rain on situations … to rain on families… to rain on school districts… to rain and to saturate ground of certain regions and cities. Yes, even our inner cities here in America today… rain, rain, rain, let it rain, let it rain, let it come forward. Let the heavens be opened up … that they would come a preparation …that there would come a facilitation… that there would come hearts that open up … hearts that are softened up… hearts, hearts now … we lift up hearts, the lives of people and their hearts …
Prayer about divine maneuvering…
We speak to seeds that have been planted. We pray for just a maneuvering now… a divine maneuvering … in people’s lives. divine maneuvering, divine setups. God’s gonna set you up. It’s going to be nothing less than a divine setup. You think it’s a setback what you’ve been through, you think you’ve been set back for maybe years or for good… but God would say to you that He’s maneuvering… that He is setting you up … that in fact, if you’ll interpret the situation you’re going through properly and through the filter of the Holy Ghost and the Spirit on the inside, He would say to you that setback is actually a set up for an even greater comeback and purpose and flow of His Spirit and purpose and plan and what He has for you in the days ahead than you’ve ever known before…
Prayer to get happy in your soul…
Come on now… so get happy. Get happy in your heart. Get happy in your soul. Get happy. Get happy. There’s no glum. There’s no doom. There’s no melancholy in heaven. No, there’s only gladness. There’s only joy. There’s only a shout of faith. There’s only a certain and positive forward-looking anticipation of what God is going to do. Period! And He’s going to do what He said He’s going to do in you, in your soul, in your body, in your relationships… God will have His way. Come on now! Oh my… Glory, glory, glory to God.
Jesus is preaching over us today. Jesus is shouting over us today because He knows fully what has been given and who we now find ourselves to be in Him in Jesus’ name… and the sooner you just step on over into the arena of faith, the sooner we will see the glory of God, the sooner we will see the answers, the sooner we will see His goodness, the sooner we will see God put on full display in Jesus’ name.