Morning Prayer Summary for Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. If you’re joining us online from some point on the compass around the world or across America, whatever the case is, so good to have you with us today.

Let your spirit be tuned into heaven…

I can tell you right now that God has something very specific for you that He not only wants you to be a part of praying out, but something very specific that He wants to deposit in you this morning. And so set your expectancy just like you set your alarm clock or your iPhone to remind you of something. Let your spirit be tuned into heaven this morning.

We may live in a physical world, but you were first and foremost created a spiritual being in the likeness and in the visage of our Father God. So you’re a spirit first. And you were created to tune in and to connect and to receive of His life. Yes, I know we need to eat physical food and we need to rest physical rest, but Jesus taught us that there is sustenance and a sustaining supply of energy and strength that comes from something the natural person doesn’t always recognize. And that is a supply from Him.

God the Holy Spirit is streaming this morning…

We’re not just streaming out a video this morning from this chapel. But God is, firstly, streaming out to your life today, energy and strength and renewed expectancy. He’s streaming out to you this morning encouragement and hope for a brighter and a better day. If you’re alive and you have breath in your lungs and a stride to your step, then guess what? There is hope! He is the eternal hope giver, our heavenly Father.

The strongholds are breaking…

And the Holy Spirit is here this morning… He’s where you are this morning to deliver hope… hope and an expectancy that things are changing. The strongholds are breaking that your body is responding to the healing power of God, that your emotions are being renewed and new perspective is coming to you. That cancer is being driven out under the sound of my voice this morning. because it cannot stay. If you choose to decide the cancer, that sickness, that flu, that cold, that perennial pain in your body in some way cannot stay, then it cannot stay! Because you have the ability to choose.

You are a speaking spirit…

You’ve been created in the image and likeness of God. That means you’ve been as a speaking spirit… a spirit with a will to choose and say, “No, I will not stay this way.” We will not put up with the present status quo in our nation, let’s say. Or what we’re seeing in our home or in our relationships, or in our finances.

You have been given delegated authority…

In case you forgot, you have been delegated spiritual authority. That means the right to rule and govern within your given domain. I think one of the best forms of spiritual warfare is a strong spirit. The Bible, in fact, says the strong spirit of a man shall sustain him through bodily harm and trouble. In other words, it’ll carry you and sustain you and propel you through those difficult places in life.

A strong spirit like Caleb and Joshua…

A strong spirit is what we witness and read in the Word of God where it describes Caleb and Joshua, when they heard the command of the Lord. They said, “Let’s go up at once and possess the land and take this hill.” And I think Caleb was pretty old at that point, honestly. But yet he’s had a strong spirit. The Bible says he had a different kind of spirit. Caleb and Joshua met a spirit of faith.

Exhibit a spirit of faith and speak…

I’m telling you something and I’m exhibiting a spirit of faith here this morning that has served me well. I’m not saying everything always goes the way I intended or always smoothly. Jesus even said that you’re going to have challenges. There’ll be tribulations, there’ll be upset, there’ll be opportunities to resist fear. Trust me. But the good news and the hope that we have is that He has overcome every obstacle that you will ever face in this lifetime. And guess what? Because He’s overcome it, He has made a way and He’s delegated to us that same spiritual authority that He wielded when He told the devil, “Go, you cannot stay.” When He told the wind and the waves to calm down. That same authority has been invested in you if you profess to be a child of the most high God. At the name of Jesus, so much can happen. At the articulation of “I bind and I loose in the name of Jesus, whose I am and in whom I serve,” so much could happen.

The devil will flee from you when you resist him…

We don’t judge that based on what we feel or see with our eyes physically. We judge it based on the Word that when you say, “Lord, I submit to you, I resist the devil,” then he must go because the Bible says he will flee from you… not from Jesus… not from Pastor Mac… or some other well-known TV preacher… from you! You’ve been invested with that authority. You’ve been invested with that privileged place at the right hand of God seated jointly with Jesus.

Refuse to be sucked down into the pit of despair…

So let your spirit rise this morning. Refuse to be sucked down into the pit of despair and distraction and hopelessness and unparalleled and unprecedented problems we see around us each day. Let the Word of God inspire you. Let the Word of God strengthen you. The Word of God has heavenly DNA woven and engineered into it.

It’s our job to plant His Word…

The Bible says that His Word is incorruptible seed that lives and abides forever. His Word says that He watches over His own Word to perform it and make sure it comes to pass. But it’s our job to plant that Word. It’s our job to be a people who meditate on that Word, who see ourselves in His Word and exhibiting that Word. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you and I shall meditate on it day and night that we may observe to do according to all that is in it, for then we will make our way prosperous… then we will deal wisely… then we will have good success.

His Word is engineered to produce life inside of you…

His Word is engineered to produce life inside of you so that you can do what He’s called you to do… so that you have the energy and the sustaining supply of heaven itself to go through life not dragging your butt on the ground, but celebrating and rejoicing and choosing to do it God’s way… to say, “Today I’m well able because God’s with me. I’m going to take this hill. I’m going to take new ground. I’m going to walk with joy and fresh expectations. I am going to articulate and prophesy the will of God over the atmosphere of my life, over my own heart.”

Be like King David…

King David exhibited that. He said, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? I will put my hope and my confidence and my trust in the living God.” Right? Over and over, we see in the Word that we have a choice every single day. It’s not just one choice you make on one particular day and you mark it on the calendar and you remember it year after year. No. Each and every day, you must choose. Death and life have been put before us. What will you choose? I choose life. I choose to speak and declare the life of God… the Word of God… the promise of God… what God is inspiring me to say.

He sent you into this world to be a speaking spirit…

His words are readily available even in the simplest of conversations. He has sent you into this world to be a speaking spirit… to speak into atmospheres… to speak to demonic entities that they would go… to drive out cancers and sickness and weakness. He sent you here to speak encouragement and hope and love into hearts and lives and into the broken places that healing might flow… that the healing balm of Gilead might be released and applied to lives and hearts and situations. We are that answer because He is the answer inside of us.

God is streaming to you what you need…

God is streaming and downloading what you need today. Have an expectation that you’re receiving it even now. As I said on Monday, prayer makes you a receiver. He wants you to receive this morning. So as we worship and as we go about the morning praying and sharing, just expect that you’re being filled up. That you’re a proverbial sponge. You’re being filled up. You’re absorbing the atmosphere of Jesus.


So, Father, we thank you this morning that you’re beautiful presence is here. That in fact, Lord, you are smiling on us this morning because you love us so, so much. Your face is smiling and shining on your beloved upon each of us. We sense the brightness and the warmth of your love shining on us and penetrating the hardness of any part of our hearts, ministering hope, causing despair and discouragement and feelings of depression “to go in Jesus’ name.” It cannot stay in the presence of the Lord. We forbid depression, suicidal thoughts. “You go, in Jesus’ name.” Discouragement, hopelessness, just a mentality. “Well, I’ll just get by until Jesus comes or until it’s my time.” No! We bind those in Jesus’ name across this prayer gathering this morning online and in this chapel.

Prayer for hope to come like the morning sunlight…

And we pray, Father, that hope would just flow in just like the morning sunlight streams through the windows of our homes, Lord, and warms the interior. May your hope and love and inspiration stream into hearts this morning and transform and change what needs to be changed within us today. Alter perspectives, Lord.

Prayer for the Lord to invade the interior of who we are…

May you get a hold of our hearts today. May you knock and alert us to the fact that you want more of us. It’s not just us that want more of you. You want more of us! You want to invade the interior of who we are, that you might take up residence in a fuller, greater, more accurate way on the inside of us… that we might be a people holy, filled and flooded with God. Not just living on spiritual fumes or breathing out religious dogma, but instead infused with you in every way. May that happen, even right now, Lord, as we worship in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Father.

Prayer for spring rains…

Father, may the rain of your glory and your presence fall upon a generation like gentle spring rains, watering the earth and bringing life and hope and help.

I just pray for awakenings… for things to awaken, just like spring rains awaken the seeds and awaken the dormant perennials and plants and trees and flora kingdom.

Let there come an awakening in hearts and souls and emotions where we’ve been spiritually dead emotionally because of trauma or the past years.

We pray for awakenings in germinations… heaven-sent rains, awakening now… things coming back to life, things being resurrected and breathed upon with new life.

Emotions we didn’t even know we were supposed to have about the plan of God, that we would be breathed upon now that emotions would come to life in Jesus’ name, that dreams would come to life in Jesus’ name, that our prayer lives would be resuscitated and come to a whole other level of skillfulness and effectiveness.

Prayer for America…

We call America to come to life, those things were that were in the mind of God long ago, they were to be birthed into the earth. Lord, let them germinate. Let them be born.

Prayer about antisemitism…

We stand against injustices, unrighteousness, diabolical schemes of the enemy, plans from beneath that are now even visible on the surface of the earth in our campuses across the country…

We stand against antisemitism that has reared its nasty, ugly head. You will not have your way. You will not corrupt people and divert attention and resources into the devil’s plan. We say, “No, we stop that today.”

Woman prayed declaring the Word…

Father, we are standing to hear your command to go, to overtake our nation. Angels are standing, waiting to take over. There’s a fight to fight, Father, but we are also warriors and you’ve taught us to put on the whole full armor of God and successfully hold our ground against the enemy. And we do that every day, Lord. Teach us to fight the fight of faith. Teach us to overcome. Show us that the revelation truth, that we are more than conquerors over this nation, over our state of Minnesota, over the government, you have given us all power and authority and we see you working. We confess your Word and you go forth and perform it. We thank you for miracles that are coming for our state and our nation… Breakthroughs, Lord! Truth is coming and evil is being removed. Being kicked out and removed in the name of Jesus in a mighty way. You’re a God of might and power that hates evil and is removing it right now. Cleaning out the swamp and bringing righteousness to rule and reign. Your righteousness and the righteousness of your church and your people are ruling, coming forth and stepping up to the plate to rule and reign in this life and during this government till you come.

We thank you, Lord, for preparing us for greater things. You’re preparing us for stronger things. You’re preparing us to be bold and courageous. Lord, to do what you have called us to do, to not fear. You’ve not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and might, and a sound mind to hear your orders and obey. We pray for grace, for obedience in all things, Lord, to see your glory, to see the breakthroughs and see the answers, and see the righteous reign in Jesus’ name over our churches, our government and our state, our nation. We give you the glory, Lord, that’s in your hands and you’re working and we’re working with you in Jesus’ name.

Pastor Ken…

I heard something about a minister who was talking to an older woman who had been a part of the Azusa Street outpouring during the beginning part of the 20th century. She was there as a young person. And this minister years later asked her what the primary difference was between the church at that time when it came to prayer and the church in more contemporary times. And this woman didn’t hesitate. She said, “Today when Christians go to pray, they’re trying to settle down on the Word. They’re trying to talk themselves into believing it. In those early days of the modern-day outpouring of Pentecost, before we went to pray, we were already settled on the Word. We came to prayer settled and believing.”

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