Pastor Ken prayed…
We just give you praise, Father, for your presence in this chapel…
Spill over us, wash over us today.
And waterfalls of peace and grace and wisdom, divine help sent from heaven.
We pray that you would let heaven come down today unleashing this morning of those mysteries and those hidden things and those things prepared long ago for such a time as this…
We pray this morning for a growing, a supernatural growth inspired and nourished by the Holy Spirit
A growth in the hearts of your people… a growth in this generation of the glory of God, of the purposes of God, of the plan of God and the spreading of the Gospel and the message of hope.
I pray for a growing in each of our hearts individually, in the country that you reside
Lord, I pray for a divine and supernatural release of growth, of supernatural progress of divine heaven-sent momentum now into hearts, into lives, into the midst of ministries and purposes of divine intentions that you have planted in your people…
that we would not remain in our religious posture, but instead we would step out and step into the midst of what we see and what we know needs to be changed.
Open up today… an ordering of steps. … that you would order our steps, the church’s steps, our individual steps.
Open up, open up, open up in the name of Jesus.
Esther 4:14, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (NIV)
Ephesians 1:15, “Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.”
Prayer continued…
I pray right now for a waterfall of your grace, goodness and healing and wholeness and fullness of your glory to just saturate every nook and cranny of every one of our hearts and lives today in Jesus’ name…
Jesus, have your way in us. Have your way in our church. Have your way in our circumstances. Have your way in our cities, our families, our marriages, our finances, our businesses, our ministries…
Prayer for dissolving of darkness
I just declare a breaking off of deception… I declare a dissolving of darkness and confusion and hopelessness and depression, and oppression. I declare that over this community here online and in person, I declare that over this church and your church today
Prayer about Jesus leading the way
Oh Father, help us now to see that you’re leading the way, that Jesus is the head of the church, that you are out in front leading us, beckoning us, motioning to us
It’s time to cooperate. It’s time to go with the God-ordained flow. It’s time to get in and to go with God.
Don’t wait! Don’t delay! Get up and go! Go where God is going.
All of heaven is behind you. All of the angels are with you. All of the fullness of the Spirit is in you.
Victory is yours. Triumph is yours. Blessing is yours. Answers are yours. It’s all yours. I’ve granted it to you.
Prayer for mercy and help
Mercy is crying out… mercy to your soul… mercy to your situation… mercy to America today… mercy to the Ukraine today… mercy unto the nations including Israel today… mercy, grace, divine assistance…
Help from heaven… Not man’s help, not man’s wisdom, but heaven-send answers and assistance…
Prayer for an unleashing
Unleash now… an unleashing now of grace… an unleashing of glory… an unleashing of divinely appointed answers…
Unleashed, unleashed, unleashed, unleashed, unleashed, unleashed in Jesus’ name… unlimited … it’s unleashed … unlimited open up, open up …
Prayer about separate
Yes, Lord, separate, separate… the vital and the precious from the wood and the hay and the stubble … separate today… work today to separate we pray … right there, right there, separating, removing, dissolving … moving out, moving out … in all arenas… in the hearts of your people, Lord, and the heart of the church in America and around the world today… a separating, a setting up now, a preparing now … marshaling, marshaling, marshaling and mobilizing… moving now
Prayer about seeing the glory of God
You will, you will, you will, you will see it. You will see it. We will see it. We will see the glory of God. We will see the glory of God on full display. We’ll no longer read about the glory of God. We’ll see for our ownselves, with our own eyeballs, we will see the glory of God …
The glory of God … In the church house… the glory of God in our house, the glory of God we declare in the Senate house, in the house of representatives house … in the judiciary branch of our government and its house in the executive house, the White House… we pray for glory… a supernatural display and manifestation of glory.
Prayer for a preparation for glory
We pray over the borders of our nation today… not just for protection, but for glory … we pray over cities… we lift up the cities of this nation… we pray for a preparation for glory… for churches… we lift up churches in America today… that there would come a harmony, that there would come a unity and a one accord-ness in the church and in your body today, that is called by your name.
Prayer for unity and one accord
Here and there and over there in this state and in that state from sea to shining sea, from north to south, from east to west, we pray Lord Jesus for unity and oneness and purpose and glory and fire to be in the church in this generation and this hour… shaking, shaking, shaking, shaking, and truly whatever needs to be shaken now, let it be shaken in Jesus’ name. Yes, Lord, shake it, shake it, shake it in Jesus’ name… shake this one, shake that one. Let it be shaken for the purpose of God. Let it be shaken for the glory of God. Let it be shaken in preparation. Let it be shaken for what’s coming. Let it be shaken for increase, promotion and glory …
Prayer about shaking the church
Oh, you must, Lord. You must come, Father… you must come, Lord. You must come, Father, in glory to this nation, to our shores, Lord. Oh, America is in dire straits. We are in clear and present danger. We need you to fall on this land, Father. We need you to fall on our cities. We need you to fall on our households and individuals and churches and every arena of society. We pray for glory, the glory and full display of God to come to our land … shaking, shaking, shake it up. We shake it up. We shake it up, shake it up. Church, shake it up, shake it up, shake it up. Don’t settle out. Don’t stay stagnant or stuck in a rut but shake it up. We shake up the Church today. We shake up the pastors today. We shake up the evangelists and the teachers and the prophets. We shake up the gifts of God. We shake up the work of God, not for disarray and destruction, but rather we pray that there would be a purifying and a sanctifying and a setting up and a setting forth for a new day in the church… a shaking up, a shaking up in a good way, in a God way.
Prayer about eyes to open
Open eyes, open eyes. We pray for opening of eyes all across this land. Open eyes, open eyes… unstopped ears and open eyes. Oh, help us to see now, Lord, help us to be clarified in our souls and see just where we’re at now. Right where we’re at. We would almost look into our hearts and see a map that says, “you are here.” You are here in the plan of God. You are here in a heavenly timetable. You are here. Help us to see that, Lord, grant us wisdom and vision and perspective … each of us, Father, in Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your presence, Lord. Amen.
God bless you guys. Thank you, everyone who joined us online. Be sure to let us know how we can pray for you. If there’s still something we can stand in, agree with you about, let us know. God bless. We’ll see you tomorrow.