Pastor Susan…
Good morning, everybody. And welcome to morning prayer today. We’re happy you can join here and online and we’re going to spend a little bit of time just worshiping.
Father, we thank you for the pathways that you made.
I hear that in my heart this morning, I hear about the straight paths of the Lord. We’re going to pray about those straight paths this morning. And I’m going to read this scripture, but Ephesians 2:10 from the Amplified classic, it says this “For we are God’s own handiwork and we are his workmanship. We are recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew that we may do those good works, which he predestined, planned beforehand.” Aren’t you glad he’s got a plan beforehand for us? Listen to this, “Taking the paths which he prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them. Living the good life, which he prearranged and made ready for us to live.
Prayer about the paths…
Father, we thank you for the paths that you’ve prepared ahead of time. Nothing in the world that’s going on has caught you by surprise. I’m so glad that you’re not a reactionary God, an inferior God, but you are God almighty. There is no one like you and you have a plan and your plans will come to pass. And you have created paths for us to walk in, for your church to walk in for us to walk out in these days. Father, we lift up the way of the Lord … we lift up the straight paths of the Lord this morning…
Prayer about the feet…
We pray for the body of Christ and we pray for all the feet, we’re lifting up the feet, that feet would come out of the ditches and come out of the detours and come off of their own paths onto the straight paths with which you have made … we’re lifting that up where things have become crooked, where there have been crooked ways and rough ways that are being walked out. We’re calling the church back onto the straight paths of the Lord this morning… because on those paths, there is provision. There is your power and vision and plan comes to pass on time.
Prayer about all the feet to come back…
The timing of the Lord … we lift up the paths of the Lord… Oh, the feet Father, we’re lifting up all the feet… calling them back, calling them back to the Lord, calling them back to the truth of the Word, calling them back to their foundations, a faith and a biblical truth. We are praying for the body… come back, come back, come back, come back to your first love. Come back, come back, come back.
Prayer about calls are calling…
Calls are calling. Oh, we’re calling you because of the Spirit of the Lord is calling. Calling, calling, calling you from the … places of darkness that you’ve wandered back into. We’re calling you into the light, calling you into the fullness, calling you back on course, the plan of God, to the purpose, to the plan, to the destiny that God has for you … to places of grace.
Prayer about awakening those that are slumbering…
Oh Father … to arise… to arise and shine … to arise and shine… Oh, Father, awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken… all those that are slumbering. All those that have grown lethargic and apathetic. All of those who have been distracted, Father, we’re calling. Oh, awake, awake, awake, an awakening, an awakening. I know, I know. You’re stirring, stirring, stirring… The wind of your Spirit, the fire of your Spirit, Father, a rekindling… rekindling… we’re paying about those fires, the fire of desire being stirred up and rekindled in the hearts of your people. Oh, a stirring, a stirring, a remembrance, a stirring, all calling to remembrance, calling to remembrance, calling back, calling them back to the first love… Father that we would love you, that we would love you. That we would love the Lord our God, with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our might, with all our strength, with all that is within me… Oh, Father calling, calling, calling our greatest call is to love you, to know you, to worship you, to serve you, Father.
We call for the body, every part of the body and we pray for them. We surround them with our faith. We surround them with our prayer. This isn’t a desperate prayer. This is a prayer of faith. This is not a condemning prayer. This is a prayer of love. We surround them with our faith. And with our love, Father, because you love them and you see the greatness, you see the call, you see the end from the beginning.
Prayer about restoration and revelation…
restoration, restoration, restoration, Father, we’re praying for … your body to arise, to arise in the …in the power of the Spirit. But in knowing you, knowing, knowing, knowing … we’re praying this morning, that the eyes of hearts would be flooded with light that in your body, we would know the hope to which we’re called. Oh, Father, we’re praying illumination… illumination … that doesn’t just come from learning things and knowing things about you or about the Bible or about the church. This comes from knowing you, this comes from revelation… And so, Father, you promised us revelation. Jesus said that He would reveal Himself and He would make Himself known. And so, Father, we are praying for revelation, revelation, revelation of Jesus. This is eternal life that we would know you, Father God. And that we would know your Son, that we would know you. We would know you more intimately. We would know you and become more deeply acquainted with you… Not about you, but know you … it’s a destiny changer… it changes our vision. It lifts us to a higher place. Father, open the eyes, open the eyes of our hearts that we would see the hope of our calling and know our glorious inheritance, the inheritance you’ve provided for us. It is glorious. It is full of the glory of God. It is full of the knowledge of God. It is full of the power of God. It causes us to walk in the full authority that we have in Christ.
Oh, Father, open that up, who we are, what we have, what we can do through Christ Father. We pray for every part of the body… illuminate that we would see our glorious inheritance… Oh, Father, in the saints, you’re set apart ones. And that we would come to know and understand with all the saints, the power of God that we would know the Holy Spirit, His ministry, that we would cooperate with the Holy Spirit that we would know your voice.
Prayer about knowing God with our spirits…
Father, open up, open up, open up … so that we will see what we must see. We will hear what we must hear. We will know what we must know because the Bible says you have given us the unction of the holy one. And we know, we know, we know… how do we know? We know with our spirits. That’s how we come to know God. It’s not through feelings. It’s not through emotions. It’s not through reasoning. It’s through our hearts. We come to know you heart to heart. Oh, Father, we’re praying about hearts, hearts, this morning… heart connections, heart desires, Father, your fire, your fire your fire…
Prayer about the flood…
Lord, we recognize you are our only hope you… are the only answer. It’s in nothing else … It’s in you… flood, flood, flood, not a trickle, not a little sprinkle, Father. We are asking you for a flood. You said in your Word as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be… that was flood time. That was flood time. That wasn’t trickle time. Oh, Father, in the time of the rain… and the Lord for the rain … we’re asking you for the rain… pour out, pour out, pour out. We know there’s more. We hunger for more. We yearn for more, Father, we desire more. The more that Jesus died for … the more that He redeemed us too… the more that He provided… more, more, more, more
Prayer about a revelation of love…
Father, the love of God, the love of God, the love of God that we would come to know. What is the length? What is the breadth? What is the depth? What is the height of that love … Father revelation… We are asking you for more of a revelation of the love of God, because you are love. But, Father, that love has been shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost … Father, that we would flow in the love of God … that we would grow in the love of God… that we would know the love of God, the love that you have toward us, the love that you have for us, but the love that you have in us and the love that you want to release through us … to the body to build the body. You said in your Word that the body is built up, built up together in the love of God. And so, Father, there’s something about the love of God that is so powerful. It builds, it builds. It causes us to be fitly joined together, compacted together. And so, Father, we pray about the revelation of the love… love that causes a fragmented part to know, to move, and flow as one body… one body, one body … we’re one body, one body
Prayer about the unifying of the body of Christ…
The unifying power of the love of God. The love of God for one another… the esteeming of one another… every part of the body… we thank you for all the body parts. All the parts of the body of Christ and the grace that they carry … the call and the part of the assignment they carry … the anointing that they carry… the revelation that they carry … the supply of the Spirit that they carry.
Prayer about the body of Christ…
Father, we’re grateful for the body this morning. We thank you for the body of Christ. Oh, Father, bring us into a deeper love and appreciation for the body of Christ. Every part of the body that we would see one another through love through your eyes. Oh, Father, that we would love like you love because, Father, the world will know that we know you because of our love, the Bible says … the love that we have for one another, because when we love one another then we’ll love the world the way we should….
Prayer about the rivers of love…
And so Father, we lift that up. The love, the love… rivers of love flowing into the desert places… rivers of love, love and power, love and power… what a connection there is between love and faith and power… And so, Father, that we would flow in your love, those rivers of love, those rivers of faith, those rivers of power.
Prayer about the manifestations of power…
Power, power, power, power, power, power for this hour, the miraculous, the manifestations of the Spirit… Father, we’re lifting that up. The manifestations of the power of God, of the Spirit of the living God… to be released through the church to benefit the world. And so, Father, we’re lifting up all the gifts. We lift up the utterance gifts… prophecy, diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues … the revelation gifts, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and the discerning of spirits. And we’re lifting up and praying about the power gifts this morning. That is special faith, and the working of the miracles and gifts of healings. And Father, we’re lifting up that…
Prayer about rivers of living waters…
Oh, rivers, rivers, rivers, let the rivers flow out of your belly… rivers of living water. Oh, not rivers of criticism and strife and discord and fear. No! Rivers of living water… We are lifting up those rivers … Jesus said out of your bellies, that’s your spirit. That’s your inward man out of your belly shall flow rivers… rivers of living water. All we lift up the rivers… rivers of life that are meant to flow. That God is commanding to flow. That must flow rivers that flow and everywhere the river flows there’s healing. There’s freedom. There’s deliverance. There’s salvation. There’s change, change, change.
Prayer about changes…
Father, we lift up change. We lift up the changes, changes that are needed. We’re calling for change … that’s needed… change that’s needed in us. Father, change us, change us. We know from your Word that we’re changed from glory to glory. We’re not to stay where we are, but we’re to continue to be transformed… no longer conformed to the world, but transformed. So Father we’re lifting up change, change that as needed in us … change that is needed in the body of Christ.
Prayer about preparation for the changes…
Change, change, change … changes are coming. Changes are coming. Changes are coming … Father, you show us things to come. You show us things to come and preparation… we’re lifting up preparation, preparing us for the changes that are coming … prepared, prepared that we wouldn’t be caught by surprise … that we wouldn’t to be caught unaware… But Father that were in the know…
Prayer about body of Christ being in the know…
And so, Father, I’m lifting up the body of Christ that we would be in the know. And because we’re in the know, we would be operating in the flow, the flow of the supernatural, the flow of faith, the flow of love… change, change, change. Father, changes, changes that need to happen in the natural realm. We are calling for change, change, change. We know you’re working… because the Bible tells us you are… you are watching over your Word to perform it… You’re working, you’re working in the unseen, you’re working on hearts, you’re working in offices, you’re working in nations. You are working, working, working, working, …
Father, we know how much you love the world… because the Bible says that you so love the world that you gave Your only begotten Son that whosoever would believe on You should not perish, but would gain everlasting life … would have everlasting life … So, Father, we’re lifting up those… that need to be touched by your presence …that need to know that you’re real, that need to know that there is a Savior. There is a heaven to gain, and there is a hell to shun …