We worship You, Father; we lift up and magnify Your name
Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me, bless Your holy name
You are worthy of all our praise, You are worthy of all acclaim!
We worship You, and lift up Your name, we magnify and behold the name of Jesus
Thank You for Your faithfulness, Your kindness, and Your endless mercies
You are risen, alive, and well; we bless and honor You, Lord
Yes, You are holy, mighty, great, and greatly to be praised
We set our eyes, affection, and focus on You!
Thank You for the truth that is in Your Word
You are the truth and the light, glory be to God
Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise today, Father
We are the head and not the tail, we are above and not beneath
Your plan is for justice, and You will turn things for our good!
Praise be to God, we thank You for victory today!
Yes, You are the one that causes us to triumph
Thank You for Your faithfulness, Lord
We will continually rise to the top; everything we set our hands onto will prosper
If God is before us, who can be against us?
Praise be to the Lord, we bless and magnify Your name—Jesus!
You are the spirit of victory, You are the spirit of grace and supplication!
Bless the name of Jesus, glory be to God
We love and praise Your name, Jesus
Glory to God, glory to God, thank You, Jesus
Scripture Focus…
When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, We were like those who dream. (2) Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” (3) The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad. (4) Bring back our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South. (5) Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy. (6) He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
(Psalms 126:1–6 NKJV)
Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
(2 Timothy 1:6 NKJV)
The following prophecy was shared at Morning Prayer…
Prophecy spoken in the 1980 Prayer Seminar at Rhema Bible Church through Bro. Kenneth Hagin:
The enemy would endeavor to steal from you the blessings of God. The enemy would endeavor and would and will invade homes, your lives and your marriages, but to be fore-warned is to be fore-armed. Don’t stop in your praying because things seem to change a little bit. Keep on praying until the full answer materializes or the entire burden lifts. Don’t settle for 50% victory. Don’t settle for 75% victory. Don’t even settle for 90% to 99% victory. But settle for nothing less than 100% victory—deliverance from darkness.
And then I could hear, yes, that’s it. I could hear the Spirit of God within my spirit saying the end of the age; the end of the age is coming upon this generation. The powers of darkness, the forces of evil are rampant as never before and they will be increased in intensity and velocity and even many Christians will see and look upon those things and say, “There’s no use” and throw up their hands in futility and say, “Well, I guess it’s all over. We’ll just have to hold on and pray that Jesus will come shortly, for the Devil is about to take over everything.”
But thus saith the Lord, in this day, I am searching through the body of Christ to enlist soldiers in the army of prayer. And I will raise up a new band. I’ll raise up a new army that will know how to pray against the powers of darkness and the light will dispel the darkness and the truth will set men free. And prayer will break the bands that bind men’s minds and spirits and bodies.
Yea, there are those that will learn to take their place and hurriedly. It must be hurriedly. It must be quickly. It must be that they learn that they enter in quickly to stand against the forces of evil that will come against the land, that will come against the church, that will come against the home, that would disrupt and destroy all that is good and that God has endorsed.
But the hand of the Lord is upon those who will listen and the urge of God, and the urge of God is in the spirit of those who are attentive and the Spirit of God will help you to pray. Do not try to do it yourself.
Though there must be labor on your part, yet at the same time, rest in Him and let the Spirit flow through you like a river. Like a mighty wave. Let it flow through you. Give vent unto those innermost groanings and let them escape your lips. Take time to get alone and to wait. Sometimes not even say anything, but only inside of you, there is an agonizing, flowing out of your spirit by the Holy Spirit to the Great Spirit, the Father of spirits. And thou shalt be sustained. And thou shalt be kept. And our family and our homes shall be sure and steadfast. And our children shall grow up strong and stalwart in the Lord and they shall have no fear.
But you shall pray for thy neighbor here and pray for thy friend there. And you shall pray for those even in the church that have not come into the knowledge of the truth, making sincere prayer on their behalf so the light will shine. The work of God will go forth and the work that is to be accomplished in these next few days and years that are just out ahead of you shall surely become because you were faithful.
That’s what the Spirit of God is saying, Hallelujah! Now I want you to close your eyes and lift your hand and say… Mean it from your heart, don’t just do it because I tell you. Lord, I’ll be one of those that will enlist in the army of God and the army of prayer warriors. I will be faithful. I will be faithful in prayer. I’ll be faithful in whatever place you set me in, but most of all, I’ll be faithful in prayer. I set myself this day. I make the decision this day to be one of them that the Spirit of God can depend. You can depend on me, Lord. Oh, blessed Holy Spirit, Thou who dost live within me. You can depend on me.
Continued Praying…
Help us to embrace that word, Lord
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear that which You are speaking to us
We lift up the nations today; we cover them with the blood of Jesus
Open, open, open!
Yes, open up the depths now!
Nations are opening up more and more to You, Father
Let there be an acceleration of glory in the nations
Doors are being opened today!
The hand of God is overthrowing strongholds of darkness
You are bringing light, hope, and salvation out ahead in these days
Open up we pray, open up over the body of Christ today, Father
We command those gates to be opened, and we thank You for a pouring out of Your Spirit
The former and latter rains are coming together in these days
Thank You for change in America, we pray for an opening up to more of You
We call those that are lost back to You, those that were lost have been found
Angels, go and work on their behalf; we call those that were lost back into Your kingdom
Yes, we will go and bring them back to You, Lord
We stand in agreement with You, and we believe for the breath of Jesus to cover us in these days
Save them, Lord, we call for a turning back to You
Today is the day of salvation; we speak for a wake up of America
Wake up! It is time to respond to the invitation of God
Yes, the church is waking up; give us eyes to see, blindfolds are being taken off
Hearts are being softened by Your Spirit, Father
Save them Lord, turn them back to You!
We surrender to You in Jesus’ name
Thank You for the mercy of God, the mercy of God is covering each and every believer
You have called us for such a time as this
We call for supernatural assignments to be released in Jesus’ name
Open up, open up!
Hearts be opened up in these days
Yes, hearts are being opened in a greater way
Come and have Your way in our lives, Lord
You have a call and a plan for each and every one of us
Casting down the old and calling in the new
Thank You for these hours and days that we are living in
Praying for a holy shaking in every heart and every mind today, Father
No, we will not be limited, but we cast those limitations down in Jesus’ name
We call for healing of hearts and minds
Devil, take your hands off of those believers
Every bondage and work of darkness is being cast down in Jesus’ name
Be released and set free! We release the church from obscurity
The church is being released from religion and tradition
Those things that were meant for evil, God will turn it to His good
Give us eyes to see those things You have for us, Lord