Pastor Susan…
Morning, everybody. Welcome to morning prayer. I’m glad y’all could join us here in person. And if you ever get a chance to come in person, I encourage you to do it. There really is something about gathering together with other Christians to pray and worship. But we’re also glad you can join us online. My name is Susan and I’m on the pastoral staff here at Living Word.
We’re gonna start out today looking at the book of Ephesians, and I think this is probably gonna be a really good launching pad for where we’re gonna be praying today. I’m gonna to read Ephesians 2, the end part of that chapter. And then we’re gonna go on over into chapter three. I’m reading from Amplified Classic today.
The Church Age…
And we’re gonna be praying about the church. And if you’re not maybe so focused in or maybe haven’t realized the significance of the age that we’re living in, you know, it’s called the “dispensation of grace.” Or maybe a wonderful way to put it because of where we’re gonna pray today would be the church age. And for all of us who are in Christ, it’s really important to understand the significance of the time in which we’re living. And that God has not just placed us on the planet right now. But He’s placed us in His body.
The mystery of the Church of Jesus Christ was kept hidden…
And the body of Christ, the church of Jesus Christ, was always in God’s plan. But it was a mystery that was kept hidden in God until it was time for the church to be revealed. And we know from scripture that had Satan known when Jesus was crucified and died, that that was not gonna be the end of Him but that He was gonna be raised up and we would be raised up together with Him and something new would be born that never existed before, which was the church. The Bible tells us He never would’ve crucified the Lord of glory.
It’s a Glorious Time on God’s Timeline…
And so what a significant time we’re living in. And what a significant plan God has for you that He’s connected us to the body. And I will say this, we find our identity in Christ. But we find our identity as well within the body. We have a plan individually because of the plan God has for His body for this time. We’re here on time and it’s a glorious time. No matter how the world is working, it’s a glorious time on God’s timeline.
It’s time for the church to be manifested as the Church…
And so with that in mind, we’re gonna begin reading in Ephesians 2. And as I said, this is a launching pad to where we’re gonna be praying today for the church… for the church to be manifested as the church. In other words, for us to rise up and to do what God has called us to do in this hour in the power of the Word and the Spirit. That’s why we’re here, to bring a revelation of the grace and the love of God to the people on the earth today. That’s why we’re here and to do it in the power of the Holy Ghost, right? Not just to do it weak, but to do it in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit.
God gave the apostle Paul the revelation of the church…
So Ephesians 2:20 says, “You are built…” And let me just say this one thing, as well. Paul received the revelation of the church. And he was given stewardship of that revelation. And the Lord Jesus appeared to him and taught him about the significance of the church. That’s what we see in the epistles; who we are in Christ as the body of Christ individually. Yes, but corporately, you can’t ever remove your identity from the rest of the body. The Bible tells us that when we were born again, we were baptized into the body of Christ. We’ve been joined with one another, and we don’t find our full expression or the significance of what we’re called to do if we’re living life from a “just me” perspective. It has to be with a greater body of Christ in mind because we’ve been connected to the body. And Paul had this revelation and he was given a charge by the Lord to steward this. In other words, share and teach and expound on this revelation so that everyone in the body of Christ comes to know and understand the glorious position and seating that they had in Christ, that we would operate in that. Right? And that’s what the epistles are really all about. Aren’t you glad they’re in the Bible? Because they’re so equipping and inspiring.
Ephesians 2:20
“You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself the chief Cornerstone. 21 In Him the whole structure is joined (bound, welded) together harmoniously, and it continues to rise (grow, increase) into a holy temple in the Lord.”
I just want you to know this morning, don’t be discouraged at what you see in the world or maybe even the lack of what you see in the body of Christ. Because Jesus said, “I am building my church.” And this is what’s been said about us, that we are going to grow and increase into a holy temple in the Lord, a sanctuary. I love this!
“[a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated, and sacred to the presence of the Lord]. 22 In Him [and in fellowship with one another]…”
Remember, it’s collective. We’re members of the body of Christ individually but thank God collectively.
“[and in fellowship with one another] you yourselves also are being built up [into this structure] with the rest, to form a fixed abode (dwelling place) of God in (by, through) the Spirit.”
We’re gonna go on over to chapter three.
“For this reason [because I preached that you are thus built up together], I, Paul, [am] the prisoner of Jesus the Christ for the sake and on behalf of you Gentiles—2 Assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace (His unmerited favor) that was entrusted to me [to dispense to you] for your benefit, 3 [And] that the mystery (secret) was made known to me and I was allowed to comprehend it by direct revelation, as I already briefly wrote you. 4 When you read this you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ.”
The Church is a mystery that’s been unfolded…
Do you guys like mysteries? I always love mysteries. And I love that this is a mystery being unfolded. Now the church is no longer a mystery, although to a lot of Christians, the significance of the church is still a mystery. It’s not because it’s not been revealed or put out there. It’s because people do not know what the Bible says about the body of Christ.
Kevin and I have been graced to train and equip God’s people…
And even if we’ll bring it down, I think a little more pointedly, the importance of the local church where God has called you. And through the local church, God gives corporate assignments. Assignments we can’t accomplish on our own. I have a grace on me. Kevin and I, God called us back here. And we are graced to do things with training and equipping people for Christian living. But thank God for ministry, for missions, for church planting, that’s the grace on us. And yet that grace wouldn’t have much significance if it wasn’t attached to the corporate assignment here, right? It’s not just about what I do. It’s about what we do collectively when God joins us together. And there is such strength… The church of God is precious.
The church is precious to God…
And unfortunately so many in the body of Christ think they don’t need a local church. They don’t understand. They’re failing to appreciate, esteem, and honor that which God has ordained. So the local church is ordained by the Lord. And it’s precious. And it’s extremely valuable. And it’s valuable to God’s plan, but to our individual lives, it is priceless. All right? So let’s go down to verse nine. Actually eight.
Ephesians 3:8…
“To me, though I am the very least of all the saints (God’s consecrated people), this grace (favor, privilege) was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending (boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless) riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out], 9 Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan [regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men] of the mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed until now in [the mind of] God Who created all things by Christ Jesus. 10 [The purpose is]…”
You are where you are by God’s divine plan…
And here’s what we’re gonna be praying about. The church was created on time, on purpose, with a purpose. All right? If you’ve ever wondered why you’re here right now, you’re here by God’s divine plan. And those of you that are here at Living Word, you’re at Living Word by God’s divine plan. And some of you that are watching online are part of this ministry or you’re connected in other nations to other parts of the body, but it’s by God’s divine plan. And I love that. So it goes and says here…
“[The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. 11 This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in [the person of] Christ Jesus our Lord, 12 In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear). 13 So I ask you not to lose heart [not to faint or become despondent through fear] at what I am suffering in your behalf. [Rather glory in it] for it is an honor to you. 14 For this reason [seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in Christ], I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…”
And it goes into a prayer that very often we pray a prayer of revelation and insight. And I’m gonna stop there today. But I love what Paul said: “for this reason seeing the greatness of the plan.” There’s something about seeing the greatness of God’s plan for the church that causes the church to rise up and take their place. And without seeing it, then people are gonna struggle to be it, right? We’re gonna embrace an identity that isn’t how God sees us. And so it’s really important for the work of God to get done that we see what God showed Paul, that we see God’s plan for the church, that revelation. We’re gonna pray for the body of Christ today. Because we need to see an uprising. Don’t we?
Father, we’ve gathered together by the call and the prompting of your Spirit to come and work with you, together in prayer this morning. And so we are acknowledging that you are the author and the finisher, and you are the master planner. You have a plan. You’ve always had a plan and you’re bringing your plan to pass.
And we’re so grateful that we are part of that plan. We give you praise that we are in the church, that we are born again, that we are in your family, that we have been baptized into the body of Christ. That is the universal church of the living God. And that we are here to be Christ’s body in this time to be the expression of Jesus in the world around us at this time … to be your mouthpiece and to be your hands and to be your feet and to convey your heart and to move and flow in the power of the Holy Ghost.
That’s who you’ve made us to be. That’s who you created us to be. That’s who you’ve joined us together to be. That’s who you recreated us in Christ to be.
And we give you all the praise that this mystery is no longer a mystery. It’s revealed. And your desire in this church age is that you would use your body to demonstrate and to reveal the grace of God and the love that you have for all people and the salvation that you have extended to every man, to every woman, to every child, the opportunity to become new creatures… the opportunity to come into fellowship with you… the opportunity to become new creatures, to be delivered out from under the dominion and powers of darkness and to be translated into the kingdom of God. Oh, what a glorious plan?
And we know that your plan is unstoppable. It cannot be delayed. We praise you that everything you’ve prophesied through the prophets in the Old Testament and everything that you’ve said through those in the New Testament…
Father, we thank you your words are alive and full of power, and you are watching over your Word to see that every bit of it is performed. Not a single part of it is void of power, but it will all come to pass at last just the way you stated it, just the way you see it. And we give you the glory for that this morning.
Father, we’re lifting up the body of Christ… wherever you’re joining from, you begin to lift up the body of Christ in your area, in your nation, the church that you are a part of …
Prayer about a revelation of who we are in Christ…
Father, we’re lifting up the body of Christ and we are praying for the body. We are praying for the revelation… the revelation of who we are in Christ, who you’ve called us to be. It’s not about me. It’s not a me-minded view. It’s not a little enclosed view, but Father, the right perspective… we’re praying for the body… open up our eyes that we would see that it’s about what we’ve been joined to … what we’ve become a part of … how you fitly joined us together and you placed us in the body. You place us in the body where you see fit.
Prayer about positions…
And so we’re lifting up positions… that Christians would be in the right positions, in the right places … that they would be gathered to their local church… You call us to work together corporately in corporate assignments. And so, Father, we pray for the revelation of corporate assignments… the revelation of the significance of the local church, that there would be an honor and a regard and an esteeming and appreciation of the local church and our need, necessity to be a part of that.
Prayer about those that have pulled away…
We’re praying this morning, open eyes, open eyes, open eyes… all of those that have pulled away. All of those that are believing things contrary to the Word… believing they can just be on their own that their Christian walk with you is just private and it doesn’t matter if they’re connected. No, no, no, no, no!
Prayer about flooding every heart with light…
Oh, Father, open eyes, open eyes. We’re asking you to enlighten every heart… flood every heart with light. Father, open up all the eyes … that people would see. They would see where they fit. They would see the body to which they’re called and that they would believe you. They would believe what your Word says. They would believe the leading and guiding and direction of the Holy Spirit … and that they would step into their positions. They would take their place.
Prayer about local churches…
Father, we’re praying about local churches this morning and we’re praying Father for a strengthening… strengthen your body. Jesus said, I am building my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Notice the strength that there is when we’re joined into the body that we should be… oh, the gates of hell will not prevail against the church … that is that universal church.
Prayer about being joined together..
Oh, we find great strength in being joined together and being connected and working together. The Bible says when we are joined together, every ligament, every part supplies… there is vital supply. And we pray for those… Those that have been cut off from vital supply … that is needed … supply that is necessary. Oh, it’s life giving.. it’s life saving.
Prayer about body being restored, reconnected…
Father, all of those for whatever reason have disconnected, have separated themselves. Father, we pray for that restoration. We pray for a reconnecting. We pray for hearts to be flooded with light and movement… Moving, moving, moving, moving in obedience to your Word and in obedience to the prompting of your Spirit
Prayer for Living Word to fulfill its assignment…
Father, we’re lifting up and praying for the building up of the local churches… the building up of this church … I lift up Living Word Christian Center … and the assignments to which you’ve called us to accomplish with you corporately… that for which you birth this ministry… the fullness of it… the fullness of the plan that it would all come to pass …
Prayer that every position be filled…
I pray for every Christian that calls Living Word their home church. Father, I pray for every person that is called to be a part of Living Word… those that are here and now, but Father, those that are coming… all of those that you’re calling, calling to come and connect… those that have disconnected that are supposed to be here… through our prayers and faith, we reach for them. We call them back. We call them into position and we say every place filled in … every position filled in … no gaps, no holes, no weak areas, strengthen the work of this ministry. By strengthening each person in their inner man with all might.
Prayer about growth…
That we go from glory to glory… We pray about the growth… growing that every member of this church from the very smallest, the youngest, the newest Christian… we pray for the spiritual growth and advancement of all who are a part of Living Word that we would grow up in you in all things