Sister Barb…
Welcome to morning prayer at Living Word Christian Center. It’s gonna be a great day.
And we always believe for the Holy Spirit’s perfect will in the meeting. We don’t chase after the news, and we don’t look at what’s going on in the world. We listen to the Holy Spirit and we say, “Holy Ghost, what do you want to do today? Father, what would bless you today?” And so our intention is to just yield ourselves to the direction of the Spirit of grace. And we know that when we yield to Him, the river is wide and deep and great. And it’s so good.
I wanted to start out today with Psalm 136, and I am reading in the King James.
Psalm 136 (KJV)
“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 2 O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. 3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. 4 To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. 5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. 6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever. 7 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever. 8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever: 9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever. 10 To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn: for his mercy endureth for ever. 11 And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever. 12 With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever. 13 To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever: 14 And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever: 15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever. 16 To him which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever. 17 To him which smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever: 18 And slew famous kings: for his mercy endureth for ever: 19 Sihon king of the Amorites: for his mercy endureth for ever: 20 And Og the king of Bashan: for his mercy endureth for ever: 21 And gave their land for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever. 22 “Even an heritage unto Israel his servant: for his mercy endureth for ever. 23 Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever: 24 And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever. 25 Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. 26 O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.”
And then there was one other one I wanted to read.
Psalm 100 (NIV)
1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
God was and is and will always be faithful to His people…
And that’s what we agree with. And that’s what we believe that He is good. He is faithful. His love endures forever. His faithfulness to us continues through all generations. He was faithful to people in the past. We know that He was faithful through those generations, and He will be faithful to us as well… regardless of the circumstances… regardless of what’s going on in the earth… what’s going on in the nation. He will be faithful to His people, and He will bring to pass everything He spoke to us about and everything He said in His Word.
Prayed about eyes to see…
We ask that you open our eyes … to see the things that we’re not seeing that we need to see… each one of us in the body of Christ, bring illumination now in Jesus’ name. So that we see clearly the direction that we need to go…
Prayer about seeing opportunities when they rise…
Father, that when opportunities arise, we see and we understand, and we know what to do. That’s your wisdom flows, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ that we know what to do… that we don’t worry … that we don’t fear because we are prepared… we are walking in step with you … that we don’t miss anything.
Prayer about a revelation to understand things in the Word…
Yeah and back to that mercy. We thank you for the mercy, Lord… If there’s something we missed in the past that you bring it back to us now in Jesus’ name … that we can do … and fulfill that thing in the name of Jesus Christ… we ask for revelation in the name of Jesus… as we read your Word, that revelation would flow to us… revelation would flow in us by the holy one, that… we would see and understand things in your Word that we had not understood before Father… that that revelation comes for deliverance … for healing … for an understanding of how to flow in the supernatural … for an understanding of how to flow in the gifts of the Spirit … for we are in need of those now, Father. We are in need of those gifts, that flow of the Spirit now in Jesus’ name.
Prayer about gifts of the spirit…
So, Father, you said that you put them in the body that the gifts are here… so we ask you to bring them forth now in Jesus’ name… bring forth those gifts. Let your body flow in all those gifts in Jesus’ mighty name… the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge in the name of Jesus, let it begin to be more prevalent now… even in every church service … Yeah. Yeah. Words of knowledge, Father… for healing, for deliverance, for restoration… Yeah, that anointing that is upon those words to instantaneously change situations…
Prayer about gifts of healing…
That spirit of faith, Father God, that when something is spoken that that thing is instantaneously changed… instantaneously healed, instantaneously turned in the name of Jesus… those gifts of healings, Father God, to flow in the body, to flow in this church, Lord. It’s time to see that flow… the time is now… to see that flow… the gifts of healing in manifestation…
Prayer about eyes being opened…
it’s time, Father God, for people’s eyes to be open in the services so that they see your glory… so that they see the angels that you sent to participate in those services… so they see the moving of the spirit that they’re discerning… discerning the spirits in Jesus’ name. It’s time for that discerning the spirits to flow in the name of Jesus. Yes, Father God, again, for deliverance … that those spirits would be discerned in the name of Jesus…
Prayer about the gifts of the spirit…
We receive it. We take it. We take it for the body. We take it for our churches. We take it for our pastors… for the leaders… for every individual … for each one can flow in those gifts. Each one can walk in those gifts because it’s by your Spirit.
Prayer about songs of the spirit…
We call for songs of the spirit … we call for songs of deliverance… We call for songs of worship and praise… straight from heaven… songs, songs, songs now… songs, songs in Jesus’ name … come forth in the name of Jesus … anointed, anointed… and a yielding to that Lord, a yielding to those songs, a yielding to that prompting to sing … a boldness and a yielding to that auction to sing those words …
Prayer about a shaking that’s coming…
For there’s a shaking coming. Not only to the earth, but there’s a shaking coming to the body of Christ … and it will be good. It will be good. He’s shaking off all the heaviness. He’s shaking off all the weight. He’s shaking off all the darkness, all the deception in Jesus’ name. He’s shaking off all of the world, glory to God. He’s shaking off the world’s ways. The world’s way of thinking glory to God so that we as the body can think the way He thinks … that we can move the way He moves… that we can function the way He planned and purposed us to function in the earth in Jesus’ name…
Prayer about answers…
We ask for answers, Father, now in Jesus’ name… Yeah, everyone that’s been asking, Father, for what they need … the answers… we call for answers now… those that are asking for direction, Father, we call for the answers now in Jesus’ name… those that are making important decisions… we call for answers now … that their ears are open… they hear your voice… and they’re not moved by any other voice… your voice is clear to them … unstop their ears, Lord, unstop their ears… pull all that junk out of the way… unstop their ears in the name of Jesus …
Prayer about hindrances and roadblocks moved out of the way…
Supernatural… supernatural … changing things up, moving things out of the way… bringing things to pass, moving those roadblocks out of the way in Jesus’ name… that thing that big stone, that big mountain being crushed and obliterated by the power of your Spirit in the name of Jesus… those things that have been hindering … a move… those things that have been attempting to hinder and slow down the move of God… we speak to you in Jesus’ name, “be removed, be removed and be cast into the sea. Be moved outta the way in Jesus’ name…”
Prayer about paths being made straight…
Crooked ways be made straight in the name of Jesus … Valleys, be filled in … high places, be brought down low … every stumbling block be removed… even the small ones… even the little foxes … be removed, be removed in Jesus’ name. You will not spoil the vine. You will not taint the vine… we drive you out today… we move you out of the way today by the power of the living God…
Prayer about the blood of Jesus…
And we plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the plan of God… over the body of Christ… over all of the churches, over Living Word Christian Center… over all the missionaries… over all the ministers that are traveling … over all the pastors, over every person that you’ve called into full-time ministry… We plead the blood of Jesus Christ and thank you for your divine protection… And Lord now is the time for them to step up and to answer the call, to move with the cloud… don’t be left behind…
Prayer about fire to cleanse…
I thank you, Lord, that you are the God who answers by fire… I thank you that you will show yourself to all those that are in disbelief… that you will prove yourself mighty and powerful and strong on behalf of the church … on behalf of believers… I thank you that even now you are showing yourself strong that you are sending your fire to cleanse this earth, to cleanse this nation, to cleanse the body of Christ… of every wolf… every lying spirit purged in Jesus’ name… Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah… of all division in the name of Jesus… all division purged, removed by the power of God …
Prayer about the wave of the Spirit…
Open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open the ways, open the way … open the way, Father,…ha ha ha ha… from the east to the west… open the way … Holy Spirit, open the way … for that wave … open the way for that wave from the east to the west … open the way for that wave… to flow … that wave, that wave that washes over this earth, that washes over this nation, that wave of the glory, that wave of the anointing … no one and nothing can escape that wave of the Holy Ghost… nothing can stand in the way of that wave of the Holy Ghost … for there’s a move that’s coming … a move that’s coming. And even now, oh, it’s rising up… it’s rising up… like the cloud the size of a man’s hand… that wave is rising up in the east… and it’s moving and it’s growing and it’s rising up and it’s overtaking the darkness… a cleansing is coming…
Prayer about demonstration…
Demonstration… Yes, Lord, we call for demonstration now … demonstration in the spirit … demonstration in the church … demonstration in Washington DC … demonstration in the streets…
Pastor, pastor, pastor, pastor … demonstration… it’s time to see … it’s time to experience… the greatness and goodness of God… the manifested glory of the holy one… to walk in that glory… to experience God like never before … to feel His presence… to feel His glory… to sense His moving … to sense His spirit…
Prayer about a breaking out and a breaking forth…
Now, now, now, now, now, now… the body of Christ is breaking out and breaking forth on every side. We’re breaking out of the church. We’re breaking out of the walls. We’re breaking out of that containment in the name of Jesus Christ. We’re breaking out of those constraints… and those limitations… from every form of limitation and every form of bondage of the enemy… we are breaking loose in Jesus’ name… and there will be an invasion… all over this nation… an invasion of the body, an invasion of Holy Ghost believers, an invasion of fire filled, holy burning ones… glory to God… carrying the fire of the Holy Ghost everywhere they go… knowing who they are and what they possess … glory to God … Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it’s gonna be a mighty fine time. It’s gonna be a glorious time… the joy of the Lord will abound … hallelujah. Glory to God …
Prayer about making declarations…
Yeah, yeah, yeah… say, say, say, say it’s so … say it’s so … declare it, declare it now … declare it every day, declare that God is moving… declare that you are filled…declare that you are moving in the spirit, declare that the anointing is flowing from you… declare that when you lay hands up on the sick, they will come up recovered in Jesus’ name. Ha ha ha. Good times. Good times are ahead. Good times are right here. Right around the bend. Ooh, ha ha ha ho, ho. The world sees darkness, but the body sees the light. Hallelujah. For the light is come.
Prayer about stepping into the flow of the Spirit…
Yes, we abandon the ways of the world… we step into the flow of the spirit… we stay in that river…
Prayer about minds being renewed…
the mind renewed … the mind renewed … every mind renewed, renewed to the Word of God… renewed… let the body of Christ come back to the Word… let them renew their minds to who they are… renewing, a renewing, a renewing of the mind, of the body, of strength… strength being renewed day by day by day… strength being renewed by the Holy Spirit…
Prayer about the possibilities…
Oh, the possibilities… Oh, the possibilities are endless… limitless… Oh glory. Haha. What you set your mind to, what you set your heart upon… all things are possible to those who believe … all things are possible through Him… Father, remove the limitations today… you cause your people … to release those limitations in the name of Jesus… you have great things in store…
Prayer about visions and dreams and translations…
Let us see. Let us see, Father … visions, bring visions and dreams… dreams, Father God… in the night… Father and those places that you have for us to travel without even leaving where we are … to travel in the spirit… to other nations … to untouched people’s … even to members of our family, that we would travel in the spirit to touch them, to speak to them, to pray for them… I thank you even in our sleep that you are using us to travel… we yield ourselves … that we would see these translations by your Spirit in these days… it’s time to see that …
Prayer about being translated to be a witness…
Saving time, saving time… some will be translated just to be a witness … just to witness some things… there are some that you’ve called to witness, to be witnesses, Father… and I thank you they will witness things on other sides of the world … from their very own home… Oh yeah, yeah, yeah…languages too… in languages coming … even in the natural, Father, you’re adding languages to people… languages, Father, every tongue, Lord, now … those languages being added… for those that need to be reached… that when they open their mouths, Father God, that new language rolls out and the people are able to understand … in their own language the message of the gospel… Oh, thank you, Jesus. They are able to receive ministry in their own language… glory to God… yeah, it’s time… it’s time for these things to be … not just here and there…
So many testimonies, so many testimonies of this happening… Ho ho ho … that when we come together, Lord … that we can continually testify of what you’re doing in and through us by your Holy Spirit… It’s time for that. It’s time for the testimonies…
Prayer about believers finding their places…
Thank you for bringing everything into order… thank you for bringing everything into the way it needs to be… Thank you for bringing the body into the way she needs to be … every person in the right place… every person performing the function in the body that you have for them… right now, everyone finding their place… you said that you lead each person by your Holy Spirit… You order their steps … so I thank you for those orders right now that come from heaven… those orders that come from your Holy Spirit … so that they are moved into the right places… exactly that perfect fit in Jesus’ name… that they know that they’ve stepped into that right place… that they’re connected in the right position in Jesus’ name… they’re performing the function they’ve been created for… wherever it is … if it’s in the business realm… if it’s in ministry… full-time ministry, Lord, wherever it is… I thank you, Father God, that they find that perfect fit in the name of Jesus. And that that ease comes as they step into that place… they’re fully leaning and relying on you… and there’s just a flow of just a flow of ease … ease when they’re in that place… Father God, your prosperity flows… wisdom flows… yeah, those finances they just flow… There’s no struggle. There’s no strain. It’s just a supernatural peace… and a wonderful fountain of joy that flows … being in that place and knowing that they’re in the perfect will of God …
Prayer about doors being opened…
Thank you, Father… mighty, mighty, mighty God. Thank you, Lord. Open, open, open, open, open. Yes. Thank you, Lord. Hahaha… Yes, new doors open … new doors open … Hahaha. Those that are crying for more, new doors are open to you… many, many doors, many, many doors… He wants to take you to many places in Him… He wants to show you things you’ve never seen… He wants to show you who He created you to be…
Prayer about your book being opened…
He wants to open your book… He wants to let you see your book… He wants to lay it out before you and let you read it from beginning to end … and He wants to add some things to you… special things… special equipment… that’s for this time and this hour… special tools … to do the work He’s called you to now … Thank you, Father, they will come by His Spirit.
Hallelujah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha… and it’s all by your grace… we trust and rely on you… we don’t have to make anything happen… as we trust you that you bring everything to pass… we just line ourselves up… we position ourselves… we turn our hearts toward you… we listen… we look… we pay attention …
Prayer about angels are moving…
The angels are moving… they’re moving in this place… they’re moving in the earth… everyone watching online, I thank you that they’re moving where they are in their homes at their places of business right now… thank you, Father, they’re touching them… ministering unto them, the heirs of salvation … I thank you in this room… they’re moving… in this place, touching the people… ministering what you sent today to each one of them … those things you sent today, Lord, we received them…
Prayer about a refreshing…
We receive refreshing today… we receive a refreshing that can only come by the Holy Spirit … a refreshing in the soul, a refreshing in the body… more, more, more… Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead, Lord… touch your people… the anointing… Just receive that presence, that glory of the Holy Spirit … receive that anointing right now… He’s moving on you… He’s moving on you right now… He’s touching you… from the top of your head all the way down to the souls of your feet… He is touching and restoring and renewing right now in Jesus’ name…’
Prayer about jumping and dancing in the Spirit…
I see some of you right now… I see you jumping up and dancing… dancing in the Holy Ghost… I see you jumping up with the fire of God coming all over you … and dancing, dancing, dancing in the Holy Ghost, dancing in the Holy Ghost … the fire of God all over you … moving, moving, moving, shaking, shaking, shaking, moving, shaking… in the Holy Ghost. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He’s coming all over you. He’s coming all over you. He’s moving all over you… you asked for a move. He’s moving now.
Oh, I see you. I see you, hahaha… wherever you are, yield yourself… so much more today right now… receive, receive, receive … ha ha ha ha. today’s the day…
Receive what you’ve been believing for… today’s the day… that thing leaves you… today that burden lifts off of you… today your mind is cleared… that darkness is lifted right now…
Prayer about breakthrough in finances…
Today is the day of breakthrough in your finances … He’s holding out His hand to you… He’s extending His hand to you… take His hand today… take it right now… receive that anointing… receive that burden… removing that burden removing yolk, destroying anointing.
Prayer about the former and latter rain…
The rain, the rain, the former in the latter together… upon you now … mighty, mighty… mighty in power, mighty in power, mighty in power… There is nothing He can’t do. There is nothing He can’t do for you… rise up, rise up in the strength in the power of the mighty God …
Word about feet being healed…
I see feet being healed right now, even around like the bottom of the foot of that whole part being healed right now in Jesus’ name… those toes are healed now in the name of Jesus … It’s yours. Hallelujah.
Word about bones being healed…
Oh yeah, bones, bones, bones, all the bones… coming together… bones straightening out … being made whole… crooked places straightening out… all the bones mending … that’s right… every bone … even the tailbone…
Every joint being healed, every joint being renewed… being made new, being made whole in Jesus’ name.
Prayer about flow of healing and deliverance…
We are called to a flow of healing… to a flow of deliverance… If you have anything wrong with your bones, just receive that now in Jesus’ name… He is here to heal it now right now… even down into the nerves in Jesus’ name… and connective tissues in the name of Jesus.