Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Sister Jeannie…
Good morning. Welcome to Corporate Prayer. I’m here live at corporate prayer in the Chapel, and I’ve seen the people come in and we all come to corporate prayer for different reasons. However, I can’t help but acknowledge that when you come, all I can see is that you’re the most powerful people on the planet. We have such an honor and a privilege to agree with God, to enforce His goodness.
It’s an honor and privilege to agree with the Father…
I mean, if we just acknowledge, in fact, even right now, Father, we acknowledge the privilege that we have to agree with you. It’s such an honor. Father, that you would even trust us to say what you say, to do what you do, to be your hands and feet on the earth. And even today, we thank you for that honor. I thank you for the people of God. I thank you for the church. I thank you for your plan… your plan of goodness.
This is the year of His favor…
That we proclaim the year of your favor and the day of your vengeance that comforts those who mourn. You even transform the word vengeance into comfort. That’s the God that we serve. That’s the God that lives in us.
Only Jesus could do that…
Even when I think about the woman at the well, who else could tell you everything that you ever did wrong and you walk away rejoicing and wanting to tell everyone in the town about that person. Only Jesus can do that. So anytime He points out something in your life, He only points it out to transform it.
A time of massive restoration…
So anytime there’s exposure, anytime while we are walking the earth right now, anytime there’s exposure, we can count on healing just rushing into the exposure. Wounds have to breathe to heal, and we are really in a time of massive restoration. But before that, we’ve had ridiculous exposure. And it’s all designed by Him. It’s all designed by God. And the part that the church has been playing is to stand on behalf of His Word, on behalf of His plan, on behalf of His goodness. We already have precedent set in the Word. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I’ve tried many times to believe that it’s just going to get so bad. But I just can’t do it because everywhere in the Word, when it looks like that, BOOM, God shows up!
Walking in His authority…
Father, thank you for who you are. Thank you that in the middle of contradiction, you gave us authority to speak to things. And today, our intention is not to take that authority lightly. Today, our intention is to walk in that authority and enforce your goodness. And we thank you for the precedence that’s been set in your Word from the beginning, even in Genesis. In the middle of chaos, in the middle of darkness, you spoke. And we have that same authority, that same Word, the Word of God in us. And we speak to those things today. In Jesus’ name, the name that is above every name. The name that will always, always, always, be above every name. And you might say, “Well, what about when this happened? And that happened?” We don’t lean on our own understanding. In all of our ways, we acknowledge Him and He makes straight our paths.
I was just saying this morning when I was praying for some people, and it came up in a conversation again yesterday. Even Jesus experienced tremendous fear, tremendous anxiety, tremendous temptation to give up. Even Jesus did! But we have the privilege of having His example of following the will of the Father and finishing our race.
Just think on that!
Jesus. Man rightly related to God, man in the flesh, God’s Son leaned into the Father in His greatest need when He wanted any alternative available to Him. But He knew this was the only way. And He finished His race. And the entire world benefited from it. How many people… Think about this for just a minute? How many people have you benefited from their walks with God? How many people have you been able to have a conversation with someone simply because you trust their relationship with God?
Infinitely grateful…
I am so infinitely grateful for people’s walks with God. I mean, I’m up here today because of Pastor Ray’s relationship with God, because of his wife, Sandy’s relationship with God. I would not be up here if it wasn’t for Ray. And I do call him Ray because he is way more than a pastor to me. Just think on the people in your life and how people can just touch your life just because they allowed God to work in their lives.
So Father, we thank you for what you’re doing at Living Word.
It’s about to ignite…
A friend of mine came to visit. She asked me about Living Word. And I said to her, “I know massive, massive awakening is coming to Living Word. It is right upon us. It’s about ready to break open and we have like fires all over the church.” Don’t you know that? Like we have got like fiery people, people insatiable in their hunger for God all over the church. And it’s about to ignite! And you know because of who God is in the wait, He expands your territory on the inside. That’s how He does this.
Thank you, Holy Spirit. I thank you that today I have Holy Ghost utterance. Today we hit the mark and we scatter the enemy, especially considering what’s taking place on Monday. We scatter every plan of the evil one today in Jesus’ name.
Book, “Streams in the Desert”
So I am going to be reading from “Streams in the Desert” this morning. And God in His brilliance always sets precedent in the Word for every situation we would ever face. And so here’s another one. So this is from December 7th of “Streams in the Desert.” So this initial scripture reference is 2nd Kings 3:17–18. I’ll talk about this a little bit. So basically this reference comes from… The son of Ahab is now king of Israel. So he’s not nearly as evil as Ahab, but still evil. And he knows that the Moabites are coming after him so he reaches out to the king of Judah. And Judah says, “Yeah, I’m with you. Let’s get this done.”
And then they start to confide in each other. And I believe it’s the king of Judah that says, “Okay, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to win. We need to hear from a man of God.” Because when they look at the circumstances… Sound familiar? It looks like “There’s no way we’re going to win.”
There it is again…
This is my favorite thing about the God we serve. We never have to listen to, adhere to, or give any attention to the way things look. Ever! Not one time. We can always count on who He is and what He says. It doesn’t even matter what our past says. EVER! What does that have to do with now?
So, anyway, it looks like they’re going to lose. And the king of Judah says, “Okay, well we need a man of God. We’ve got to hear from God. We need a battle plan.”
Sound familiar? Sound like now?
Then here’s what the man of God says. And it’s Elijah. And I love what he says. And this is in 2nd Kings 3:17. Now your flesh isn’t going to like this, which is kind of what I love too. Don’t you love when your flesh hates it? I kind of love that. Huge opportunity to grow. Huge! Huge opportunity to win.
“You’ll see neither wind nor rain.” Huh? You’re not going to see anything. “Yet this valley will be filled with water and you, your cattle, and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord. He will also hand Moab over to you.” So everything in your possession will be taken care of. He will also hand the one that came after you over to you. So He’s not only going to do something that you can’t see where the result is going to be taking care of all those things that concern you. But He’s also going to be handing over the whole reason why you sought me in the first place. The enemy coming after you, the enemy threatening you. He is also going to be handing the enemy over to you. Oh, and by the way, this is super easy for Him.
To human reason, what God was promising seemed simply impossible. Yeah, to human reason. It’s always that way. But nothing is too difficult for Him without any sound or sign from sources invisible and seemingly impossible, the water flowed the entire night. And the next morning there it was.
Come on. Let’s just say it again…
Without any sound or sign and from sources invisible and seemingly impossible, the water flowed the entire night! Isn’t that interesting? Flowed at night. Flowed when it was darkest. Flowed when it seemed there was no light.
And the next morning, there it was. And the land was filled with water. The sun was shining on the water and it looked red like blood. There’s so many prophetic pictures in just this passage. Our belief is always desiring some outward sign, and the faith of many people is largely based on sensationalism, which is really is not faith at all, by the way. It’s just not faith. It’s the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for.
They’re not convinced of the genuineness of God’s promises without some visible manifestation. That is not you. Even today, we declare that Living Word, that the church in Minnesota is convinced of God’s promises, is convinced of God’s purpose here in Minnesota, is convinced of Minnesota’s namesake—St. Paul—once Saul. Now doing God’s will, like St. Paul.
Be still and know He is God…
But the greatest triumph of a person’s faith is to “be still and know that He is God.” After I finish this, I’m going to reference that passage in Psalms 46, because you will notice encompassed within that passage is a storm and a battle.
The greatest victory of faith is to stand at the shore of the Impassable Red Sea and to hear the Master say, “Stand firm.” STAND FIRM! And you will see the deliverance of the Lord. And He will bring it to you today.
Isn’t that interesting? So we look at the impassable. We stand firm. That’s the first thing we do. That’s how we participate. And we see His deliverance that He brings and move on.
In Exodus 14…
As we step out in faith without any sign or sound, taking our first steps into the water, we will see the water divide. Have we been seeing that? Yes, we have. Is there more to see? Yes, there is. What does that mean for us? There’s more for us to declare. There’s more for us to decree. There’s more for us to stand for. And there always will be. That’s the good news.
Continuing to march ahead, we will see a pathway open through the very midst of the sea. Whenever I’ve seen God’s wondrous work in the case of some miraculous healing or extraordinary deliverance by His providence, the thing that has always impressed me most is the absolute quietness in which it was done.
I’ve also been impressed by the absence of anything sensational and dramatic. The utter sense of my own uselessness as I stood in the presence of this mighty God. Realizing how easy all of this was for Him to do without even the faintest effort on His part or the slightest help from me.
Father, I thank you right now that in our weakness, you’re strong. We thank you for that. We thank you for your goodness. We thank you for your mercy. We thank you for the honor of looking to you. We thank you for the example of Jesus that in His weakest moment, in His most vulnerable moment.