Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Brother DJ…
Good morning, everybody. Well, welcome everybody to morning prayer. It’s a good Friday. We got a lot to pray, a lot to see, a lot to think about for this 2025. A lot of things are going on.
He was wounded for us…
Father, there is none like you. He was wounded for our transgression. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes, you and I are healed.
Benefits from the Father…
Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits. We have benefits. Let’s remember all His benefits. Who forgives all our sins. And guess what else He does? He heals us from every single disease. And guess what else? He satisfies our mouths with good things that our youth is renewed as the eagle.
God renews our youth like the eagle…
Today, you are here this morning, God is going to renew your youth as an eagle. You’re going to mount up with the wings of eagle above. He say even your young lion get tired, but not you and I. But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. It’s time to renew our strength. They get tired but not us. They get weary, but not us.
Running in 2025…
We run but not get tired. We’re going to run in 2025. We’re going to walk in faith. Say “yes, you are right.” We’re going to walk by faith, not by the sight. For greater is He that is in you and me. He satisfies our mouths with good things. That means we are going to watch our words. He said we are above. Not beneath. We are the head and not the tail.
He restores our soul…
I think this is a time what he said, let’s become head, not the tail, above and not beneath. We will run and not get weary. When evil comes against it, we shall fear no evil. He satisfies our mouths with good things, good foods, good words. He restores our soul. He restores our mind. He restores our thoughts. So we think right, and we speak right.
We are like a tree planted by rivers of water…
If we are such a man that we cannot be moved, we are like a tree planted by the rivers of water whose leaves doesn’t wither. This year, we’re going to stand like a palm tree… the wind blows this way and we stand. We’re standing! Such is the man, he said. Such is a man that cannot be moved. Blessed is the man. We are the blessed ones who does not walk in the council of the wicked or stand in the way of the sinner. That means that we take a lesson and talk about whatever God said. “Oh, that is such a man! Planted by the rivers of water whose leaves don’t wither.” That means we are green all the time. Green leaves! And we produce fruit.
We’re not moved by what we see…
We are those people who are not moved by circumstances. Not moved by what we see. We walk by faith, not by sight. What we see is about to change.
We are fruit producers…
We produce fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness. Joy comes in the morning. I think this is the morning. Let’s have some joy. Joy comes in the morning. So there is the joy in the house of the Lord.
His joy is our strength…
And the joy of the Lord is our strength. The Spirit searches the hearts and knows the mind of the spirit and prays ahead. Pray ahead for this year. Pray ahead for this month. Pray ahead this week and for tomorrow and today. Therefore, no evil shall befall thee. No plague or the bird flu or the dog flu, any kind of flu come near us because we are covered in the blood of Jesus.
Sister Cindy…
Prayer for President Trump…
What does the Lord require of President Trump? We decree, Father, as the people of this great country, called by your name. We the people, by the people governing and we charge President Trump to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before His God.
We pray for those in authority…
And from the top where we pray for those that are in authority, you guide him. So you take his heart and steer his heart as easily into your purpose and plan. As water is redirected, he flows with you. He knows you, Father. He grows in the knowledge of you and your guiding right hand.
Thanksgiving for restoration…
Oh, thank you, Father, for this country. The righteousness springing up from the land, the soil is healed. Thank you, Father, for restoration. Thank you, Father, for sanctification. We’ve been set apart as a country for your holy purpose to go out and preach the Gospel, a beacon to all those who are poor in spirit.
That strength comes from the asking… give me all your poor and your needy. And the Lord will do something great and mighty through the people of this great United States.
It takes humility…
And when DJ was talking about the beggar, he said, “I don’t call him a beggar. I call him somebody who goes to work.” And it takes a whole bunch of humility to do that. And to receive just a prophetic picture. We do not have a God that doesn’t give us every good and perfect thing. And He gave us Jesus. And how shall He not with Him also freely give us all other things.
We believe and ask…
So in the world system, we don’t beg. But in the system in the kingdom of God, we ask and receive and walk with God. In the end of Luke, Jesus… at the beginning of Acts, “The former treaties I have made o Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and teach.” That’s where we receive the knowledge of our Father. These are not just words that are written on a page, but they’re actually lived out through us in real time.
Doing life with Jesus…
So DJ was saying he’s walked with Jesus for 30 some odd years. And walking with Jesus means that he’s doing life with Jesus and he’s learned things. It’s the knowledge that far surpasses mere knowledge without experiencing. That gentleman on the street corner, he learned because he stepped out. And I’m sure that he has gotten a lot of reproach throughout the years, but he looks past that and he received. He says, “I’m going to receive the mercy of God, the goodness of God, despite whatever it looks like.”
We lay down our ways…
And it was the goodness of God that got him to open up the book he received, start reading it, and now he’s got a job. Greater things than what meets the eye. Thank you, Father, for the humility of just receiving from you in places and spaces that we wouldn’t give. But, Father, that’s what fasting is. We lay down our ways to pick up your ways and turn away from the systems of the world that didn’t serve us and that caused confusion, caused us to be frustrated. But you are not the author of confusion. You said you’ve given us your mind that we would know your thoughts, your feelings, to feel the intents of your heart. That’s the motivation.