Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
I wanted to share a passage from 2nd Chronicle 7. It says, “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their land.” And the Lord follows up in verse 15 by saying, “Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers made in this place.”
The Lord is open to the prayers being prayed…
So His eyes are open and His ears are attentive. He just wants you to know wherever you’re streaming this from in your home, your office, your car, in this chapel this morning, the Lord is open to the prayers that shall be prayed during this time this morning. Is that a good word?
Let us understand His will and purpose…
Then in Ephesians 5:14, from the New King James says, “Therefore He says, Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead and Christ will give you light. See then that you walk circumspectly.” That means discerning, having eyes on all sides of your head, so to speak. Circumspect. “Not as fools, but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” That’s our prayer this morning, right? Lord, help us to understand what your will and purpose is.
God’s prophetic voice is one of mercy…
Now, I want to follow that up by sharing a prophecy that I had transcribed last Friday. And maybe you’ve heard it. It’s fairly new. It’s from Pastor Rick Renner. Let me just share this with you here this morning. I believe that when God’s prophetic voice comes forth, it is His mercy. I know in the states here, we’re glad maybe that some shifts have happened and are happening politically, but that’s not so that we can now party and sit back in our laurels, spiritually speaking.
A divine cue to the church and to the pray-ers…
But as pray-ers, as followers of Jesus, what God is doing is our cue to then step into the messiness and the chaos and the unknowns and pray, just like we read in 2nd Chronicle 7:14, “If my people will humble themselves and pray,” in other words. And so what’s going on in America, what’s going on in many nations around the world is a divine cue to the church, to the pray-ers.
It’s now time for us to step up.
It’s now time for us to be emboldened.
It’s now time for us to take the promises of God and our prayer language and begin to contend.
Our trust is not in the machinery of mankind…
Just because God maybe exalts a particular leader into a place of office doesn’t mean that the problem is solved. Our trust is not in the machinery of mankind, the political process, nor a man or a woman. Our trust is in the Lord. And if our trust is in the Lord, then we’ve got to put our money where our mouth is. We need to then trust Him. And one of the ways we do that is, of course, pursuing Him and seeking Him and offering up prayer as He inspires us to pray.
Our prayers propel the plan of God…
The leaders that He puts in office, wherever you are around the world or right here in the States, yes, we believe that God is raising up certain ones and taking down others. But that is our cue to pray because it’s our prayers that propel the plan of God. It’s our prayers that enable wisdom to flow and leaders to deal wisely and make right decisions. So this prophetic word came just in the last month and a half or so by Pastor Rick Renner. It’s a prophetic word for 2025. And he starts out by saying this.
Prophetic Word for 2025
By Rick Renner
I received this prophetic word for 2025, and I would like to share it with you. But first I want to tell you how I received it. Denise [his wife] and I had been in London ministering in July. When we got on the plane to return to Moscow, I said to the Lord, “Lord, is there anything you want to say to me for our partners and our friends for the rest of 24 and 2025?” Immediately I heard these words…
Then a third time I heard it: THIS IS WAR. BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES.”
I reached for my computer and when I put my fingers on the keyboard, I began to hear the Lord speak. And I began to write. And this is what I heard…
A spiritual war is coming. A storm is coming, a spiritual war. So batten down the hatches: economic, political, and spiritual. But the Lord is a man of war, and He knows exactly how to strategize against and overcome every assault against His people and against His truth.
Ken’s commentary…
I’m sure many of us have been through some challenges in the past, and as we fought the fight of faith and as we stood our ground and as we contended in prayer and with the Word of God on our lips, God went to work to turn those situations around and He’s going to do it again. For America. For the body of Christ globally. For your household and mine.
Rick goes on to say this…
But just as one should batten down the hatches in time of storms, God’s people must mentally and spiritually prepare for a stormy season that lies directly ahead of us.”
Further commentary…
So this is the mercy of God, as I said. He’s preparing us. The Lord’s always out ahead of what the enemy is doing. And He’s alerting us to danger. He’s alerting us to what our posture must be now. How many even know there’s such a thing as a spiritual posture? And it’s not a posture where we can rest on our laurels, once again. It’s not a posture where we can rely on a word from the past. God’s giving us a fresh and a new word. And it’s a word of mercy. And it’s a word of preparation. And it’s a word meant to get us in a position.
Pastor Mac, as you know, called a ministry wide fast yesterday. That is the Lord queuing us up to get in position, right? To sharpen our spiritual discernment, to prepare our hearts for what is coming next, so that we can come out on the other side, perfect in entire, wanting nothing. So that we can come out on the other side changed, stronger, having taken new ground—as a church and as individuals, and even in our nation and beyond.
Prophetic word continued…
This is what I heard the Holy Spirit say, “But with the grace of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the promises of God’s Word and the weaponry He has given, we can move forward step by step with strategic guidance of the Holy Spirit. And God will triumphantly lead His people forward and carry out His plans for this end time age.
This is not a time to fear, moan, or cry, but a time to rejoice for God is strategically at work.”
Pastor Ken shares word of exhortation…
Oh, I just sense that’s a word for somebody this morning. God is strategically at work. That would be a prayer right there just to declare that over your household today, over your finances today, over your ministry, your business, your children, your future today—God is strategically at work. Especially when you don’t discern it, maybe. He’s at work. If you’re yielding yourself to Him, if you’re surrendering yourself, if you’re endeavoring to pray in the spirit in your understanding, and in the spirit by the Holy Spirit, then guess what? The Lord is synchronizing you to His plan. He’s moving you into position. He’s helping you to avoid harm and challenge and struggle. He’s giving you and guiding you with strategic ideas and solutions for your finances, for your health, for your household, for your children.
He is above all beings strategic, the Lord that is. And He’s always ahead of the enemy. Nothing catches Him off guard. So know that when we pray, we get to participate in His strategy. When we pray and when we yield to Him, we get to participate in His divine synchronicity, I call it. In other words, He synchronizes us with His divine favor and plan. So we miss out on the plan of the enemy and we step into and we enjoy the fullness of God’s plan.
Pastor Renner goes on to say this…
Although it may seem the enemy in those he is influencing are attempting to derail God’s purposes, remember that the one who sits in the heavens laughs at their plans and He will ultimately have them in derision. (Which by the way, is what we read in Psalm 2:4.) God is a man of war and in the end, His purposes will surely prevail.
So in summary, He says this…
And then the word ceased. That is the word the Lord gave me for the end of 2024 and for the year 2025. So prophetically, I understand that we are headed into a stormy season, that God has given us everything we need to navigate what is in front of us. We’ve got the power of God, the promises of God. We’ve got the armor of God. We’ve got the strategic leadership of the Holy Spirit. And, my friends, God really is a man of war, and He is working His purposes for this end time age. And He will triumphantly lead us forward.”
Pastor Ken continues…
Isn’t that good? I love that. I thought I’d share that with you this morning.
Now let me just share some other thoughts with you in conjunction with what I read earlier in Ephesians 5:16, which talks about redeeming the time for the days are evil, taking advantage of today… Just today, just right now. I had jotted down a couple of reflections. And I sort of mentioned this earlier regarding the prophetic word of God, which is His mercy.
God speaks out ahead of things…
Pastor Lynne has taught us that through the years; God always speaks out ahead of things, ahead of what the enemy does to prepare us and help us to avoid harm or deal with something before it becomes blown. God speaks prophetically to our hearts and our lives out ahead of something new He’s going to do.
God’s mercy is hovering over the church…
And I feel like God is saying God’s mercy is hovering over the church, over you and over me as we enter 2025. But not to live just any old way, but instead to “carpe diem,” seize the day! Take up this opportunity that God’s put before us in regard to each day. Not to rely on ourselves to indulge in our cravings or to meander aimlessly from one day to the next. 2025 is a season where we must live with purpose, using all that God has put in our hands for His purposes. His mercy gives us time and space to respond with wisdom now.
That’s interesting.
So He’s hovering with mercy over the church. Why? So that we have time and space maybe in your situation, but generally in the church at large to respond with wisdom. And that begins with prayer to learn what it means to live by faith and to build a robust and ongoing prayer life.
Examine ourselves…
It reminds me of 2nd Corinthians 13:5, which says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you’re in the faith. Test yourselves.” Isn’t that good? So if God’s being merciful and He’s being patient, He’s telling us there are some challenging times ahead. We must test ourselves. We must examine our own hearts individually as pray-ers, as followers of Jesus. Are we in the faith? Are we truly fighting the good fight of faith? Living by faith? Or have we deceived ourselves in some ways? Do we have some blind spots in some ways? It’s time that we truly live by faith. By what God is saying, by what we hear and read in His Word and not by what we see.
I went on to write some more reflections…
As leaders, pray-ers and followers of Jesus, we are to intentionally use our faith and prayers to promote and further the plan of God, not just for our individual lives, but for God’s greater purpose in His ministry. He asked me, “Are we saturating, or am I saturating my work with prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit to help me do what I’m supposed to do to create what I’m supposed to create, to lead when I’m supposed to lead in such a way that it glorifies God and fulfills His highest purpose?”
So he’s asking the question, “Are we saturating what He’s called us to do with prayer?” That’s the first order of business. That’s the highest order of business, I would suggest.
We must refuse becoming too familiar with the work God has called us to do and remain utterly dependent on Him. That’s, I believe, the position the Lord’s leading us into as a church and as individuals, a place where we are daily utterly dependent on Him. Where our first response is to look to Him for the answers, for the steps, for what must be done today, what must be attended to today.
Right now, Jesus is interceding on our behalf that we would not miss the opportunities opening up to us in 2025, that we would discern this new time and season of opportunity and not miss out on the supernatural change, increase, and promotion He’s sending.
God wants to bring forth breakthroughs…
And I believe Pastor Mac yesterday talked about that, that God wants to bring forth breakthrough and changes. And I believe prayer and fasting is going to set us up to step into just that—collectively but also individually.
I think I’m going to stop right there and I want to just start with this prayer here from what Rick Renner shared in that prophecy I read. And just agree with me on this.
Rick Renner’s prayer…
Father, in Jesus’ name, we thank you that you have appointed us for this season. Lord, what a privilege! Others saw it by faith, this particular season we live in. Others prophesied of it, but you have chosen us to live in this time. That means we can! And we can do it with victory and joy. And we embrace this new season of 2025, regardless of what is on the horizon or what the enemy is purporting or what cheap shots the enemy might take. We can embrace this season with gratitude. And we thank you, Lord, for your divine armor and the equipment and promises you’ve given us. And we declare that you really will triumphantly lead us forward in this end time age, in Jesus’ name.
Pastor Ken brought forth prayer and a prophetic word…
We declare, Lord, let the chains of bondage and brokenness and limitations be broken in Jesus’ name— emotionally, mentally, physically due to trauma and the perpetual suffering of the effects of what you’ve been through. I declare, “Let chains be broken… now!” The chains of the enemy of every kind be shattered, be severed. We announce the end of the enemy’s stronghold has come, and now we declare “Breakthrough.”
For some of you, this is a word…
Some of you right now, this is a word. I declare that which has limited you, I declare that which has hindered you, that which has held you back, that which has kept you in a rut, that which has prevented you from moving forward in the plan of God in His dream for your future, I say those limitations are pruned, are severed, are broken in Jesus’ name. For he who the Son sets free is free indeed.
So I declare liberty. I declare freedom. I declare, Lord, let your healing power flow. Let breakthrough come through to every heart and every life and every situation, every ministry, every broken place. Lord, we decree healing flows. Restoration comes today. Yes, a reinstating now of the call of God, a reinstating of people into their places, a reinstating of your divine design. It never left. But it is being brought to life now. The Lord’s breathing life now in the minds, life into souls that have been beaten down and disconnected and discouraged. The Lord is breathing into you now. Just sense that and receive that.
Lord, breathe life into the church. Breathe life into Living Word like no other time. Breathe life into our nation Father, spiritually speaking. Let the breath of God be exhaled into every heart and every life now, in the mighty name of Jesus.
It’s opening up now. Yes. It’s all opening up now. Your heart is opening up now.
Somebody’s mind is opening up. It’s been bogged down by traumas and obsessive compulsiveness and a rumination of the past, a struggling due to what occurred. Now I say there’s a coming to life in your thinking, in your perspective, in your emotions. It is opening up now. It’s being born again for a new day in Jesus’ name.
Awaken what is dead…
Lord, let the lightnings, let the fire of the Holy Spirit now be transmitted to awaken what is dead or what’s latent to revive what has gone to the side and to bring it to the forefront now in the plan of God. Yes, in Jesus’ name.
I speak new vitality, new supernatural invigoration to rise up and to step into your greatest season of life and living in Jesus’ name. Be made every wit whole, I declare that over you in Jesus’ name. May your heart be mended and restored and fully made functional and able to trust Him and able to connect with Him and able to go where He has called you to go in the coming days.
2025 be opened to us…
Lord, I decree and I declare that all that must be open for 2025, be opened unto us. Every door that must be open, let it be opened in Jesus’ name. And every door that must be closed, we slam it closed and say, “no man may open that door. The one that’s in the past, the one that’s gone before, we say ‘be closed in Jesus’ name.’”
Be opened in Jesus’ name…
And I speak over your soul, and I speak over your ministry, and I speak over your business, I speak over your heart and I command that place in your soul that God desires open, “be opened in Jesus’ name.” And now be receptive and receive His goodness and His mercies and His healing flow to make all that needs to be made right, right. Right now in Jesus’ name.
Don’t let the enemy deceive you…
Don’t get it mixed up, you’ve been called to this day, this time, and this season, and this very generation. Don’t let the enemy deceive you. You are a pearl of great price, as the Word does say. You are valuable, essential, and strategic in this time and season even where I’ve placed you. So understand your worth. Understand your great value exceeds what you can comprehend. Simply learn to trust Me to be in My presence and to follow My ways, to surrender your heart and to take one step at a time going with Me each and every day, the Spirit of God would say.
Close that door on the past…
Don’t be concerned about what the enemy’s doing on the side to the right or to the left. Close that door! Leave it closed, for some of you, on the past. Did not My words say, do not give the enemy place. Well, that begins in your thoughts and in your words. So close the door in your mind and close the door with what you say and think and meditate and speak only that which agrees with Me, with My word, the Lord would say.
For the days before us truly are glorious. Ha ha ha ha… Know that. Anticipate that. Rejoice in that and expect to see My goodness and My answers and My fullness flow and even accelerate and grow in the days of 2025, in Jesus’ name.