Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, January 10, 2025

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Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Brother DJ…

Welcome to Friday morning prayer.


Father, we thank you for protection around the people who are driving here. We cover them in the blood of Jesus. Wherever they are coming from… freeway, highways, byways. All the employees who are driving this morning to work, we cover them in the blood of Jesus. We declare none of them will slide around, turn around, no slip, no fall. We thank you, Jesus. You say you shall command your angel concerning us, so Father, we thank you that all the people that are driving here this morning coming to prayer or going to work, here and there, Father, we say in the name of Jesus, we plead the blood of Jesus on their tires, on their brakes, on their windshield, and wipers.

We speak Psalm 91…

We dwell in the secret place of the most high God. We abide under the shadow of the almighty God. We are saying of the Lord…

You are our refuge.
You are our fortress.
You are our healer.
You are our deliverer.
You are our provider.

We dwell in the secret place of the Almighty…

In you, we trust. Therefore, after dwelling in the secret place of the most high God, the shadow of almighty come upon us. We dwell in the secret place. He brings His shadow over us. Then we can say, therefore, no evil shall befall us. No plague. Now we can say, because we are dwelling in the secret place, we have the share of the almighty God.

Oh, thank you, Lord. Your presence is upon us now. We are strong in the Lord. And we can say, therefore, no evil shall befall us. No plague, no virus, no sickness, no disease, no accident, no plague, no virus, no flu, no cold. Father, I thank you. So that’s Psalm 91 for covering the people who are driving here, going to work, Living Word church people and others that we know.

Let’s enter into His presence with thanksgiving and enter His court with praise. We enter into the holy of holies.
We enter by the blood of the land.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
For this reason, we kneel before the Father from whom all our families are named.
I thank you, Father, your children are named, your family, brothers, sisters are named, whole family is named.
We pray He will strengthen us by His Spirit in our inner man, that Christ shall live our hearts through faith.
We pray we’ll be rooted and established in His love, will have power together with all the saints, how wide, how long, how deep and high is the love of God.
We know this deep love, higher love, four dimension love, to know this love which passes all understanding.
Now we are filled with the fullness of God, filled with the knowledge of God.
Now unto Him who’s able to exceedingly, abundantly what we can pray, what can ask, imagine according to His mighty power that is working within us.
It’s the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead that dwells in us. Hallelujah.

The Lord is my shepherd…

We shall not lack anything.
We shall not lack wisdom.
We shall not lack energy.
We shall not lack fate.
We shall not lack love.
We shall lack nothing.
We shall not lack money or good things.

He lay us down on green pasture. He restores my soul. He restores your soul. Even we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil because we know He’s with us. He’s in us.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life.
We shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and forever.
Father, you said this year you’ll pour out your Spirit upon all flesh. You’ll pour out your Spirit on our sons and daughters. They will prophesy. They’ll walk the way they should walk.
You said this is the year of Jubilee! You said this year you restore everything the enemy has stolen.
I will restore the years, the time the enemy has stolen. Thank you, Father.

Prayer for LA, California…

We’re going to pray for California. We’ve been asked to pray for California, Los Angeles where there is a lot of fire going on.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask you… What quenches the fire? Water! So Father, we ask you for rain. They said there was no rain coming, but we can ask the Lord to send some rain. Rain to quench the fire.

Father, we ask you in the name of Jesus, send some rain in Los Angeles where the fire is burning… burning the houses, killing people. We ask you to have mercy on Los Angeles.

Personal commentary…

I used to live in LA. I know exactly where Pasadena is, been there hundreds of time. I have seen the burning, the places where I used to go. I was watching the Los Angeles Lakers head coach. His name is JJ Roderick. His house is totally burned. His family’s house is burned and they were supposed to have a Lakers game but it’s been canceled because of this fire. This fire had been burning so many homes.

Father, you said you would rebuke the devourer for our sakes, send your rain.
There is no sign of rain in LA, but remember that the guy said, “Go look outside.” There’s no cloud. But he went seven times. And the next day, pouring rain came down from heaven.

John 10:10 says the thief come to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus said, I come that you have a life and life abundantly.

Sister Cindy…

Where sin abounds, grace so much more abounds. So we’re speaking grace over California. Jesus be exalted in that state and the strong tower of the Lord.
We’re gathering together in your name, speaking life and light and peace and restoration to California.

Personal commentary…

DJ used to live there. I have a son that lives there today.


For the righteous sake, Father, visit the state with a deluge of your healing rain.
Father, we desire for a manifestation of your Spirit, a revealing, a showing of your greatness and your grace and your goodness on this state. And every state of this nation. Let your name be great. Pour out your Spirit on the sons and daughters.

He said to ask for the rain in the time of the rain, He’ll give the early and the latter rain together. We thank you for the moving of your Spirit, the great outpouring of your Spirit in this time right now to show forth your goodness, your mercy, and your grace.

Let the atmosphere be magnetically charged with your essence, gifts, and your callings. Be put back into place right where they belong, operating in order for your holy name’s sake.

For He is holy and He’s calling us to be holy and lined up complete and entire and fully functioning in the operation of the Spirit of God. In the gifts that He has poured out and everything put where it belongs. Straightened up where the Devil and darkness has twisted and distorted.

We command light to shine, shine ever brighter until that perfect day. We declare the light on California.

We declare the light to shine in Minnesota… in our legislature where decisions are made that affect us here in the great state of Minnesota, 10,000 lakes. The North Star State. This state is called according to your holy name. To do no less than what you have appointed it to, the great glorious outpouring of your Spirit that flows to the lower 48.

So, Father, we thank you for Hawaii. We thank you for Alaska. We thank you, Father, for Guam, another place my son has been. We thank you, Father, for Puerto Rico. We thank you, Father, for your purpose and your destiny for this country, every territory, Father, in the mighty name of Jesus for your will and purpose that prevails.

We put our hand in your hand. Father, we are going according to that purpose and not crosswise in any way. Thank you, Lord, that you’re showing us your great and wonderful steps to take your beautiful plan that works together intricately and wonderfully through the woven tapestry of your body.

Thank you, Father, we could never do this, but you planned it and it shall come to pass.

Great and awesome is our God, holy and mighty and awesome, who’s called us to this holy separated place.

We are sanctified according to your name. We are sanctified.

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