Group worshiped…
Sister Barb shared…
I heard “It’s a new day and there’s a new song. Every day there’s a new song that the Holy Ghost gives to you.” And He just wants us to lean into that right now, to lean into that. You can sing in English. You can sing in the Spirit in tongues. Because “in the spirit” can be in English or in tongues. So just lean into that place right now. And He’s going to give you the words to sing out that song. It could be a song of praise to Him. It could be a song of encouragement… the Holy Ghost encouraging yourself. But you have to lean into that place. Just lean into Him and trust in Him to give you the words to sing. And sometimes, we tend to be timid and “What if I don’t sing the right words?” or “What if it doesn’t come out, right?” It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because God takes whatever you put out there and He forms it into a beautiful thing. And He creates it exactly how He wants it to be. That’s how He hears it. He hears it perfectly, that every word was perfect, that the praise was perfect. And so He just wants us to lean into that today, that there’s a new song today. It’s a new day and there’s a new song for you today. Even a song of deliverance for you today. So Cindy is gonna sing.
Sister Cindy…
♪ Father, we sing of your goodness. We sing of your praise. You’re worthy… you call us holy. (singing in tongues) So holy are you God… You call us holy to yourself… ♪
DJ …
Just start singing. Praise the Lord and His mercy endures forever. Oh, praise the Lord. His mercy endures forever. And the enemy starts fighting each other. And the enemy was defeated when they praised and worshiped you …
The prison doors are open and the chains are broken.
Start singing and start praising and worshiping… in the midst of their trouble, in the midst of sickness disease. in the midst of problem … change the atmosphere
DJ, “Who will roll away the stone?”
I’m going to read you what Barb just said. It happened to me this morning. Just start singing and worshiping. When they do something… when we do something. Mark 16:1, 2, 8. “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body.” She just starts singing, worshiping. “Very early on the first day of the week…” Early in the morning. There is something about getting up early seeking, praising Him. “… just after sunrise…” That’s real early to get up. “…they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”
I was amazed when I was reading this story in the Bible, when they decided something to do, when you decide, I decide something to do in our life for God, perhaps to start some business. Like you say, I’m going to start singing, I’m going to start building a home. I’m going to do this ministry. I’m going to do this. Here comes the problem. “They asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” Now this taught something by faith. They’re talking. We’re going to do something. Suddenly they’re asking each other, “Who’s going to roll the stone away?” It’s interesting when I learned this. But they keep walking. They already bought the spices. No turning back. When I read this, my hair on my shaved head grew! Fast! Seriously, when I read this. When you see I’m going to the doctor, why I’m going to this place… “What’s going to happen now?”
Jesus Himself will roll away the stone for you…
“But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb…” When I was reading this, the Holy Spirit said, when you decide to go and do something, there will be some problem. But He’s the Lord God almighty.” When you take a step of faith, you’re going, you bought something. There going to the tomb. There was a heavy stone. They can’t even roll away. But they keep going. The stone was rolled away.
Today in the name of Jesus, whatever you decide in your heart, you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you. When you decided something to do, He will roll away the stone before you even get there. Is this making sense to somebody today? Are you going to the doctor’s office? Are you going to the lawyer or attorney or court or is anything going on? You’re saying “How is this going to happen?” He said, “I am the God who rolled away the stone before you get there. Just take the step of faith. Go to the hospital. Go to the doctor. Go to the bank. The Lord told you to start the business. He’s rolling the stone away.
“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus.” Don’t be alarmed. Don’t be afraid. He said, You’re looking for Jesus. He’s not here. He’s risen.
Sickness is not there. The cancer has left your body already. When you decided to walk … when they got up.
There are other stories. Four lepers sitting outside the country, they said “We are dying here. Hungry. Beggars. Lepers. We have no food. We’re going to die right here.” Suddenly the Lord put in their heart and mind. They said, “Hey, if we go to the enemy’s camp, they might kill us. We’re going to die. But if we sit here, we’re going to die anyway without food. Hungry. They decided to get up and started going toward the camp of the enemy. They started moving. When they started moving, the Lord sent ambush. The enemy is defeated and the lepers went in the camp to plunder. The ate. A lot of food. Good news.
He’s the God almighty who rolled away the stone. Sickness, disease, poverty, lack. You’ll get up and walk. Do something. Don’t give up. It’s not over yet.
They let me read again. “Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” You’ve been asking who is going to do this? Keep talking to each other. How am I going to do this? What is going to happen? He says, “I’m rolling the stone away.”
Group begins to worship and pray in the spirit…
Barb shared…
The scripture says that, eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for him, but He’s revealed it to us by His Spirit. God has prepared. He’s already prepared. He’s rolled away the stone. And as he was talking about the scriptures and the women walking and moving toward the tomb, they’re taking a step of faith, like he said. And when we do that, we take a step of faith. We move in that direction where we believe that God has prepared our way. And so we step out and we move in that direction, knowing that God has already moved on our behalf. And when we take those steps, we’re saying we believe. We believe in you.
It’s a finished work…
And we know Isaiah says that “surely he has borne our sickness disease and carried our infirmities. Surely. Like He’s already done it. He’s rolled that stone away. So as we take that step or as we begin to praise the Lord, we’re saying I acknowledge that surely you have done it. It is finished. It’s a finished work. You rolled that stone away, and I’m moving in that direction in agreement with that truth that it is done. And everything that you need, He has already prepared for you. He’s already prepared those things. So as you take those steps of faith, as you lift your hands and praise the Lord and acknowledge Him in all His ways, glory to God, He not only leads you in the right direction, but He leads you right into that provision, right into that deliverance, right into that place of peace. Hallelujah.
Prayer for God to open the eyes of our hearts…
So we thank you, Lord. We thank you for all that you have prepared for us, all the things that you have already set in our path, all the things that we would need for this life, all the things that we would need for our calling in you and Father. We ask today that you would open the eyes of our hearts today, that we would come to know, understand, comprehend that wonderful salvation that is on the inside of us, that we would work out that salvation, that we would let that salvation come out into our lives and be manifested. The way you desire it to be, Lord. That everything you paid for, for your body, for your people would be manifested in their lives. That they would receive the fullness of salvation in Jesus’ name. I thank you, Father.
The scales are tipped in our favor…
The scales are tipped in our favor. Today! I just see that. I see that it’s tipped over. The enemy might be trying to say, “No, no.” He’s got this situation. You’re not going to get out of this thing. But the Holy Ghost says, Nope. The scales have been tipped. The scales been tipped in your favor. You will overcome.
Breakthrough has come. Breakthrough is yours. That supernatural grace and anointing of the Holy Spirit is within and upon you… to be the person God created you to be … that superhuman … that we would realize who we are in Christ … the power that resides in us, for us and for others, Father, to flow out…
♪ There’s a grace to run your race. There’s a grace in the Spirit … receive that grace … receive that anointing… receive that grace … let Him move and flow in you… let Him move and flow… take hold, take hold… Oh, it’s by His grace… we give you place today… Have your way… it’s easy to jump into the river. So easy to jump into the river of the holy one. So easy to flow… so easy to fly.
Group prayed for individual…