Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our online family as well. We’re happy and blessed to have you with us on this Thursday morning.
Information on Prayer and Presence Conference…
I wanted to give you information about the Prayer and Presence Conference coming up not much more than a month from now. So you would like to attend in-person if you’re able to get to Minnesota, and it will be hosted here at Living Word in our sanctuary by Pastor Mac and Lynne Hammond, our pastors. But we’ll also be streaming it out on each of our three platforms or channels. So you can join that way as well. If you would like to attend in person, I would encourage you to register soon. You can go to lwcc.org/prayerconference. We’ve got some really good gifts for the first 1,000 registrants. We’re trying to come up with something for those that are going to be online too, but we don’t have quite the same gift for you online, but we’re trying to come up with something as well. So be sure to check that out: April 22–24, Friday through Sunday, right here at Living Word. Guest speakers will be Heidi Baker, Joseph Harris, and Leif Hetland from Sweden.
Recommend two excellent books on prayer…
Well, this morning, I wanted to just share a couple of thoughts before we continue with prayer. Not too long ago, I was reading some excerpts from Nancy Dufresne’s book, “A Supernatural Prayer Life,” which I highly recommend. Also, I highly recommend Pastor Lynne’s book, “The Master Is Calling.” It’s a foundational teaching and a perpetual reference for prayer and the things of the Spirit throughout your life. But this is really good too.
John Lake’s remarks about praying in the Spirit…
We talked a week or two ago about how in 1st Corinthians 14:4 exhorts us and commands us to pray in the Spirit and that he or she who prays in the Spirit edifies himself/herself. And I think I may have touched on this a little bit, but that word edify… In other words, this thing called edification occurs when we pray in our heavenly prayer language, when we pray in other tongues. When you’ve been baptized, when you’ve been immersed and you stay immersed perpetually in the Holy Spirit, you have this inspiration rising up out of the center of your being called the gift of speaking in other tongues. And it has different purposes.
Praying in the Spirit builds us up…
But one of the great purposes in the life of a pray-er or a believer is that it edifies us. It builds us up. It charges us. It transmits and transfers the very atmosphere and wisdom and inspiration and many things of heaven to our lives practically and personally where we are. We read that John Lake made the statement that praying in other tongues was the making of his ministry. That it was his habit to pray in the Spirit, edify himself, and then edify the people. That he found himself oftentimes reaching for his journal to write down what God was firing across his neural synopsizes, speaking to his spirit, really his mind, just catching those cues and that information that the Spirit of God was transmitting to him.
Even in the war zone of Ukraine, God is moving in supernatural ways…
The Holy Spirit comes to reveal, transmit. He’s transmitting this morning. If you’re online, you’re in another part of the world and you feel hopeless, perhaps you’re near the war of this raging in the Ukraine, I’m here to tell you, there is hope. There is hope. God is transmitting hope. We know He is. Even in the midst of the war zone in the Ukraine, we are hearing stories of hope arising, God protecting and moving and working in profound and supernatural ways because of the Spirit of God neither sleeps nor slumbers.
Sick of hearing me talk about tongues? I’m sorry, but … “get used to it!”
He is always transmitting, revealing plans, disclosing and sending hope and encouragement and wisdom and help and edification. You might be getting sick of me talking about prayer and other tongues. I’m sorry…. Get used to it! Because this is a great and amazing gift that we have here and now in this generation and in this life. We won’t need it necessarily in the next life. But right now we see through a glass darkly. There are many things we don’t understand, but the Helper, the paraklete, comes alongside to help us. He is in us, and He wants to work through us. To clear things up, to build us up, to edify ourselves.
Edify means to kindle a fire inside of you…
And there is a commentator that talks about this word edify. He or she who prays in an unknown tongue, edifies him or herself. He breaks down a number of actual meanings for the word edify. And we talked about a couple of them a couple of weeks ago, but I’ll just quickly remind you what they are. The first one is kindles. You build a fire, a spiritual, holy, godly, passion or fire on the inside when you pray in an unknown tongue. He or she who prays in other tongues kindles himself. You keep yourself white hot for God, which, by the way, it’s the primary precursor for effective dynamic and powerful prayer. The effectual, fervent white-hot prayer of a righteous man or woman will make much power available dynamic in its working. That’s the right atmosphere for effective prayers to be kindled or on fire and remain full of His presence. And that’s what praying in the Spirit does. It flips the switch on the supernatural in your inner life.
To be edified means for you to be built up higher and higher like an edifice…
Secondly, it builds. I believe the Amplified Bible says it causes you to rise, your life and your ministry and your calling to rise like an edifice, higher and higher. It causes you to be built up.
Praying in other tongues synchronizes you to the plan of God…
Thirdly, praying in other tongues organizes. “What’s that mean, Ken?” Well, it synchronizes you, is the way I like to put it. Praying in other tongues, edifies a.k.a. synchronizes you with the perfect plan of God according to your book of destiny. Psalm 139:16 says there has been a perfect book of destiny where all the intentions and plans and purposes of God had been written down in your personal individual book of destiny and placed in the libraries of heaven. Why are they there? So the angels can reference your book of destinies to see how they can assist and help you fulfill your destiny according to God’s plan. And praying in the spirit, synchronizes you with that plan so you can experience His favor on a level that is other worldly. So that you can be protected when harm is around the corner. So that you can be promoted and make advancement in the plan of God, according to His timetable. It synchronizes you with His plan.
Praying in tongues anchors you…
Fourthly, praying in the Spirit establishes you. It anchors you. It grounds you. It keeps you rooted in the place that God has ordained for you when the storms of life begin to swirl and the winds of adversity blow.
Praying in other tongues helps you to grow spiritually…
Fifthly, praying in other tongues will grow you spiritually. It produces spiritual growth. It keeps you advancing and moving forward. Maybe you can’t always sense it or see it because maybe you’ve got messy things and uncomfortable things happening around you. But make no mistake about it, praying in other tongues causes God to build capacity and growth and increase on the inside of you that will, in time, show up on the outside of your life.
Praying in other tongues will prosper you…
Sixth, praying in other tongues will prosper you. In other words, He will transmit clarity to your spirit to know where you to be in the marketplace or in the ministry. He’ll show you your wealthy place. The place where you will increase and advance financially and naturally and practically. I heard a story not long ago of a woman who God put it on her heart in a service to give a thousand dollars to a particular minister. But the problem was, she didn’t have a thousand dollars. So she wrote a commitment on an offering envelope and put that in the offering bucket. And then went home and began to pray in other tongues. And God reminded her of these women’s hair barrettes that she created on her own. And so she thought, I should sell those on Etsy or do something to sell those. So she came up with a simple plan and I think she sold them online. She also sold them at a certain event in her community. And she sold a few here or there. She was thinking this would raise the thousand dollars that she needed to plant that seed in that minister’s life and ministry. But then this other woman showed up and started asking her questions about these barrettes. She said, “Wow, these are really high quality and beautiful and very unique.” She asked her what she wanted for them. And told her, “Well, I’ll take 40,000 of them.” It turned out this woman that came to her table was a fashion buyer for some retail store. Well, there she had the thousand dollars and a whole lot more.
The Holy Spirit helps us to connect the dots…
The Holy Spirit likes to connect the dots. There’s so much in our life, all around us right now. And, first and foremost, in us, all things that pertain to life and godliness success and blessing and favor and increase all that He has for it is already on board in your life. And what I find is the Holy Spirit, His primary job, is just to point out the obvious and to connect the dots and help me to see. He connects the dots for us so that we can keep taking steps. So praying in other tongues prospers us.
Praying in tongues helps you to profit spiritually…
Seventh, it causes us to profit spiritually. In other words, it increases the anointing and power of God in and on our life. I say for myself, praying in the spirit has been the making of my life and ministry. Many years ago, when I first started stepping into the ministry, somebody asked me to do their funeral. I was freaking out! What? I don’t want to do a funeral. I can’t do a funeral. I wasn’t in the ministry even, but God began to deal with me. And I went to praying in the Spirit. And honestly I prayed for hours in the spirit, because even at that point, I understood the power of praying in the Spirit because it saturates your weakness, it diminishes and dissolves your weakness, even in your soul, emotions, and even physicality. And it edifies, it builds you up. So I did that. I was so nervous, but I prayed and I prepared. And then when the day came for me to do that funeral, I got up and it was like the easiest thing I’d ever done. God fully equipped me and saturated me and filled me with what I needed. And it turned out to be a very powerful funeral, honestly.
Praying in tongues keeps you in the love of God…
Eighth, praying in other tongues keeps you in the love of God. Jude 1:20. It keeps you in the love of God, literally. And that’s important. Just like gasoline is fuel in your car that gets you where you need to go, love is the fuel for faith. Your faith goes nowhere unless you’re abiding in the love of God in every aspect of your life. Faith works by love, right? And praying in other tongues keeps you aligned and growing and flowing in the fruits of the Spirit.
Praying in tongues helps you establish new habits…
And then last but not least, praying in tongues helps to create new and helpful habits.
Quotes from Nancy Dufresne’s book…
And honestly, I wanted to read just a little something about that from Nancy Dufresne’s book where she talks about other benefits of speaking of the tongues. She says this in chapter eight, “We know that the Word tells us that faith works by love. Love is to faith what gasoline is to a car. Just as a car won’t go anywhere unless there is gasoline in it. Faith won’t go anywhere unless love is fueling it. When love stops flowing, faith won’t go anywhere. Jude also gives us instruction in line with this. It says, but you beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, a.k.a. in other tongues. Keep yourselves in the love of God by taking time to speak in other tongues, you hold yourself in the place of walking in love. When you’re confronted with an unlovely situation, instead of jumping right in with your mouth, take time to go aside and speak in other tongues. It will keep your flesh under dominion of your spirit. If you talk out of the feelings and emotions of your flesh, you may say something that you shouldn’t. But if you talk out of your heart, the love of God is in your heart. So love will reply, instead of offense. Romans 8:13 tells us that we are to mortify or deaden the deeds of the flesh through the Spirit.
Pastor Ken shared…
So the Holy Spirit, in other words, comes to edify your spirit man, the real you on the inside. My daughter would say when she was young, “Your spirit heart, daddy. That’s the real you.” And that gets charged up and filled up with the atmosphere of heaven with the presence of God. And once that’s charged up, then it overflows into your body, into your physicality, over into your mind, into your emotions. And it begins to kind of take the wheel so to speak. Jesus, take the wheels isn’t just a song. It’s a habit of praying in the Spirit. Jesus takes the wheel of any aspect of your life as you pray, as you yield yourself to Him.
Nancy says the Holy Spirit helps us to deaden the deeds of the flesh…
She goes on to say “Every man has things present in his flesh that will trip him up and cause him or her to miss the mark if these things go unchecked. Hebrews instructs us, “let us lay aside every weight, the things that slow down our progress and the sin which does so easily beset us.” Jesus has paid the price to free us from things that weaken us and open us up to defeat. The Bible says if the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36. We are to walk free from those things. And we have the Holy Spirit to help us mortify, or you could say deaden the deeds of the flesh that trouble us.
God gave us a habit-forming ability…
I’ve often said that while you can’t choose to determine what happens to you in life, you can choose or determine what habits you give place to. What habits you establish or create in your life. And in turn, your habits will create or change your life. So studies and psychologists tell us that like 95, 98% of our daily experience is habitual or due to habits. What we do subconsciously or consciously, but habitually. A man’s life is a picture of his or her habits. God gave us a habit-forming ability so that we could form the right habits to help shape our lives. Jesus had the spiritual habit of rising early to go to an alone place to pray. He didn’t make it a law for that would have brought bondage, but He made it a habit to govern His life. It says in Luke 22:39, and He, speaking of Jesus, came out and went as was His habit to the Mount of Olives. Jesus also had the spiritual habit of faithful church attendance. It says as His custom, or habit, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. With this habit-forming ability, we are to establish good spiritual habits as well as good mental and physical habits that will bless and shape our lives.
The Holy Spirit helps us get rid of bad habits…
However, before we were born again, we sometimes established bad habits instead of good habits. Then those habits we had formed were points of weakness for us once we got born again. But we’re not left to ourselves to overcome those bad habits in our human ability. We have the Holy Spirit to help us. We’re not left to just rely upon human willpower and self-help methods to overcome those bad habits. We’re not left to our own ability to establish good habits either. We have the help of the Holy Spirit available to us. Romans 8:13 tells us “through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body.” We can employ our great helper, the Holy Spirit to aid in us rising above weakness and to replace them with good habits to help shape our spiritual, mental, and physical lives.
Good habits will change your life bit by bit, little by little…
That’s a really good bottom line, spiritual truth. We’re grateful when God comes and suddenly something shifts or changes or an answer shows up or something supernatural occurs. We are grateful for that. But fundamentally, most often, it’s us developing spiritual habits that begin to shape and change and shift the momentum of our lives. So that day by day, you don’t even realize you’re on an upward incline into God. Because of how we use our time, our thoughts, our intentionality, our hearts, our resources, everything that’s at our disposal. You use that habitually in better and better ways. Bit by bit, little by little, day by day, here a little there a little, as the Bible says. And surely enough, your life will change. The world will change.
Don’t focus on getting rid of bad habits, but focus on implementing good ones…
We are fortified from within as we take time to pray in other tongues. For praying in tongues is a spiritual action that helps our spirits to dominate our mental and physical arenas where many bad habits exist. Speaking in other tongues helps us to be more Spirit conscious, thereby, the mental and physical arenas lose their sway over us. Worry is a bad mental habit. Complaining and grumbling are bad mental habits. Being critical is a bad mental habit that must be changed. Smoking, drinking, drugs, overeating are all bad physical habits that must be changed. But we have the help we have help in doing that. We have the great Helper. He will strengthen and fortify us from within as we feed on the Word of God and as we take time to speak in other tongues. If you will implement these good spiritual habits of feeding on the Word and edifying yourself through speaking in other tongues on a daily basis, you will be assisted in overcoming bad habits and implementing other good habits in your life. Don’t focus on getting the bad habits out. Instead, focus on implementing good habits. The good habits will displace the bad ones.
And so Father, we just thank you today for your word. We thank you that we can lean into your promises.
We thank you Father, that you are our teacher and our guide today that you’re helping us. You’re revealing to us. You’re fortifying us on the inside.
We pray and agree right now, Lord, just for a positive pressure flow to issue forth from heaven and into our lives right now in the name of Jesus.
Prayer for a greater flow of the supernatural…
Release it… we release it in Jesus’ name… A greater flow. A supernatural flow. We release it in the hearts of believers in the heart of the Church, Father, here at Living Word and wherever people are joining us from today… We pray for a greater flow of heaven, a greater flow of God.
Prayer for Greece
We lift up the Greeks today. We lift up Greece today. We lift up that land and we pray for a divine visitation in that land… in that ancient land and islands and… We pray for the people in Greece… We release your hand. We release your plan there… we lift up the mysteries of God … for that region and that area in Europe …
Prayer for Ukraine
We stand with believers and the church in the Ukraine and in the surrounding region there in particular… we lift them up to you today, Father… and we speak to missiles and bombs and the detonation of other explosives… we speak to them and we stop them in Jesus’ name… we raise up a protective barrier around believers and pray-ers and those that are connected in a part of the church in the Ukraine today …. the church that is there … we loose angels… we lose ministering spirits… we release help from heaven, timely orchestrated, appropriate, help and protection right now … even needs, Lord, need wise especially that now… as we’re going into several weeks … of this bombardment…
Prayer for supernatural provision and protection…
We pray for supernatural purpose provision, not only protection, but provision for those that are there… safe passage and protection… but as well, provision and help and assistance with food and other basic human needs…
We steer that, Lord… we pray that you would steer that … that whole situation today…. we look not at what the news media is reporting or what is being shown on the Internet or on social media…
Prayer for the nations… Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia…
We look to you and ask you that you would have your way in that region… that you would have your way in these nations… including Russia, Lord, including the Ukraine, Lord, including Poland and Georgia and all these other nations surrounding there…
Prayer for a shift in the East…
We pray that it would be shifted in the east, in Jesus’ name… shifting in the east… in the Eastern places, regions.
We pray that it would go your direction, according to your plan, Father, not the enemy’s plan… We lift up your plan for those Eastern places and regions … We pray that a way would be opened up… that the plan of God would be inserted and come to the surface and come to light. increase, increase… the door, the door, the door… the door for today… the door for the hour… show us the door, Father …show the church the door … lead us to the door… the mission now is to go to the door, to go to the door, to step through that threshold … in the nations and in the church now and in the individual believers life …
We’re not coasting through life… there must come an intentionality… a sensitivity… a responsiveness now … to the ways and the will and the prompting of God…
Prayer for those in authority…
Yes, Lord, even in our leadership, here in this nation and around the world as well today, we lift up those in authority… and we pray for a supernatural download today that you would intervene in the minds and hearts of men and women in authority and in places of leadership today in nations, in our nation.
Prayer for the mission…
And we pray that the Spirit of God would prevail … that the Spirit of God would have sway and have influence and have His way… the mission now … Lord, help us to see the mission.
release it, release it, release it. We release it…
Prayer for people to hear the rallying cry to pray…
To our knees, to our knees we go… we go to our knees, to our knees … Yes, Lord, help us to hear the rallying cry now of the Spirit… to our knees, we must go … we must get down before we can get up …. we just pray for that rallying call now, Lord, to be sounded, to be sounded, to be amplified, to be expressed in the earth now… not just here at Living Word now … and to and through every church and every heart and every life now…
That you would move among us, Father, to rally, to unite us, to bring us together that there would be a call of the Spirit rising up now… not just in one or two or a select few, but a rallying cry of the spirit to pray, to let the groanings even of the Spirit come forth from the deep well of God within us and within the church…
Prayer for a holy discontent…
Father, we pray that there would be a holy discontent, a holy frustration that would be noticeable and that we couldn’t get beyond until we yield to that call and to that assignment and to that leading and prompting …. And so today we just stir up the church as a whole …
Prayer for Church in the continents to hear the clarion call to pray…
we stir up the church of the Lord Jesus Christ on the North American continent… We stir up the church in the South American nations. We stir up the church in Europe and in Asia and in Australia and in the islands and in Antarctica… if anybody is stationed there… we stir up right now the church today to pray … to hear the sound of the time in the season… to hear the clarion call of the Spirit leading us forward now … not leaning back and drawing back and settling in and “oh, I guess this is just what’s going to be now.” No, no, no. The church would step forward courageously into the messiness and middle of what’s going on now to pray. And to be that bridge…
Prayer for the best is yet to come…
The best is yet to come… hahaha! Oh, the devil doesn’t know it, but the best is yet to come for the church … for you… for me… for what is yet to be… it is yet to be in Jesus’ name. The best is yet to come. Oh, come on now.
Prayer for breaking up of false perspective…
So we pray for a breaking up of false realities and incorrect perspectives and wrong thinking and wrong believing today.
Prayer for fresh revelation…
We pray for fresh revelation and inspiration and help sent just in this time in this generation to cause us to see and perceive in a whole new way in a whole new light… grow, grow, grow, grow Church… grow, grow, grow, grow Church, grow …
Sister Barb shared and prayed…
I saw a map of the world laid out. And at the same time I saw all these people come up. It was like plants out of the ground. And it wasn’t one popping here, one popping there. It was simultaneously, they just came up. They just came up all over the earth. That believers, they just stood up. They rose up. And so I believe that like Ken was praying that God is drawing them up. He’s drawing them up and out where they are, where they’ve been planted. He has literally planted them in places. And right now by the Holy Spirit, it’s like a supernatural growth, a supernatural advancement… a supernatural. Oh, what is that, Holy Ghost?
Pastor Ken…
It’s like they grow up almost overnight.
Sister Barb…
Yes! That’s exactly what it is. It’s just supernatural. Just bursting out from that place. So we just lift up those people. It literally is every person in the body of Christ. It’s churches as a whole. It’s individuals. And God is right now. There’s just a supernatural growth that He’s just bringing… springing! That’s what it is. They’re springing up now. They’re springing up into their calling. They’re springing up into that place that God has called them into. And it’s going to be so quick. It’s going to be so fast because this is the end. This is the end-time move. And God is calling everyone up and out of the ordinary and into the supernatural place in Him. He is calling them up and out. Everybody in the name of Jesus Christ, every person and every church coming up now into the place He’s called them to, wherever you have been planted right now in Jesus’ name. In the mighty name of Jesus. Oh, the Holy Ghost. Whew! Not by your own power, but the power of God is within you. And upon you to lift you up and raise you up into that place of your calling. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.
Prayer for God to rain on them wherever they are all over the world…
And so, Father God, we just water today by the Holy Ghost. Haha! Holy Spirit, rain down on your harvest. Rain down on that crop in the name of Jesus Christ … all over the earth where you planted them, Lord, even in the Ukraine, even in Russia. All through Europe, all through Asia, all through the Americas in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you, Father. Through all the islands. They’re rising up … that crop is coming up in Jesus’ name… There’s a breaking out and a breaking forth…
Prayer for the ground to be broken up…
The hardness of that ground is broken up in Jesus’ name by the Holy Ghost… It is watered. It is softened by the Holy Spirit. That ground is broken up and you were springing forth up into that call today in Jesus’ name… you were springing forth into that place that’s been prepared for you in the name of Jesus Christ. Those assignments are coming forth. Those assignments now in Jesus’ name are coming forth and you shall bear fruit in all the earth. You shall bear fruit now in the name of Jesus… it’s time to bear fruit so much more than ever before… Oh, the fruit … we call forth the fruit in Jesus’ name… the fruit… the fruit of the Spirit…
Prayer about abundant fruit…
There’s so much fruit that it cannot be denied… A move of God like never before … fruit, fruit on every tree … fruit on every tree in the name of Jesus… today, today is the day. Today is the day … it is your destiny. It is your destiny. Take hold today in Jesus’ name… it is your destiny to rise up and bear fruit in the earth… to be that light in the darkness… that city on a hill… drawing all men… to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ… setting the captives free … delivering the captives…
demonstrations of the Spirit … like never before … a boldness, a boldness in Jesus’ name, a boldness, a boldness to speak… a boldness to preach … a boldness to stand up in the face of discouragement, a boldness to stand up in the face of death and danger … that your people rise up … by your hand and by your power and by your grace …
Prayer for those who will lose their lives because of the Gospel…
Jesus, we pray for those that will lose their lives because of the Gospel. We lift them up to you, Father, that they will stand. They will stand, they will stand in Jesus’ name … And I thank you, Father… that their faith and their testimony… speaks volumes to everyone around them… And they would be turned and changed because of that testimony in the name of Jesus. We stand with them. We hold up their hands, Father… that they would not waiver … And I thank you, Father that your glory and your anointing, your presence surrounds them … as they lay down their lives for you, Jesus… Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord.
Pastor Ken…
Bless the Lord. We are out of time this morning, but thank you so much everyone who has joined us online this morning in the chapel here. Have a truly great and blessed Thursday, and we look forward to reconvening right here 8:30 central standard time again tomorrow morning on Friday. God bless.