Scripture Focus…
(18) “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit. (19) Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart to the Lord, (20) At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.”
(Ephesians 5:18–20 Amp.)
The following excerpt is taken from Plans, Purposes, and Pursuits by Kenneth E. Hagin:
Demonstration of the Spirit
So many are worried and depressed and some even almost driven to suicide—frustrated about tomorrow.
What will tomorrow bring? Will tomorrow ever come? What about tomorrow? Will I be here?
What about tomorrow? Will it bring fame or will it bring fortune? Will it bring blessing? Will it be bad or will it be good?
Yea, saith the Lord of hosts, tomorrow belongs unto the saints. Tomorrow can be filled, and will be filled with victory even as today—when you walk by faith.
So see tomorrow as a stepping stone to greater success and achievement in the realm of God. Tomorrow is bright, for tomorrow belongs to the saints who walk in the light.
Tomorrow is good, for the Father of lights sendeth down always unto His own that which is good. For God is good; Yea, His mercy endureth forever. So do not feel any anxiety about tomorrow. Trust in the Lord and leave it in His hands. Walk by faith and shout above the turmoil. All is right and all is bright for we are children of light. Darkness and gloom will overtake any who will yield unto Satan and walk in his way. Darkness and gloom; negativism and doubt. Fear, you see, dominates those who do not know what it is all about.
But those who are enlightened by His Word, knoweth that the trial of their faith is more precious than gold.
So in the midst of the trial and in the midst of the test they sound forth the shout of victory and rejoice. For they know that victory belongs unto the children of God.
They know that there came out from heaven long ago the Champion sent by the Father to those who live down here below.
And in the world of darkness, He came and said, “I am the Light of the world. Follow Me and you will walk not in darkness.”
So darkness and gloom are a thing of the past. For now you are the light of the world. Yea, now you walk in the fullness of God and the glory of the Father.
And all that He has provided is thine. So shout it above all the roar of the enemy.
Because, you see, all that God has said and declared is sublime.
Victory is not in places and things. Victory is not in people and man’s plan. Victory is in Him, the Eternal One. The one who planned the great plan of redemption and sent the Champion out of heaven long ago, from the bosom of the Father down here below.
And He met the enemy in awful combat: and arose victorious over death, hell, and the grave, and ascended on High and led captivity captive. The victory is in Him.
And if in Him you live and He lives in you, then the victory is on the inside. Stir up the victory. Shout the words in the face of the enemy: “Victory!” “Victory!” “Victory!”—every day. “Victory!” every night. “Victory!” every moment. For the Victorious One in me doth live. Greater is He than all the forces of hell. Greater is He than temptation and all that against me may come. So I’ll rest and rejoice every day. For, you see, I am the victorious one.
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Good morning, Holy Spirit, we welcome You in this place
We believe for our hearts to be more softened to You
Continually keeping ourselves stirred up in the Word of God
Holy Spirit, we are desperate to follow Your will and plan
We want our ears and hearts to be open to Your words
Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise, today
Your goodness and mercy endures forever!
Worthy are You, Lord
Casting all of our cares and anxieties on You
Finding our peace and rest in You, Father
That we would continually be saturated in Your presence and in Your anointing
Letting go of anything that would try to hold us back
Drinking and being filled with Your Spirit, today
Praying over every leader and those in positions of authority
That they would take strength from You, Lord
Laborers to go forth to bring encouragement to those leaders
Send them a supply from heaven, today
A turnaround in Jesus’ name!
That they would be strengthened by Your Spirit
No, they will not go in the wrong way
But they will stay steadfast to Your Word and Your way
Those laborers would take their place of authority
Answers are coming from heaven
New doors of opportunity would be opened
You will do those things that You have said in Your Word
Receiving direction and insight from You
Cooperating and operating with the Word of God
It will bring revelation and insight of the things to come
Continuing to press ahead to those things the Father has called you to do
Press, press, press, and keep on pressing!
Destinies hang in the balance—we need to reach them, Lord!
Victory is ours!
Not in the mental realm but in the spiritual realm we will go!
Things are lining up; pieces are coming together
Greater changes and increases are on the way
We have been given the strength to go and the ability to carry it out
Aid, help, and assistance from heaven
Finances and resources are being brought forth in these days
Walking into the greater fullness of Your plan, Father
Calling for the supply lines to be free, clear, and opened up
Increasing in more and more of You, Lord
Holy Spirit operations given all along the way
Yielding to the word of the Spirit
One body united together!
The body of Christ is covered in the blood of Jesus, today
Your name, Lord, is the name that is above every other name
Ministries and pastors would be more alert to Your presence
You are connecting companies of believers by Your Spirit, Lord
Declaring that we will walk by faith and not by sight
Keeping our eyes fixed and focused on You
Thank You for the ministry of Your Holy Spirit
We will continue to bring light to the darkness, everywhere we go
Giving You all the glory for everything You have done in and through us
This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it
A Word of the Lord came forth:
“May your life be blessed, may your family be whole, may your future continually be right, may your steps line up with My plan and purpose that I have put or laid out before you and your life. May you continually walk upright, and may you be holy, healthy, and wealthy and prosperous in every way, may you finish your course so that you will hear ‘well done, thy good and faithful servant.’ ”