The following Word given through Betty Dilbeck at Noon Prayer Webcast led by Dr. Billye Brim on September 11, 2013:
The Lord let me see America, and there were bars around us. He showed me a spirit that is coming from the other nations–hatred; it was awful, and that it wanted to destroy us. But God said, as He did in His Word, if we submit to God, resist the Devil, then he has got to flee.
He said the next six months is crucial. And He said the next three months is really crucial. He said take your place of authority. You take your place of prayer. You listen to My Spirit; don’t slough it off like it is not that important.
He said, “I am doing a work.” He said, “I am not finished with America. I have set America up that I can be glorified through her, that I can make Israel jealous because of what I do through her. If I can raise a nation in one day, I can raise this nation back up to its glory.”
He said especially this next three months, and this is prophecy, and you can write it down. I do not know what is going to take place, but He said, “It is crucial that you hear My Spirit and that when I draw you, whether it is three in the morning or three in the evening, you get to your position of prayer, and you intercede because I use you! I use you! I tell My power through you. I’ll give you the words to speak that will put the enemy to flight. I’ll put the words in your mouth to speak even though it is written in laws in this nation. It’s been signed, and they say there is no way of changing it.” He said, “There is nothing, nothing that I cannot change. Things that have been put into law that are against me, I can tear them down. Pray children! Pray! I am calling you to that position especially this next three months.”
Billye: “I do witness and say that is the word of the Lord.”
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your presence here today
We cannot be without You, Lord
You are revealing and leading us in the right way
Ours sins are washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus
We take our seat of authority in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Forgetting those things that are behind and pressing on to a higher calling
You have granted us all power and authority
Casting down strongholds in the name of Jesus’
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
The following confession was read over America during Morning Prayer:
Confession over America
Lord, according to Mark 11:23, if we will speak in faith, believing, and not doubting that what we say will come to pass, we will have what we say. According to 1 Timothy 1:18, we are aided for spiritual warfare by prophetic words. So we take our stand on behalf of America with the words You have spoken to us through one of Your prophets and speak the word of the Lord in faith.
We take our stand without fear about the United States of America or over the failure of this republic. This is not the time for this nation to fail. You are not done with it yet. And the people of this nation are not done with You! The Church will not fall short of the job You have set for us or for this nation to do.
In Jesus’ name, the Church has her trust in You over every detail for the success of this nation. We say that the Church delights in You, so, according to Your Word, we expect You to give us the desires of our hearts for this nation. Our ways are committed to You and we say America’s ways are committed to You so You will make us shine as bright as the noonday sun.
We are in faith, expecting evildoers will be cut off. We are in faith that, because we hope in You and are looking for You, we shall regain this land. We laugh, Lord, with You! We laugh at the wicked because we can see that their day of defeat is coming! Even a little in our hands goes further than great possessions in theirs!
The heritage of America will abide forever. Neither the Church nor this nation will be put to shame. Because You delight in justice, we know You will not forsake the Church or this nation. You will exalt us to thereby exalt America. When the wicked are cut off, we shall see it and all of the Church and all of America will be glad. The scepter of the wicked will not remain over this land that was given to the righteous, so that we will not be forced to apply our hands to injustice.
This is the time of greatness! America again! It is our nation. It is God’s nation and we are right where He wants us to be. Our future is bright because God almighty is still Lord over the United States of America! Praise be the name of the Lord!
The following Prayer Petition was read during Morning Prayer:
Our Petition
Father, You have said in Your Word to make petitions, prayers, and intercessions and to give thanks on behalf of all men and for those who are in positions of authority so that we can live a godly and peaceful life. Father, we come humbly but boldly before Your throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need for our nation—the United States of America. And by rights of creation, this nation belongs to You for surely You have created this United States of America. This nation did not come from men. It came from You. You put the seed of this nation in men’s hearts even before they knew. And You have saved other nations for Your name’s sake. We implore You to come in the fullness of Your glory for the sake of Your name in this nation…
To read the petition in its entirety please click here. (
Continued Praying…
Thank You for this great nation of America
Declaring that those situations would come in line with Your Word
Satan, decease from your maneuvers and strategies of darkness
We hold the blood against you, lying and deceiving powers
Commanding you to stop in your tracks in Jesus’ name!
Satan, loose your hands from the finances of every believer
Calling for a greater awakening in the Church
Father, loose Your angels and ministering spirits to go out on our behalf
Nothing is impossible with You, Lord
We hold the blood of Jesus against every plot and conspiracy of the enemy
Aid and assistance of and by Your Spirit
Divine intervention from heaven this day!
Paths are being cleared out and made straight
That Your will would be done in our lives, Father
We hold to the covenant and the blood of Jesus today!
Thank You for the boldness and courage to stand up for what we believe!
America will not be divided!
Pleading the blood of Jesus over our defense system and over our military
Asking for a spirit of wisdom and revelation for our military leaders
More and more momentum and courage to go forth
We will continue to seek Your face, Lord
It is not about us, it is all about You!
That we would live moment by moment conscious of Your holy presence
Walking circumspectly before You, Lord
That every believer would be led by Your Spirit
Asking for obedience in the Church in a new and fresh way
Every member functioning with a passion and with a purpose
Not drawn to the world’s way or the world’s system, but Your way!
That we would be a light in the darkness
Lord, You alone have the words of eternal life