Pastor Ken…
I’ve been saying that we live in the hour of God’s great reveal. In other words, God already has some things worked out for you, for me. Good morning, by the way. Good morning, everybody online. Great to have you guys with us. Good morning, everyone in the chapel.
God wants to reveal to us what His intentions are for this hour…
But it’s true. God already has an intention. He already has a plan. He already has a purpose and purposes that have been planned and prepared and put in place. And each and every day, His intent is simply to reveal. Reveal, as we talked about yesterday, who you are, what you now possess, and what you can do in Him. And then in addition to that personal reveal, He wants to continually, especially in this hour, pull back the curtain and unfold the mystery of God for our generation. His intentionality to bring forth His glory to a high state of saturation in the earth. He wants to reveal His purpose, to redeem souls, to pour out His healing power and His glory in such a way that it’s going to have the effect of just wrapping everything up and putting a nice bow on this dispensation concerning His plan and catching us away.
Prayer is our ability to sync up with what He is transmitting to us…
And so God is revealing to us this morning. And I love the opportunity we have every day to pray because prayer is our ability to sync up with that revelation that is being transmitted to us from heaven. In Isaiah 28:11, it says “For with stammering lips and another tongue, He will speak to His people. To whom He said, this is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest.” And this is the refreshing. So know this morning, wherever you’re at, whatever state your soul is in, whatever condition your finances might be or how you feel or what happened yesterday or what it looks like storm clouds on the horizon of your life or your ministry, your situation, that God is transmitting to you this morning. He is endeavoring to speak to us this morning.
There’s no thought in God’s mind that you’re going to fail…
I love what Paul writes in 1st Corinthians 14. Bottomline, He’s cheering us on to fulfillment. As I’ve said before, in the mind of God… I can tell you this so take it to the bank. There’s no thought in God’s mind that you’re going to fail, that you’re gonna go under, that you’re not gonna receive the answer to your prayer, that you’re not going to run every single leg and phase of your Spirit-inspired, God-granted race. No, we’re going on. We’re going through. We’re going over. You may be in a valley but keep going. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that has shadows that appear like death and failure. And I’m going under. Even though there’s shadows, ignore the shadows. But even though there are shadows right now, we can fix on the promise of God. We can set our attention and our focus. We have the ability to lay aside the distractions, turn aside from everything that is contrary to the will and Word of God, contrary to faith. And we can fix and set our focus on what God is saying, because He is revealing, transmitting, disclosing 24/7. He doesn’t sleep or slumber. He is cheering us on.
Even the saints appearing over the balconies in heaven are cheering us on…
And yes, it’s true. Even the balconies that are filled with saints that have gone before us, they’re cheering us on. In fact, they don’t even see some that have had life after death experiences say, people don’t necessarily know the natural things that are going on in your life, but they know your course and your calling in the heavenly dimension. And they’re cheering you on to keep going, to shake off the offense.
We’re living in an hour where there is an epidemic of offense…
As I said before, we’re living in an hour where there is an epidemic of offense and opportunities to not only get distracted and sidetracked but get offended and stumble and grow weary and give up and quit and wave the white flag. Some days, it just feels like that’s the thing I need to do maybe. But Jesus is encouraging you, the author and the finisher of your faith is cheering us on today. We can do this because He’s in us.
Heaven isn’t just a place, it is a flow…
Remember that heaven, isn’t just a place, it is a flow. Heaven is a flow, a sustaining flow for your faith, a sustaining flow of energy and inspiration and creativity and answers. There’s no limitation in the realm of God for anything. The only limitation is the one we put on our time with Him and prayer especially. He prophesied it long ago, that with stammering lips and another tongue would I speak to this people. When you speak out in your heavenly prayer language…
If you don’t yet speak in tongues, you can right now…
And if you don’t speak in other tongues, you’ve not been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues then I encourage you just to reach out to God and say, “Lord, baptize me. Douse me. Fill me and give me that gift of speaking in other tongues.” It’s for every single believer who is professed Jesus. And it is probably one of the greatest beneficial, blessed gifts that will be the greatest game changer in your journey.
The gift of tongues will help you to pray audacious prayers…
It’s true. It’s not for the hereafter tongues. It’s for the “here and now.” Because it’s the very thing that will cause God to rise in you. It’s the very thing that will cause God to… He is transmitting, but for you to hear what He’s saying. And inspire you and give you courage and impart faith and what you need to take another step today, to pray that prayer, that big, hairy, audacious, crazy out there, prayer that He’s calling you to pray and believe for… to pray for the nations, to pray for the elections this fall, to pray for the situation with your family that looks hopeless.
We’re in an upward incline into God…
It’s the voice of God that we need to tune into and that’s going to sustain us, propel us, and help us to rise perpetually. Pastor Lynne used to say in this walk with God, we’re in an upward incline into God. God’s intent isn’t that we would go down or flatline or be up and down like a roller coaster in our lives emotionally, spiritually, or in any way. Yeah, there are some challenges, but even the challenges we can lean into Him. The challenges of life strengthens you so that you continue to go upward in Him.
Pray to interpret your tongues…
Paul said in 1st Corinthians 14. “So then if you speak in a tongue, pray for the interpretation to be able to unfold the meaning of what you are saying. For if I’m praying in a tongue, my spirit is engaged in prayer, but I have no clear understanding of what is being said. So here’s what I’ve concluded. I will pray in the spirit but I will also pray with my mind engaged. I will sing praises in the spirit, but I will also sing with my mind engaged. That was the Passion translation. The New King James says, “Therefore, let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret.” So start expecting that you’re perceiving and receiving what you’re saying in your prayer language. When we gather corporately to pray, that’s oftentimes how I operate. I operate in the spirit of seeing and knowing. I begin to pray out in the spirit. And then I start at times interpreting. You should do the same in this gathering and in your own time. When you hear a word, when you see a thing, that’s your cue. The Holy Spirit is saying, “speak and pray that thing out.” Pray for that situation that you see.
Jesus made sure to spend time with the Father…
We referenced that yesterday, right? Jesus went to that lonely place. Sometimes some Bible scholars believe three in the morning and pray for hours before dawn. And then He came and said, “I just do what I saw in my spirit and heard in My heart.” Basically that My Father spoke to me. In that is strategy, encouragement, and the ability to fulfill and break the tape. Like Paul the apostle professed, “I’m glad I finished my course. I’ve run my race. I’ve completed what God asked me to do.”
Like Jesus did, we too must hook into heaven’s flow…
But we’ve got to hook up and hook into heaven’s flow. And one of the most basic ways is praying in other tongues, not only corporately but individually, giving much time with God. Pastor Lynne used to call it praying to pray. In other words, even before you come to the prayer meeting, pray. Pray in the spirit. Get connected with that flow. So when you come to that prayer gathering, you have a supply. And we come together coalescing in multiple supplies, reaching up to God, connecting with His purposes and the fulfillment of that.
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to communicate to us the things He couldn’t…
Let me read one more thing here. It’s in John 16, and I’m gonna read it from the Amplified Bible. Jesus said, “I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able…” He’s saying this to His disciples before He was about to depart and go back to heaven. “I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or take them upon you or to grasp them now.” Somebody once said that all the things that Jesus left unuttered, or He was unable to communicate in His earthly ministry and took back with Him to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to communicate those things to us. For you personally and concerning His plan. So in verse 13, it says, “But when He the Spirit of truth, the truth-giving spirit comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” The whole truth. This isn’t just doctrinal truth He’s talking about. But truth concerning God’s plan for you. What should be and ought to be true for you in your calling, in your life, in your family, in your finances, and what goes on in your day today. Don’t you know, that there’s a truth as God sees it as to what is to be so, and be in evidence in your life today.
The Holy Spirit’s wanting to transmit and pull back the curtain and help you to see…
So we can walk in line with what God has already prepared, what He’s already blessed, what He’s already favored, what He’s already put His hand on. Even the prayers that He’s already answered. Don’t you know, He’s already answered a whole stack of prayers. And He’s endeavoring just to inspire us as we hook up with the wisdom of God here. And so when you go to praying, if you’ve been hooked up to the flow that comes from heaven, you’re praying prayers that are already set up to succeed. God’s already answered. But when He the spirit of truth, a life-giving Spirit comes, He will guide you into all the truth, the whole truth, the full truth. For he will not speak on His own message on His own authority, but He will tell whatever He hears from the Father. He will give the message that has been given to Him, and He will announce and declare it to you the things that are to come.”
In other words, the future things that are gonna happen in the future. Even when we come to prayer, God’s positioning us and readying us and preparing us for today, tomorrow, next week, perhaps a year from now if Jesus doesn’t come back yet. He’s preparing you. When you yield to spiritual things, you’re allowing God in His divine providence and plan to position you to pray through you. You are gonna pray things out today that are gonna prepare the church, that are gonna prepare you, your family, your next steps before you get there.