Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Great to see you. Happy Tuesday this 2nd of August of 2022.
We pray, Lord, that you would enlighten our souls, that you would cast light on our journey and on our paths today and on the decisions that we face and need to make today
We pray that you would flood our hearts with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you.
Prayer to remove what is clogging up…
Lord, we pray you would move out of the way what is clogging up, stopping up, hindering us from taking a next step in our spiritual journey, hindering us from prayer, from believing, from trusting, from stepping out into a situation that you’re calling us to do to be a light and an influence
Prayer about a flood of wisdom…
Lord, we pray for a flood of wisdom and discernment and light at the center of the hearts of your people
Prayer about a heavenly light…
We pray for a heavenly light in this hour upon our leaders of this nation and your nation wherever you find yourself
Lord, we pray for light to be cast on the church and upon pastors and leaders and prayers and moms and dads
I pray Lord for a supernatural flood of wisdom and grace and light and truth and answers, to deluge them today right in the midst of the hopeless situation, right in the midst of darkness and maybe even confusion today
Prayer for strategies and solutions…
We pray together for one another, Lord, that there would be a heavenly deluge of light and wisdom and answers… divinely, granted strategies that overcome and defeat the enemy every single time.
We pray for a divine sending and downloading of answers and strategies, and solutions, and things that we couldn’t even think up on our own
We ask for a flood today, a flood of heavenly help, timely, appropriate, personal, answering the enemies attack, raising up, bringing a standard of the Spirit of God rising up today.
Prayer about peace…
We speak peace to frantic, hopeless, chaotic, confusing situations today … we speak as a company peace and answers and wholeness and healing and divinely delivered help into those situations in your heart and your life
Prayer about storehouses in heaven…
open, open, open… the store houses of heaven… we pray that they would be open to you today, opened in your situation, in your household, in your finances…
We pray for abundance in churches today… abundance in ministries today… we pray for an opening and a flowing and a flood of resources and finances and provision and answers and solutions and creativity and whatever is needed to advance the plan of God forward individually or collectively
We pray for a deluge of resource, of sustenance, of assistance of supply and even finances in Jesus’ name
Increase, increase, increase… we declare and prophesy increase today.
Prayer for America and Minnesota…
You’re not going under, you’re going over today. America’s not going under. It’s going over today in the glory of God. We prophesy that today over Minnesota, we prophesy that over your church. We prophesy that over your state, over your city, over your nation today… all that’s needed for the house of God, for the family of God, to get in agreement with God and go with Him
Prayer for the church to turn away from works of darkness…
We pray for the church… for people to go with God today… to do an about face… help us to turn our backs from any work of darkness, from any lying enemy, from any past experience, from any instance of defeat, whatever the situation is, Lord, help us and help us as a church to turn our backs to the enemy
So we pray, Lord, for a turning away from the past, a turning away from discouragement, to turning away from confusion and a turning to revelation and a turning to the secret place and turning to prayer.
Prayer for church to come up…
Come up, come up, we call you up today. We call the church up today. We call America up today. We call your nation up today. Father, we’re calling out for strategic turns today. Strategic adjustments today, a strategic rerouting of not only people in churches and cities, but whole nations today in preparation for revelation, a revelation of the Son of God returning in the clouds
It’s time! It’s time, church… get over there now… move over, move over, move out of the old and into the new… it’s time to hear what the Spirit is saying.
Lord, tune our ears into what you’re saying, tune our spirits in to what you’re calling us and inviting us to do in Jesus’ name.
It’s rising… you sense it… it’s rising. The Spirit of God is rising in your spirit. He’s rising … He’s filling… He’s flooding … He’s moving, He’s adjusting.
The King of glory is coming in … He’s entering in and His glory is filling the temple… He’s coming in, He’s entering in … just see Him entering in today,
Prayer about governments…
Father, we pray that you would have liberty to walk into our state governments around America, around the world wherever you live in your province and in your region, and your county…
We pray, Lord, that you would have freedom and entrance to walk into Washington DC today, to walk into the struggle and the fight that’s going on between light and darkness, even in our nation’s capital, in our state capitals, and around the world in various ways
We pray that you would find entrance… we pray you into those places, Lord, to make an entrance and to do and to say and accomplish what you intend
We pray over churches… We pray for entrance in churches in some new ways that the Spirit of God would have liberty to enter and invigorate and renew and shift the momentum and do some new things in the church
Prayer for doors to swing wide…
We open up doors, not just a door but doors today… swing wide … doors and entrances into places into situations… into households, into individuals and families and government, organizations, committees
Pastor Ken shared on “A Big Reveal”…
Let me just read something here. Yesterday, I talked about how we live in a time when God wants to bring forth a big reveal, a day of the big reveal, where God wants to reveal some things to us individually. And He’s wanting to reveal His plan and glory and intent on planet earth in our nation, in our churches, and households, in our individual lives. He has got so much more to reveal to us individually and collectively. So know that today.
Above all, Jesus prioritized presence…
Jesus, once again, modeled this pattern in His life where before He did anything, He prioritized presence, right? He prioritized time alone with His Heavenly Father. He prioritized as we saw in Moses’s example in Exodus 33 yesterday… I talked quite a bit yesterday, about how Moses talked and negotiated with God for his presence to go with Him and ended up being granted that opportunity to be put into the cleft of the rock, a.k.a. Old Testament, foreshadow of Jesus.
You and I are in the cleft of the rock and His name is Jesus. If you professed Him, then you reside in Him. You reside in the fullness that is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings and the one who dotted every I and crossed every T and made a way for you and for me to live, not under it but over it! To not live perpetually downtrodden and discouraged and defeated, but to live in victory for He is the one if you live in Him who will always cause you to triumph.
We live and move and have our being in Jesus…
And so He has placed us in Him. You live and move and have your being, Paul wrote, in Him. And it’s in Him is where Jesus was set up to succeed in His earthly ministry and why dead people came to life and why He seemed to know the future in advance. Why He seemed to just simply go about His day of ministry and just know what to do and seem to be perfectly orchestrated and animated by God. Because He had prioritized presence.
Jesus separated Himself from people to get alone with God…
He went out in many instances probably hours before daylight to a desert place, to a mountainous place, behind a lonely rock somewhere and just waited upon His Father. And in that place, the spirit of seeing and knowing as it’s been called, began to function. In other words, He began to see and know. And He would go on to say, “I only say what I hear My Father say. And I only do what I see My Father to do.”
The spirit of seeing and knowing is for all of us…
So God wants to reveal some things in that place where the supernatural revealing of the Holy Spirit is functioning and He doesn’t want it just to be for some well-known national or international minister. It’s for all of us. All of us! Because we’re in Christ, we are to earmarked by the supernaturalness of God. A key characteristic, according to my New Testament it says that we shall speak with tongues. We shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. We shall cast out demonic entities. If we drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt or harm us.
Jesus did it all so we could walk in fullness of joy…
And so God is wanting to reveal, “Hey church, you’re the supernatural church.” He didn’t do what He did so that we can just barely make it to heaven. He did what He did also so that we could walk in fullness of joy. Abundance. Blessing. foreknowledge of what’s to come even in many instances. So I wanted to read this to you and just kind of add that to those thoughts as a reflection this morning.
Ephesians 1:15…
And I’m gonna start by reading Ephesians 1:15 which I referenced earlier. “Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus.” Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus. “and the love unto all saints, cease not…” In other words, I don’t stop. “Giving thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.”
This is a Spirit inspired prayer we need to pray over ourselves…
In other words, we have some things in Him. We’ve been given some things, certain rights and privileges and endowments, which we probably have heard reference before in some teaching somewhere. But this which Paul is talking about is a Spirit inspired, Spirit anointed prayer that we ought to pray on a regular basis, perhaps. Over yourself. Over your family members. That the eyes of our understanding would be open, that the eyes of our nation would be open now.
We’re living in a time of mercy and grace…
Let me just remind you, I am convinced and others as well are living in a time of mercy and grace where God’s scepter of mercy has been extended. We can know this for lots of reasons. And one reason are just the signs in the heavens right now that we’re living in a time and a moment of mercy and grace and patience, where God is revealing and transmitting and disclosing perpetually as much as the Internet is constantly transporting, you know, information through bandwidth. God is streaming things through His supernatural bandwidth to our hearts right now. What is He doing? What is He saying? What’s up with Him in your life today? What is He wanting to you to pray about?
As you pray, you begin to vibrate at the same frequency of God…
Maybe it just starts with praying this prayer, this Pauline prayer. “Lord, grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of Him.” And sometimes you are conscious of what He’s saying and you see what He wants you to do and what He wants you to pray. But very often I find as you synchronize with Him in the secret place, you begin to vibrate I say, at the same frequency of God. You tune into what He’s transmitting and revealing. And you just begin to organically walk with God, and you begin to start thinking His thoughts, seeing what He sees and without even realizing it, it’s God, and it’s a supernatural thing. It just becomes as natural, as brother Hagin used to say, as a fish swimming through water or bird flying through the air. You’re just beginning to operate at a higher level because you prioritize presence and you’re aware that He is speaking and He’s wanting to do some things. He’s wanting to do some things in our nation right now, in the world right now, in preparation for what He wants to do next.
God operates in concert with the church…
But He always works in concert or in partnership with the church. It’s like the classic quote which I’ve shared before of John Wesley, who observed 150, 200 years ago, that it seems like God can do nothing for mankind and in the earth and in the affairs of men, unless somebody asks Him. He comprehends all things. He knows the future better than you know your past. He’s all powerful. He’s all knowing. He’s everywhere. He’s got the answers and the strategy to defeat the enemy every time, but He needs us to co-labor with Him and connect with Him.
That our hearts may be flooded…
But Paul goes on to write that “God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling? The Amplified, I think, says that your heart would be flooded. And when I read that, I had a picture even of the floods that is devastating Kentucky. And if you look at some of the images, you’ll notice that there are like there debris and houses and cars and things that weigh tons, thousands of pounds pushed up onto sides of hills, feet above where they probably were. It just plowed through those communities and moved things out of the way.
And it reminds me that God desires to flood your heart today. My heart today. It is always the precursor to the next thing He wants to do in you and through you. It is always the precursor to the breakthrough, to the answer, to solution He wants to bring to you is a flood of wisdom and discernment. And that starts with who you are and what you possess. And thirdly, what you can do in Him, because you’re in the cleft of the rock. You’re in right relationship with Jesus.
“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you may know the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe.” The author of this passage says “Paul records this prayer that the Spirit of God inspired him to pray for other believers. One of the things he prayed for was that God would give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that they would have revelation knowledge of the three things we just talked about. Who they are in Christ. All that belongs to them because they’re in Christ. And what they can do because they’re in Christ.
“The wisdom of God is who you are in Christ.” Well, that’s good. Remember I said yesterday, you are more than meets the eye. There’s far more to God and what He is and what He has for you and who you are in Him than we even realize.
The wisdom of God is who you are in Christ…
The wisdom God gives is to reveal to you who you are in Christ. As you learn and exercise your rights and privileges in Christ, you are moving in the wisdom of God. That includes prayer. The Bible says that any afflicted or suffering harm or going through a tough time, let him pray. That’s the wisdom of God. And when you deploy that wisdom in its simplicity and in consistency, it begins to affect change in your life. It begins to allow heaven to flow to you and through you to shift things in God’s direction according to His destiny for you and your future.
This author goes on to write…
“When faced with a need, the way God helps you is to show you who you are in Christ.” And can I just interject? I’m a teacher, so I can’t help myself. You know, we think of the gospel, for example, is just something that people far from Jesus need to hear about. But the truth of the matter is you never outgrow the need to hear the gospel and to hear it perpetually and regularly. We never outgrow in this lifetime the need to hear who we are, what we possess, and what we can do in Christ.
For example, that you’ve been endowed with authority. That Jesus delegated His authority to the church. Jesus said in Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give you authority to tread… Or as I said last week, the literal definition in the Greek is literally “step over” serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt or harm you.” That’s the wisdom of God, maybe for a situation today.
He went on to say…
“Is to show you who you are in Christ and how all your needs are supplied in Him. And then your faith can lay hold of that supply and bring it to your need.” Oh, that’s good words. The Word brings a supply to you. “The words of faith, you can call that supply into your life. Paul also prayed the eyes of your understanding being enlightened. Your spirit has eyes and Paul knew that the spirit of wisdom has to be seen with the eyes of your spirit before it will make a difference in your life.
God’s voice always proceeds His hand …
Pastor Lynne has taught that often, how God always proceeds… His voice always proceeds His hand or what He’s gonna do in your life. So we need to kind of put up our spiritual antenna today and every day like Jesus and go into our wilderness, our quiet place, our place where we can be alone and be fully present with our phones put on the timeout where God can get our attention and speak and send a flood to our soul, to move all the debris and all the clutter and all that’s in the way and get it out of the way. So God can have free course to speak and to do and to work in our lives.
Your spirit man has eyes…
“So Paul prayed that you’d have a spirit of understanding and that we’d be enlightened. Your spirit has eyes. The eyes of your spirit before it will make a difference in your life. The intellect of man can’t grasp these truths.” In other words, spiritual truths, “that the spirit longs to give. They must be received by the spirit man.” Or your heart, in other words. Or as my daughter would say, “Daddy, you know, you have a spirit heart, you have a heart, but then you have a spirit heart. That’s the real you.” “Created and renewed in the image of God. They must be received by the spirit of man. Once these mighty truths of who you are in Christ dawn on your spirit, life will become different for you.
The Amplified reads, “having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand. In a flood, things are removed from their place. When the eyes of your heart are flooded with wisdom and revelation, it will remove wrong thinking and wrong believing. When you think right and believe right, then you will receive right things.” Thought bomb right there. Right?
“All fear and doubt is dismissed when you think right and when you know who you are in Christ and walk in your authority. You gain revelation that divine healing and divine health belong to you because you are in Christ is to come into the wisdom of God. To gain revelation that prosperity and supply belong to you because you are in Christ is to move in the wisdom of God. Each time that you gain revelation of something more that belongs to you because you are in Christ, you move further into the wisdom of God.”
The wisdom of God isn’t spooky pooky, ethereal, out there kind of thing…
In other words, the wisdom of God isn’t this like spooky pooky ethereal, out there kind of thing. Certainly there are times and I’ve experienced where I almost sense like right up out of here, my belly, my spirit… a “bloop.” I had a thought or I sensed what God was saying. That happens once in a while. But most often, the spirit of wisdom and revelation flood that He wants to bring to your life comes by us just acquainting ourselves and reminding ourselves and renewing our consciousness to who we are, what we have, and what we can do because we’re in Him.
We’ll see things we’ve never seen before…
“But these trues must reach into your spirit before they will flow as God intended. If we are to grow and mature spiritually, we must have the spirit of wisdom and revelation of who we are in Christ and of His Word. It is not going to be imparted through the intellect. The Holy Spirit must unveil these truths to our spirits. When the spirit of wisdom and revelation is flowing, things will open up, and we will see things we’ve never seen before.”
So let that be a point of reflection this morning. Pray about that and continue to ask Him to open that revelation up to you what I just began to share with you right there.