Pastor Ken…
Good morning! Great to see y’all this Wednesday morning.
His mercy is new every morning…
I want to announce that God’s mercy and grace is new every morning. So however you woke up, whatever your day’s looking like, whatever you went through yesterday or the past year, or God forbid, the last decade or whatever, His grace and mercy is new every morning. There is a heavenly supply… a heavenly flow that is available to us, percolating within us. So I just encourage you to be aware of it. There’s a supernatural supply of whatever it is that you need.
The power of positive thoughts and words…
I was reminded of an Emory University study that showed the significance and the power and the impact of positive thoughts and positive words. How many of you know, the Gospel has been described or defined as good news, right? Positive news. Encouraging news. And so it’s significant that we worship Him and embrace His Word daily. Because it’s positive input, it’s good input into our lives and hearts that we can grab hold of with our voices and speak His Word and prophesy over our future and into the spirit dimension.
Positivity has an effect on our DNA…
But beyond what it does in the spirit dimension, this Emory University study found that positive thoughts and words causes our DNA to react… it causes you at a cellular level to react when you take those positive Gospel words and thoughts to your heart and speak them out of your mouth and worship Him with them. This study showed that in the presence of positive—you could say faith-filled—thoughts or words, your DNA relaxes and becomes unbound. Your DNA actually becomes longer.
However, in an atmosphere of negativity, or negative worst-case scenarios in other words, fear, hopelessness, discouragement, shame… or whatever negative, it causes your DNA to react negatively. It causes your DNA to become bound, shorter and to shrink. Our bodies and DNA react to specific thoughts and words, whether they’re positive or negative. Our bodies and lives are either becoming more bound or more loose or free, depending on what we choose to think and what we choose to speak.
So what a great opportunity to begin with worship this morning and just turn our hearts toward Him and let our inner being be refreshed with the positivity and the hope that’s in the Gospel that’s found in our relationship with Him.
There’s no greater work…
Somebody once said that we have no greater work than to be with Him. I love that! There’s no greater work, no greater higher calling than to be with Jesus. And so I invite you guys to not only turn your hearts toward Him, but let your thoughts go toward Him. Let your voice be lifted to Him in adoration, in love, and expression of who He is in your life.
And so, Father, we just thank you this morning as we enter into worship today.
We allow ourselves to be permeated by the presence of God. We announce a supernatural permeation of love and grace, forgiveness, new life, wholeness, soundness, deliverance, freedom, permeation, saturation, inundation of and by the Spirit of God, in our inward most parts.
We pray that it would cause us to move out of the old and into the new. We pray that permeation, saturation, inundation of the glory of God would overtake us…
Let your presence fall on us… our households… families… churches… that it would flush out all the old, that it would flush out every fear-based thought… any sort of deception or death that has been sown in us through the pollution of this world in age.
We pray an increase of heavenly flow to a point of saturation and overflow in your glory, Lord… for your plan in our lives personally and in the move of God in America and around the world… permeation of grace and forgiveness, healing and restoration, wisdom and supernatural supply.
Father, that there be an opening up of the hand of God in this generation… in a way we’ve not seen before.
Lord, regardless of how long we’ve journeyed with you to this point, we know there’s more… there is much greater divine intent.
Prayed about mysteries…
Mysteries… we pray for the mysteries and the secret and hidden things of God today… we lift them up to you. We pray for an unwrapping of the secret things, an unwrapping of the intents of the Father’s heart now in and through the church and in our lives.
Prayed the word “entrance”…
I hear that word “entrance.” An entrance now onto the world stage. An entrance of the Spirit of God… of the supernatural.
We call in every element, every supply, every creative idea, and every divine input of the Father’s heart…
We pray for a rallying now… coming together and an orchestration from the north, the south, the east and the west… converging to a point now… even as your Word says, Lord, the culmination of all things is at hand.
We pray over that culmination… the convergence of divine intent, the convergence of the supernatural and the natural of the church entering into a new stream and a new flow and some new things that must now go forward.
Prayer for a new day…
It’s a new day. Thank you, Jesus. It’s a new day… a day of reset… of recalibration… connections, supernatural alignment.
Prayer for alignment and recalibration…
We just declare supernatural alignment today over hearts, over lives, over churches, over nations today. Lord, it’s time to align. It is time to be calibrated with the attention of the Father, for you and yours synchronize.
We declare that over America today, Lord, supernatural alignment that there will just be a moving of your Spirit and your hand across our nation to get some things ready to align and prepare and organize as well as mobilize to position and posture the church.
Prayer for governments…
We pray, Lord, that by your angelic ranks and your hand that you would orchestrate some things today in Washington DC… in our state capitals in our nation… from city to city, whether it be inner city or rural countryside.
Pastor Ken shared…
Let’s just stay with this, guys. We’re just agreeing as a company and injecting faith, as Pastor Lynne has taught us… injecting faith into our prayers as we just offer up utterance by faith this morning, as the Spirit of God inspires us. Let whatever utterance and whatever expression is in your heart rise up. Let it just rise up to the Father. He’s working with us. Whether you’re in this chapel, whether you’re on one of our channels online this morning… Make no mistake about it, God the Holy Spirit is in concert and in collaboration with His people like no other generation or time. It’s now… It’s us. You showed up, and so He’s using your expression, your intention, your faith and your focus on Him this morning. He’s using it to turn things around. He’s using it to advance His purposes in our generation. He’s using it to cast a wide net for salvations and those who have gone away from Father’s house to return. He’s using it now to open up portals in the realm of the spirit, that there might be not just a trickle, but an ever burgeoning and growing inundation and river of the supernatural, of the working of miracles, of signs and wonders and displays of heaven on earth. That is His intention, that they would come days of heaven on the earth in Jesus’ name.
Church of miracles…
I just heard “Church of Miracles.” That’s just something that’s been percolating in me. Lord, we just lift up that right now for Living Word for what you’re doing here in our lives and in this ministry, Lord, that we would be a church of miracles.
Lord, we know that we need the miraculous, the supernatural on a level we’ve not experienced up until now. We need that, not for ourselves or selfishly, but we need it for the world and those you’ve called us to reach and influence and impact and attract to what you’re doing here. And so we just pray, Lord, that we would be a church of miracles. That your church at large would be a church of miracles. That there would just be fresh openings now in the spirit dimension, in the hearts of men and women, in leadership, in pastors… Just for the miraculous that there would be a desire and a seeking of those things, and an openness to them.
Lord, we pray and agree with what you pray, that it would be on earth as it is in heaven… miracles and signs and wonders and supernatural occurrences becoming an ordinary thing… not occasional but everyday occurrences.
People called back to life from the dead bodies … healed of cancer and terminal diagnosis.
We prophesy, Lord, and declare for limbs to be healed supernaturally and super quickly in the days ahead. We declare that in our midst of our homes and our offices and businesses and churches and services and gatherings of prayer, Lord, that there would be such an aura of the healer that things would break out spontaneously and begin to pop.
Pastor Ken shared…
As I said the other day, it’s so essential that we be very aware of our insights in prayer. Including and especially when we pray in the spirit. He’s speaking, He’s imparting, He’s doing, He’s working.
Obedience is a catalyst…
I thought this was interesting. I jotted this down recently that when we do something in the natural realm in response to the Spirit’s prompting or direction or something that He’s spoken to, it acts as a catalyst to bring something from heaven to earth. So right there you can see it’s pretty important that we hear from God. Oh, the most important thing we have to do today is to hear from God, to know His voice, right? If there ever was a generation where God is speaking, it is now. That’s not to say He hasn’t spoken in times past. Of course He has, but there is a “prolific-ness” in His voice right now.
He is speaking with an intentionality…
He is speaking with a certain intent… with a certainty of faith… an intentionality as to what He wants to do in your life and my life … in the church, in the earth. And us being aware and picking up on what He’s saying is critical to us receiving a level up, a promotion in our spiritual skillfulness. Because as I just read, when you do something in the natural, it could be a very natural thing, but in response to the inspiration of what God is saying to you, how He’s moving in you, how He’s positioning you and prompting you. But doing that, that action acts as a catalyst. As a catalyst brings something from heaven to earth, from the spirit realm into this realm.
He desires obedience more than sacrifice…
Listen closely for the Lord’s instructions. Obey Him. I guess I was drawn to this because that was something we kind of focused on a little bit at the end of our time on Monday. Obedience. The Word says that He desires obedience more than even sacrifice. Obey Him. Take steps and it will release miracles, abundance, and even breakthrough in your life. That’s why God’s voice always precedes what He does. He’s speaking to us. Don’t become too familiar and shrug off or get too busy to overlook what He’s saying. There will be ordained moments when He will come to you and speak to you about what to do.
Even right now this morning, I can tell you with assurance there are some things He has been and is endeavoring to get over to you. Things that He wants you to grasp, things He wants to deposit within you. Be aware of that. He’s doing something new. He’s saying some new things.
But there will be ordained moments when He will come to you and speak to you about what to do, even on a very practical level. Get with God!