Pastor Jim…
When you were singing, these words hit me: “heaven come, heaven, come.”
Before we pray, I want to talk to you for a minute about something that happened to me. I was walking into the 11 a.m. service, coming up from the back. The service had already started. The reason I’m sharing is because I believe you should talk about these things when you see them. Anyway, as I’m walking up the aisle, I saw someone in the front row. I don’t have a discerning gift… in the past, I’ve seen very little in the spirit as far as demons and angels. But I saw an aura around someone as I’m walking. And I was like… “Is that the Sudafed I took this morning, Lord?” It was like I had to do a double take. I actually slowed down to make sure I was seeing it. I got up to this person and I went like this… I looked around to see, you know, is this what I’m seeing?
I saw so much. I saw peace. But I saw something… I can’t even explain what I saw. And it’s not about the person, but it was Melanie [the worship leader]. She wasn’t involved in the service. She was just at church.
Do we expect to see in the spirit realm?
And the Lord just kind of checked me like … “You don’t even expect anything like that do you? You don’t expect to see it on people.” He said that His glory would be seen on us. Remember that song… “arise, shine, for the light has come… arise, shine for the light has come. The glory of the Lord has risen upon me…” Not fall on us… but risen upon me. It’s a personal song. Do you ever think to look for that?
Prayer is about making requests…
There are two things that we do in prayer: we make requests. It says in Revelation that what happens to our requests is an angel mixes something with those prayers and it becomes a fragrance to God. You often don’t picture that. That’s going on with the request.
Prayer is about to be on the offense side of war…
The other side is the authority… is offensive. It’s a spiritual war, we know that. It’s offensive war against the enemy. It’s just what it is. It’s a war. And this is where the war is fought… in the spiritual realm.
Prayer for ministers who listen to lying spirits…
I said this on the weekend. And we’re going to pray for this guy. But one of the most prolific pastors in America just started saying a few weeks ago that he’s going to perform same-sex marriages. Then he says, “I wish there was an other box in heaven… male, female, and other.” And then his Easter service culminated with a woman on the cross insinuating transgender movement.
Take authority over the spirit of deception…
And that you can see this guy… His influence is astounding. He’s out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It made the papers all the way over to Britain. And there is a split. And that’s a spirit of deception that got on him. And I can guarantee you what Billye would say. Because you really don’t know unless you hear it. And they’re preaching what they believe. He wasn’t taking any authority. I guarantee you he wasn’t taking authority. You should take authority over the spirit of deception every day. Because half the time, if you’re not, you don’t even know you’re being deceived.
The first, second, and third heaven…
Matthew 18:18 says, “Verily, I say unto you, whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. Whatever you lose on earth is loosed in heaven.” And Jesus was not talking about binding things in God’s heaven. There’s nothing in God’s heaven that needs to be bound. There are two other heavens. God’s heaven is the third heaven. It says that in 2nd Corinthians 12:2. So if there’s the third heaven, that means there’s a first and a second heaven. The first of the three heavens is the atmospheric heaven right above us. It’s called the “heavenlies.” The second heaven is the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets, space and that’s considered the second heaven. And if this really is a war and the physical is a mirror of the spiritual, you need to know exactly what your enemy carries, their rights, their abilities. If you don’t, you’re just… dumb!
You have to be aware of the “day in, day out” war…
The Bible says we’re not wrestling against flesh and blood. In the spirit, it is. In the physical, it says to stand. You have to continue to stand. In the physical, it is a war. It is personal with these things. And it says that in Ephesians 6:12. It also says principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places. That’s who the match is against. And it’s day in, day out. And you have to be aware of that… the highest ranking is the spiritual wickedness in high places. According to Kenneth Hagin in his book entitled, “The Triumphant Church,” the spiritual wickedness we read about in Ephesians 6:12 is the highest ranking demon. I don’t have time to go into it, but we don’t touch them. They’re in the sun, moon, stars space. God says if we deal with the first three classes—principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world—that exist in this atmosphere, if we deal effectively with them, He deals with the spiritual wickedness in high places in the second heaven… planets, sun, moon, stars out there.
Satan is the prince of the power of the air…
And remember Ephesians 2:2 calls Satan the “prince of the power of the air.” And so I’m talking about using our authority. The rulers of the darkness of this world have power over believers who are not walking in their redemption, or they don’t understand anything about authority. They have power over them because they do not understand what Jesus did for them through His death, burial, and resurrection. They also can rule over non-believers. The operation of those first three classes (principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world), if you take care of them, God deals with the spiritual wickedness in high places… if you take care of them.
Using our authority over demons…
So we’re talking about taking care of the first three classes of demons because we know the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world are able to operate through our President, through our Governor, through other believers that don’t understand. And I want to start out today… You know, these demons affect our personal lives. They are in our domain. If you have principalities in the atmosphere, or in this case you would call it rulers of the darkness of this world over cities. There’s a strong one over Minneapolis. There’s one assigned to this church exclusively. And if you could get discerning of spirits, you would see them even over buildings, institutions.
Kenneth Hagin wisdom…
So just looking at Kenneth Hagin of “The Triumphant Church,” he said, “We speak today in the prayer of agreement being all one company as it says in Acts, our prayers are combined.” See that as something big and powerful. There’s a bomb in the spirit.
And we speak to those foul spirits in the heavenlies that will come against our nation, our government, President Biden, Vice President Harris, the United States Supreme Court, the Minnesota Supreme Court, the US Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives, Governor Waltz, we command you to desist in your operations against us, through them.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world that will come against, inhabit, assigned to the city of Washington DC, Minneapolis / St. Paul, we command you “cease and desist in your maneuvers in the name of Jesus Christ.” Take your hands off our President. Take your hands off our Vice President, our senates, our congresses, our government in the name of Jesus Christ. You stop in your maneuvers. You are defeated. We bind the spirit of deception that would come against the body of Christ in the name of Jesus Christ.
We pray you would grant unto these pastors the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the body of Christ.
We command that the spirit of “wokism” compromise that would come against the church in Minnesota, in America, and worldwide… desist in your maneuvers… that spirit of deception that would change points of view and pastors…