Brother DJ…
Good morning, everybody. Good Friday. Hallelujah.
We’re going to be keep worshiping, keep speaking and lifting up the name of Jesus.
The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is in you and me. It can raise you up from the afflicted bed. We can say, “Walk and be healed in the name of Jesus Christ.” Today is 21st of Friday in April.
I’m sure Cindy have something to read and pray. I’ll be praying in the end for your children.
For children…
This is our promised land, right here. Filled with milk and honey. Right here, the promised land. “As for me, this is my covenant, declares the Lord, my spirit who is on you and my words that I put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouths of your children’s children. And from the mouths of their children’s children, from this time and forever says the Lord God almighty.
We’re going to stand for your children. And your grandchildren. We will do that. In the end, we will be praying also for the children of our pastors. Because they have children and their children. We are going to break the power of the enemy on your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and they will turn around
toward Jesus.
For healing…
For He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. And the chastisement that brought peace was upon Him and by the stripes of Jesus Christ, you and I are healed.
For this reason, we kneel before the Father from whom our whole family is named. We pray out of your glorious riches. You’ll strengthen us by your Spirit in our inner man. That Christ shall develop in our hearts through faith. I pray that the eyes of our understanding shall be enlightened, to know the purpose and the glorious inheritance in the saints.
Established in love…
So we’ll be rooted and established in His love… Now unto you who’s able to exceedingly, abundantly what we can pray or ask or imagine according to His mighty power… resurrection power, dynamite power, working within you…. within me. Oh, give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His mercy is forever. Thank you, Father.
Only one of the ten lepers returned to give thanks…
Now on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. He was going into the village. There were 10 men who had leprosy. They met Jesus. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice. “Jesus! Jesus!” Just call upon His name. Call on his name. Worship His name… Jesus. Jesus.
They called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us.” When He saw them, He said, “Go show yourself to the priest.” As they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice. Loud voice! He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him, and He was a Samaritan. Jesus asked a question. “Were not all 10 cleansed? Where are the other nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”
I read this this morning. I heard “give thanks!” The one came to thank Him and the other nine just get healed. But the last one, the 10th, he was made whole better than before, just because he said, “Thank you, Jesus.” Worship Him.
Prayer for authority…
So, Father, we thank you.
Father, we thank you for this country, United States of America.
We thank you for our President Joe Biden and his wife.
We thank you for the vice president.
We thank you for the Governor of Minnesota.
Father, we thank you for Pastor Mac and Lynne.
Father, we thank you for Living Word Christian Center.
Sister Cindy…
I just go, “Lord, tomorrow I better not be the same as I am today.” And really, honestly, there’s no treading water. There’s either going forward or you’re going back. So I choose to go forward. I choose to change in a progressively greater way as I am being conformed to my Father’s image. Hallelujah.
I refuse to look at contradiction, but praise and honor and worship and glorify, magnify, esteem above all others, the living God, the God of truth. I’m the way, the truth, and the life. There’s no other God but you.
And the truth is, one day we’ll stand before you and my life will be recounted. And what do I care what anybody thinks now? I’m going forward in full assurance of faith. I’m stepping out, not considering anything other than I heard God and I’m moving. Let the chips fall. They will fall in pleasant places. For God has decreed a happy ending.
Going straight to the Word…
Going forward, going forward. Like last Friday, He is the word in the beginning. So like DJ was saying, he hurt his knee or something and he’s thinking, “Oh, what am I going to do? What’s going on? I got to look this up. I got to call Cindy. You get the pray-ers going.” No! You go straight to the Word. What is God’s Word about this? Inquire.
He is the word in the beginning. We give Him full place in our hearts and minds. He’s magnified above all others. He’s spoken to us great and mighty promises that through them we escape.
We are to be a David…
I like to say we escape things that we need to escape, but we face things that we need to face. Because we are Davids. And there are some giants that need to be taken down for the nation of Israel… for the world to see.
Lies trying to take up the attention of the world when we are vessels of the living God… full of wisdom, full of power, full of council, understanding.
Understanding is a fountain of life to those that have it. You only have understanding if you move out in faith… by reason of use.
Faith and patience…
I keep getting faith and patience. Through faith and patience, we obtain inheritances. Thank you, Father, that you have given us. So we don’t have to necessarily go out and fight a giant, but if the giant is staring you down, it has no power. It’s already been judged. It can’t harm you. I’ve heard somebody say it’s like a toothless lion. So when it comes to roar and going to devour you, all you got to do is get that Word from God in the beginning. And it’s through faith and patience, you inherit the promise. So don’t get off the Word. It takes patience to stay on the Word. But He gives you patience.
He multiplies your seed…
So everything is a seed. You get the Word and you say, “I’m not moving, Lord. I’m not moving.” And that’s a seed. And He multiplies it back to you. More patience… more endurance. And then you get experience. And from that experience, understanding, which is a fountain of life because you become used to God showing up. Thank you, Lord.