Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Good morning! Good to see you guys.
Excerpt from Mark Brazee’s book, “Processing the Plan of God Through Prayer…”
This morning I’m going to start off with reading an excerpt from Mark Brazee’s book, “Processing the Plan of God Through Prayer.” From time to time, I go back to it. I always like to highlight and reinforce the opportunity we have each and every day to partner with God, that God desires to do far above and beyond what we can ask or think. But it’s important for us to be mindful that what He does, He does through us, through human vessels, through our yieldedness to Him, through our faith, through our prayers.
Mark quotes James 5:17 by saying, “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are. And he prayed earnestly.” Somebody say, “earnestly.” “He prayed earnestly” or fervently, you can say, “that it might not rain. And it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.”
Verse 18 says…
“And he prayed again and heavens gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit.”
So notice the connection. He prayed and heaven gave forth rain and the earth brought forth fruit. In our situation, you could pray for natural rain, but you could pray for rain in these end times, the rain of the Holy Spirit. Right? That the earth would bring forth its fruit. Oftentimes the Bible refers to “precious fruit” as the souls of human beings. So our prayers have a direct connection on God’s ability to reap the precious fruit of human souls across this planet.
He wants to partner with us…
He wants to partner with us today. Today! And whether we’re going to the grocery store or paying bills or engaged with work at the office or at home mowing the lawn, or whatever the case is, the Lord wants access to your voice, to your will… leverage your will making a choice to pray, making a choice to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and partner with God through prayer.
Chapter, “Doing Business With God…”
He goes on to say, in his chapter entitled, “Doing Business With God,” “I’m convinced God will not do anything on the earth unless someone asks Him to do it. To get results in prayer, we ought to know what to pray for. However, sometimes we may not know enough about a situation to ask God to move. And that is a weakness or an infirmity. That is why it is so important to pray in the Holy Spirit, or in other tongues. When we pray in other tongues, we are asking God to do things we don’t even know about. And He will help us to pray out the perfect will of God. There are a couple occasions in the New Testament where it’s recorded that when the church prayed in other tongues, there were others who were able to interpret what they were saying in their prayer language. Either that was their native tongue from another nation or whatever the case was, and the Bible says they heard them speak out the wonderful works of God.”
Leverage your gift to pray in the Spirit…
So if you want to speak well, if you want to be bold to proclaim the perfect will of God over your own soul, your own life, your church, your household, your nation, whatever the case is, then leverage your gift to pray in the Holy Spirit, pray in other tongues. The Bible talks about a second experience, a second offer to salvation, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence, or the receiving in the same process, the gift of speaking in another tongue. It’s such a blessing. It’s so important.
You can receive the gift of praying in the spirit with other tongues…
And I just want to say, if you have never asked for that or never received that, then I dare you today, wherever you’re at to just call out to God and say, “Lord, I desire what the New Testament says that I can be baptized, I can be immersed without measure with the Holy Spirit and be able to speak in another language, and that that language would bring edification, that language would build me up on the inside and give me supernatural abilities to pray for things I don’t even know about that need to be prayed about for my own life and for others’ lives.”
He is our source of inside information…
It’s truly one of the most remarkable and important gifts God has bestowed upon the church, upon us as individuals in this particular hour. When we get to heaven, there won’t be need for it because we’ll see all that we need to see clearly. But here we see through a glass dark darkly, as Paul writes. Here we know in part or we’re imperfect in our understanding. But the Holy Spirit is omnipresent and omnipotent. He’s all knowing and everywhere, He knows all things. He is our ever-present source of inside information and is able to pray out perfect strategies, perfect answers, perfect prayers. That’s one of the ways God grants prayer to the church and to the life of the individual believer, is through your heavenly prayer language.
Mark went on to say…
Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise, the spirit also helps our infirmities or inabilities, or our weaknesses.” One of those is our lack of understanding to know how to pray about a situation, to pray about a loved one, to pray about our nation, to pray about what God wants to do in our church. We don’t know! But He knows. The Holy Spirit is the head of the church. He’s the Spirit of Jesus on the earth. So you need to not be headless in your daily walk, in your daily journey… like a headless chicken randomly running around doing obscure and random things.
No! God has called us to a very specific journey and a very specific course. There’s a plan and a purpose and a strategy that will succeed and produce the results that God intends for our lives, for our churches, for our nation, for the body of Christ worldwide. But that occurs when we connect with Him.
Brother Hagin used to say, “When you pray in other tongues, you activate the Holy Spirit’s ministry of revelation. What is that? The Amplified Bible says, “A revelation is to reveal, transmit, and disclose the will of God, the way of God to us.”
And oftentimes, there have been seasons where I’ve prayed in the Holy Spirit not knowing what to do, but then I get up from that place of prayer and still didn’t realize what I had received. But subconsciously I took steps or made decisions or said things to other people later that day that were exactly what was needed in the situation because I connected to the head, the Holy Spirit, through prayer.
So Romans says…
“Likewise, the spirit also helps our infirmities, our inabilities, our weaknesses, our lack of knowledge. For we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered.” Or can’t be articulated in intelligent speech, understandable speech, but speech nonetheless… speech of angels, speech of other men or nations Paul writes in another place.
In Acts 1, Jesus gave the disciples specific directions about what would happen when the Holy Spirit was poured out. But He also said before you go, wait… WAIT. Acts 1:8 says, “But you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” The disciples didn’t know what to expect. They had never seen this power that was coming. They just followed Jesus’ instructions.
There’s a word right there. “Follow Jesus’ instructions.” Okay, we can go home. Mic drop right there.
“Follow Jesus’ instructions!”
He’s sending, transmitting instructions today. Prayer in the Holy Spirit aligns and synchronizes us with the instructions, with the message that He’s sending to us with the heart of God. Oh, that’s what the enemy hates when we yield to… because our hearts begin to vibrate and synchronize with the heart of God. And guess what? Not only do we transact the perfect will of God, but you will then begin to find yourself in the right places at the right time. You’ll begin to find yourself experiencing favor and blessings and open doors and promotions and answers organically, not because of what you did to earn God’s good graces, but because you simply synchronized with Him through prayer in the Spirit.
The Apostle Peter was transformed into a bold preacher…
The disciples knew they were supposed to wait for an endowment of power that would change their lives. One of the most dynamic changes was in Peter. The power changed Peter, a man who denied Jesus three times in one night and was too timid to witness to a little girl. He transformed him into a bold preacher who got 3,000 people saved in his first altar call and 5,000 in the second. Praise God! That power was the spark needed to ignite all the fuel or word the disciples had received.
“Ooh, you mean prayer ignites the Word that you’ve received?” Yeah, you better believe it does it!
Brother Hagin would always teach “prayer, and in particular, praying in other tongues, energizes your faith. So that you begin to act on it.” That’s how Wigglesworth described it. Faith is simply to find an act. Faith is an act. Wigglesworth was famous for a particular message where he got up one time and just said over and over for a couple of minutes, “Faith is an act!” And then he walked off the stage and went home after like five minutes of saying that—“faith is an act.”
Prayer energizes, strengthens you, gives you inspiration and courage on the inside to step out on the Word that you’ve received. And when you do that, that spark releases the power of God to show up in your situation. It says here the power was the spark needed to ignite all the fuel or the Word the disciples had received. They had been at the feet of Jesus hearing the Word for three and a half years, but they still didn’t have boldness to witness. So Jesus said, quote, “Wait in the upper room and I’ll give you something to ignite that fuel and change your lives.”
Come on now!
Word of exhortation…
This is a word for somebody here this morning, maybe online, maybe in this chapel. I guarantee if you’ll take much time alone over the next few days and just pray in the Holy Spirit when you have time, whether you’re in the car or you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, whatever the case is, those even unscheduled moments, leverage them to pray even under your breath in other tongues. It will produce a marked and profound difference in your life, even just in the state of your soul, even just in your sense of joy and contentment and fulfillment and peace will rise when you yield to the Spirit of grace and supplication through prayer.
It goes on to say…
“They have been waiting at the feet of Jesus three and a half years, but still they didn’t have the boldness to witness. So Jesus said, ‘Wait in the upper room and I’ll give you something to ignite that fuel and change your lives.’ Jesus didn’t say quote, ‘you will go witness.’ He said ‘you will be a witness.’ Jesus gave the disciples the instructions and history tells us that 120 were gathered in the upper room for 10 days before the day of Pentecost arrived.
Do you know what that 120 did for those 10 days? The Bible says, ‘these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.’ Jesus told the disciples what He wanted to happen, but it took 10 days of prayer and supplication to pray through this mighty move of God.
So He’s talking about “cause and effect” here. There was something they did to partner or obey God. And the effect was a great outpouring. They knew there was a move coming, but again, God’s plan had to be processed through prayer.
Prayer is not a “work…”
Maybe that’s all that’s required. Prayer’s not a work. Prayer is a partnership and a yielding to Him where you let Him pray through you. He is the consummate intercessor. The Bible says that even Jesus in His current heavenly role ever lives to pray or make intercession for us. He is this Holy Spirit, the spirit of prayer, and He wants to, in these days more fully possess the church, possess us in a good and godly and God-ordained way. That every facet of who we are would be animated and influenced by the Holy Spirit.
So instead of us trying to work and strive and be good and not be bad, and do what we’ve learned from the past, instead of trying to earn it and do it under the law, we are doing the will of God and the plan of God from a place of inspiration, from a place of “organic-ness” where God’s able to bring things through us. Because we are processing the plan of God through prayer. We’re allowing Him to do the work through us.
All right, let me finish here…
Acts 2:1–4 says, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly…” Somebody say “suddenly.” “Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. And it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.” The fullness, Mark Brazee writes, of the Spirit came and 120 all enjoyed the manifest presence of God. They had been hiding in the upper room, but after they were endued with power, they headed into the streets of Jerusalem. Peter preached the first message there, and 3,000 were saved.
The power of God brought change…
This outpouring of power brought about some radical changes. The early church had come through the doorway. The initial outpouring had come and they were all baptized in the Holy Ghost. The early rain started to fall, but they had to keep moving through the doorway. I’ll just stop there.
And so, Father, we thank you that we are moving through a doorway today, that there was an initial outpouring 2,000 years ago, but your intent is to keep outpouring and to bring the former and the latter rains to be poured out upon the earth of this hour. And so, Father, we thank you for your faithfulness… that you have something in mind for us today, that you have something in mind for this generation, for our church.
And so we just yield to you this morning, Lord, we confess that we can’t do anything apart from you. We confess, Lord, that by ourselves we’re unable, simply put. But with you, we can do all things. And so, Lord, we yield to you and we pray that you would take hold together with us in our inabilities, that you would take hold together with us today to strengthen us, to work in us your good pleasure and your delight. In Jesus’ name.