Sister Jeannie…
Father, we just thank you for revelation today. The intimacy of your promises, the intimacy of your splendor and your goodness. You minister intimacy to us today. You minister identity to us today for such a time as this…
Teaching begins…
The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. But before He did that, Jesus was baptized and the Father spoke to Him. “This is My Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” And then Jesus went through that time in the wilderness. And then the first thing that the enemy tempted Him with was identity. If you are the Son of God…
Last Tuesday, when I came to prayer, I came with a fiery assignment that had to manifest now. I don’t normally like to share personal things during corporate prayer. Unless I’m convinced it’s going to apply corporately. And normally when I’m going to lead prayer, the Holy Spirit will share something with me maybe a day ahead of time. But at the end of corporate prayer last Tuesday, He said, “Jeanie, you’re going to be sharing about the experience you had with me on Tuesday next Thursday.” And it’s taken me a while to be convinced that that was appropriate. Because when we lead, it’s never about the person leading. It’s always about what God is up to corporately. So I’m thanking God and I’m trusting Him that this is going to benefit and expand the kingdom what I’m about to share with you.
So Father, I thank you that I trust you and I acknowledge you in all my ways. And right now, as I share this, I’m acknowledging you.
Put Your Crown On!
So we had something happen at the beginning of last week with one of our clients in our business. And everything looked like it was gonna work out for our client. When I talk about business closing, I mean the deal was done. And everything was signed off, everything was accepted and ready for our client. And then Monday night, it did a switch. And it was “We’re not sure if this is going to work out.” And so my husband and I started to pray. And my prayer was fervent, like the kind of prayer where you would not accept anything other than victory. And not victory next week, but victory right now, today. And that night, I called a friend of mine and I was weeping. And she said, “Put your crown on! Do you have your crown? Put your crown on!”
And so I did. I put my crown on!
A holy sorrow came on me for the body of Christ…
But as I was praying for my client, I was saying, “God, this isn’t okay. He’s overcome so much. This has to come through.” And a miracle was required for it to come through. A miracle! Because there were sanctions, certain laws put in place around this where things would have to navigate in a miraculous way for this thing to happen. So I was praying for my client and I was talking to God about all he had overcome. And I was praying in the courtroom in the midst of the accuser, standing on his behalf and saying, “This must come to pass!” And then as I was praying, I started interceding for the body of Christ. And I started to see that the body of Christ had laid down things. Laid down assignments thinking, “Well, it’s not going to come to pass now because Jesus is coming soon.” And there was such a… like a holy sorrow and a “God, that they would pick those things back up again.”
It was a miracle…
And then the next day I woke up and I put my crown on. And my neighbor looked at me kind of funny as I walked to my car. Didn’t care. Had my crown on. And, when I was praying in the chapel, I was praying over that situation. I’m not even sure what everyone else is praying, but that thing was getting done. That’s it? It was getting done. And it was getting done today. Suffice it to say it got done that day. And it was a miracle. It was a miracle in business.
“Sweetheart, did you notice how you prayed for your client?”
So then after all that happened, my ABA, my Daddy came to me with just such a sweet voice. And He said, “Sweetheart, do you notice how you prayed for your client?” I said, “Yeah, I do.” He said, “Why did you do that?” I said, “Because it was wrong! It was what was going on. And I wasn’t going to have him miss out.” And He said, “Why aren’t you praying that way for your own assignment?”
The narrative of “Jesus is coming soon”
You know, there’s a caution to the whole narrative of Jesus is coming soon. I’m not saying He’s not. I mean, hello. Okay. But number one, we don’t know what soon means. Number two, He didn’t say “Jesus is coming soon. Your assignment isn’t important.” He didn’t say that. And I had relaxed my hold without even knowing it. And what made me pick it back up again, because someone within my assignment, an injustice was being done and I was unwilling.” If that prayer had manifest, we would have won anyway. It just would have taken a little bit longer, but it was about my client. And I knew what he had endured. And I knew that this was the right thing for him. I was convinced. And because I was convinced and because I knew there was an injustice happening, I was unwilling for him to lose. Well, that’s who God is for you… for us.
“Jesus is coming, look busy.”
On the way here this morning, traffic was slow and I was thinking, “Am I going to get there?” And you know, even though traffic was slow and it was clogged in some areas, I stayed on the road and I got here. Sometimes… Actually right now, it’s time to pick up your assignment again. There’s a bumper sticker I saw years ago, it said “Jesus is coming look busy.” And, I will tell you, you have to accept that people are not going to validate your assignment. They may or may not. But we’re in a place right now where there’s a lot going on and everything looks like a worthy assignment. Everything looks worthy of your prayer. Everything! But what is it that He’s told you to do? That’s what He wants you to do. He wants you to occupy whatever that space is. That’s what you’re to do, to occupy until He comes. It’s the first thing He told us to do was to take dominion. And then the last thing was to occupy until He comes.
I got back on the horse…
And so I’ve been meditating on that. Of going after what He told me to do in prayer and co-laboring with Him and saying, “Father, this is what you said and this is what’s happening.” And I’ve been like get back on the horse. And the next day I met with someone new through the business that I’d known for a long time. And in the middle of the meeting, she looks at me and she goes, “Can I go to church with you?” And this was someone who years ago… Okay, as I tell you this, it’s going to apply to you. This isn’t a testimony of what God did in my life, as much as it’s an illustration of how it applies to all of us corporately. So this is someone where years ago I was, you know, how we pray on like a group text? Well, I was praying on a group text and by accident, I put her on the group text. And she’s one of my contacts that we work with in our business. But I didn’t do it on purpose. It was a complete accident. And I didn’t know that she was on the prayer text until she texted me. And she goes, “Is this Jeannie who’s in the medical device industry?” And I said, “yeah,” like thinking how did you not know that? Well, because somehow she got on there. And I said, “Yeah, I guess you caught me praying today.” And she said, “I’m so glad. I need that.” And so we got together the next day at Starbucks and in middle of Starbucks, she said to me, “You know I went to church this weekend and I had the best feeling. I would like to know how to keep that feeling.” And just in the middle of it, she goes, “Tell me what to do! What do I need to do?” And I’m thinking… So I said, “Hey, let’s go to your car right now?” And in her car, she accepted Christ.
Our assignments don’t change even though Jesus is coming soon…
So here’s the thing. That happened years ago and I’d forgotten about it. And then I meet with her years later. In fact, even when we got together, we hugged and talked about how it’d been a long time. And she says to me, “Can I go to church with you?” Here’s my point. When I was in my assignment here and then my assignment showed up again years later. It didn’t change. Even though Jesus is coming soon. “What! I still have to stay in my lane and keep moving forward? But Jesus is coming soon.” Yeah, occupy!
Glorify your Son…
John 17:17. “When Jesus had spoken these things, He lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour has come.” Meaning now! Are you ready? What does He say after He says the hour has come. Otherwise known as “now.” “Glorify and exalt and honor and magnify your Son.” That’s a pretty bold statement, wouldn’t you say. That sounds like pride. It’s not. Jesus said it. But what does He say after? “So that your son may glorify and extol and honor and magnify you.”
There is not going to be any glory unless we’re in our assignment. But even when we look at Isaiah… The whole point is his glory is on us. For it’s necessary for us to occupy that His glory is on us. So John 17:2, “You have granted him power and authority over all flesh. Now glorify him so that he may give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is the eternal life to know, to recognize, to become acquainted with an understand you, the only true and real God. To know Him and to know whom you have sent.” And I love this passage in verse four. “I have glorified you down here on earth by completing the work that you gave me to do.”
We are to walk out our salvation here on the earth…
I just read a quote today by Steve Backlund and he said, “We gain salvation by believing in Jesus.” And now I’m adding my own take. We walk out our salvation by believing like Jesus. So salvation…yeah, it gets you to heaven, but it says we’re to walk out our salvation here on the earth. We’re to walk out, occupying, here on the earth. We’re to walk out salvation, the forgiveness of sins, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are guiltless. You are blameless. But it has a purpose. The purpose is to occupy. The purpose is to enforce freedom. You are the light with dark places where you’re being assigned to. So if I were the enemy, I would use scripture to get you to lay down your assignment because Jesus is coming soon. I would! Because I know that what’s in you is already defeated me. So I would be like, “Okay I can tempt them with stealing. I can’t tempt them with prostitution or whatever. I can’t tempt them with this. I am going to get them to misinterpret scripture.” So Jesus is coming. Everywhere you look, Jesus is coming. Actually I can’t wait for Him to get here. So I’m just gonna not do my assignment because I mean, what’s the point. He’s coming.
Jesus is co-laboring with us…
Father, help us. Religion says that Jesus is the answer and you’re not involved. Jesus is the answer. And you’re involved. You know how we say it’s just all Him, not me. That’s not a complete truth. Why would He be in you if you’re not involved? Why would He co-labor if you’re not involved? But the good news is, is He’s co-laboring with you. And I love how He brought me to a place of… how he even called me sweetheart, when I’d kind of withdrawn and was like, “Well, Jesus is coming soon. My assignment doesn’t really matter. Look at everything that’s going on. I’m just going to let it go.” And he knew that just to tell me to pick up my assignment wasn’t going to get my attention. Because it just didn’t seem that important. But then when someone within my assignment, when it looked like an injustice was being done, He knew that would wake me up. But He waited until the every end to say, “Why did you do that? Why did you go after it like that?” Because in my mind, his assignment was more important than mine. And that’s not God. It sounds good, doesn’t it? “Well, your assignment is more important than mine.” But that’s not kingdom. Your assignment is just as important as mine.
We need each other to do our assignments…
There’s that honoring that’s starting to take place in the body of Christ, where streams are coming together, where different churches have different assignments, where we’re understanding that we need each other. I need you to be in your assignment. In fact, I’m here to affirm and validate what God has called you to do. Well I receive validation and affirmation of what God has called me to do.
I’m going to blame Andrew Wommack…
I’m going to say something that some people won’t like. But we’re going to blame Andrew Wommack for this. So I’m not going to take responsibility for it. And I have some scripture here too. He was talking about the point of salvation. He said, “The point of salvation isn’t to get saved. The point of salvation is to walk out your salvation.” So when I get to heaven, I’m already going to have this. But where I really need it right now is down here. Right? Daughter of the King. Daughter of healed. Daughter of occupying. Daughter of abundance. Did you hear me? Daughter of prosperity, daughter of supernatural happenings, daughter of favor, daughter of the King.
I got my crown through Amazon!
It was out of my identity that I prayed for that client, not realizing that my assignment was really important. Just like your assignment is so important. Don’t take your crown off. I hope this looks good right now. I’m going to try and keep it on. You can get these on Amazon. Get a crown! Okay, just side note. There are so many different kinds too. I mean I’m going to start to collect them. So you can get them from anywhere from $11, $25.
We are here to overcome…
So I have my crown on. So in Ephesians 5, He’s coming back for a glorious Church and glory has to do with His glory being on you. He says, “When I return, while I find faith on the earth.” Faith takes. Faith calls those things that are not as though they were. When Jesus came, the Jews were under the Roman regime. They were being oppressed by the Romans. We are in good company. We are here to overcome. You are here to overcome.
So in Ephesians 5:26–27, “So that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word.” The washing of water with the Word. Daughter of healed. The washing of water with the Word. Daughter of breakthrough. The washing of water with the Word. Son of abundance, son of favor, sanctified with results. I did say results. Was I praying expecting results that day? You bet I was!
“So that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present the church to himself in glorious splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and faultless.” You know, if we do our assignment based on what we deserve, it’s not going to work. The glorious Church only receives what Jesus deserved. What’s interesting about this passage in Ephesians five, it’s sandwiched in marriage scripture. So I read 26 and 27. Verse 25 is about husbands loving their wives as Christ’s loved the church and gave Himself up for her. And then 26 and 27 “being sanctified with the washing of the Word. The bride being presented to Him in glorious splendor. And then verse 28, “Even so husbands should love their wives as they love themselves.” Isn’t that interesting?
Our sanctification is encompassed in intimacy…
The glory of God in our own lives, our own sanctification is encompassed in intimacy. And the intimacy of His promises allowing those promises to wash over us, for us to receive from God. Just really even anatomically in a marriage, it’s the woman that receives in intimacy. You are the bride of Christ and we receive His promises. We receive His goodness. We receive our identity from Him to get to heaven. No! Yes, it’s part of it. What’s the point of being down here if you’re not going to change the world?
Change the world!
“Well, you know, I’m here to be in Goshen so that I can be okay and watch the reward of the wicked.” Umm, you’re called to the wicked! Jesus is not willing that any should perish. You’re called to those people! So use your Goshen experience and change the world.