Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Happy Monday. Good to see y’all. My name is Ken, if you don’t already know.
Our true vocation is dominion…
I was just thinking last night about spiritual authority and how our true vocation is dominion. And also the fact that… I don’t want to say fact, but I really believe strongly that God is leading the church to a place where we operate and function in a higher level of His authority and His dominion in this hour.
God wants to “put on a show” in this final age…
With the wrapping up of the age in these last days, God wants to put on a show. He wants to demonstrate just what He can do. And it’s far greater than what we’ve imagined or what we have seen up until now. Far greater! Amen?
Let me just read a couple of verses from the scriptures here for a moment and then I’ll read a couple of things regarding dominion and authority. But just a couple of words that just maybe will inspire us and give us a place to pray from here in a little bit.
Hebrews 4:16 says…
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” In other words, it’s good to pray often because every time we pray, we’re guaranteed to receive mercy and grace. So take it for yourself this morning: mercy and grace to help in your time of need in this day.
Philippians 4:6 from the Passion translation says…
“Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Instead, be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell Him every detail of your life. Then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.” Love that one.
Testimonies about dominion…
Now let me just read some things that I transcribed last night, different stories regarding dominion. The first one comes from the life of Smith Wigglesworth, who exemplified in many ways the authority that God desires to manifest through every believer and every follower of Jesus. And there was one story that I think Benny Hinn shared because his wife’s mom played and sang for Smith Wigglesworth in his meetings.
Smith Wigglesworth…
And he said that Smith’s wife died on a particular day and Smith wouldn’t have it. He raised her from the dead. And when she came back to life, she asked Smith what he was doing. And he explained, “Well, I missed you.” She explained to him that she was just talking with Jesus. “And you called me back. You interrupted my conversation with the Master.” She said, “Let me go so I can finish my conversation with Jesus.” And so he did. He relented and he said, “Go!” And she died. Now that’s authority. Right?
The healing of 19 cripples…
Also in the life of Smith Wigglesworth in England on a particular day, evidently Smith was at a train stop somewhere when a train did stop and there were actually 19 cripples on that particular train. Every one of them on it was healed as Smith ministered to them.
Aimee Semple McPherson…
In Los Angeles, California, back in the early part of the 20th century, Aimee Semple McPherson would hold Saturday afternoon miracle services for stretcher-only people. In other words, people that could only be transported on a stretcher. Nobody was allowed unless they came on a stretcher or if there was an accompanying family member. Thousands of people would come to these meetings and every single one of them would get up and walk. Now that’s the power of God at work to heal. That’s dominion.
Katherine Kuhlman…
Katherine Kuhlman conducted a meeting in Toronto, Canada, I’m guessing, in the late sixties, early seventies, where a woman with such a severe case of arthritis was in attendance. And it was so bad that literally her whole body was twisted and contorted. And that woman suffering from arthritis sat in her seat and she began to untwist under the ministry of Katherine Kuhlman as she moved about the stage, ministering the Gospel and sharing the love of Jesus and His healing power. She began to untwist her arms, her back, her legs. Eventually she stood straight up, strong and tall, completely made whole by the power of God, once again. Now that’s spiritual authority right there.
It’s an awesome thing…
I’ve heard many great men and women talk about how when the power of God is in full manifestation, it’s a thing that strikes awe in you. It’s an awesome thing. It makes you afraid almost in a good way. Like, “Oh my gosh. Clearly, I have underestimated the one in whom I serve because His power is here for a reason.”
His presence is here…
In fact, Jesus is here this morning. He’s here with us today. He’s with you where you’re streaming this today. His presence is there. His presence is here. And it’s to heal and to minister and to bring hope and help and deliverance and salvation. Glory to God.
Our job is simply to believe…
Our job isn’t to figure it out or to make a plan on our own. It’s simply to believe. Once again, Jesus Himself said to His disciples and He says down through the years through the writings of the gospels, this is the work of the kingdom that you might believe. That’s it! Let’s choose to believe today. Let’s choose to take Him at His word today. Let’s choose to celebrate and acknowledge that He is the God that He purported to be in the scriptures.
The rock in the Sinai Desert…
Going all the way back to the ancient times when the rock was struck and water issued forth from the Sinai Desert. Some archeologists believe and I’ve seen pictures online of that very rock. They believe they’ve found it in the Sinai Desert. And it’s 2, 3, 4 stories tall… this rock. And it has a split right down the middle of it, about three quarters of the way down. And there’s wear on the rock in such a way that clearly water was coming up out of the rock and spilling out. And then this rock’s on a bit of a hill. And it flows into a valley area where there would be plenty room for a million, 2 million people to camp, which is the estimates Bible scholars put out there as far as the number of people that were there navigating through the wilderness. And their cattle and livestock as well, that needed to be watered from this rock. That must have been an awe-inspiring thing to see.
What can His power do in your life?
And all the accounts we read of in the Old Testament, and of course the stories and the accounts of what Jesus did just in His lifetime. What must His power be able to do in your life? God wants to bring us into the kind of anointing that once again where His dominion and miraculous power are put on full display. And by His Spirit, He is rallying the church to pray, to prepare the way, and to prepare us to receive and cooperate with His miraculous power.
In other words, He’s getting us ready.
He’s saying, “Get ready, church. Get ready.” Don’t get ready for defeat. Don’t get ready for more turmoil. All that will happen on its own. Jesus said in this world, you’re going to have trials. You’re going to have trouble. There will be tribulations. “But do not be afraid. I’ve overcome them. My power is greater, He would say.
He’s preparing us…
So He’s preparing us not for bad, but for good. He’s preparing us. He’s preparing collectively us as a church, as the body of Christ, as individuals to put Himself on display. The first reward of prayer is His presence. He gives Himself to us. And when we allow Him to fully saturate us and fill us, it’s going to do a work that can only be done by His presence.
Watchman Nee missionary to China—prayers lay the track down…
As Watchman Nee, missionary to China, once said many years ago, “Our prayers lay the track down, which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, His power is irresistible. But it cannot reach us without rails.” In other words, prayer lays down the tracks for God’s power and plan to travel on. Hallelujah!
He’s got a plan today, even before we begin to pray here in morning prayer, prayer is not to get in God’s better graces.
You already are in His better graces.
You already are the apple of His eye.
You have already been doused with the blood of Jesus.
And presently, if you’ve accepted His sacrifice, find yourself robed with righteousness, marked by His favor, clothed with His goodness, you’re called His very own. He is your very own, the one that sticks closer to you than a brother even. Glory to God!
Who must we be?
Isn’t that what King David recorded in the book of Psalms: “who is man that thou art so mindful of him.” And he would go on to say, “Given him this authority, the right to rule within a given domain.” Dominion. You have it if you’ve professed the name of Jesus. Let’s make a decision to use it this week. Let’s make a decision to thank God for it. It’s not based from the standpoint of scriptures and it shouldn’t be based on what we feel. But on what we believe. I believe God… that it’s true. That He’s given me power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me.
Because I stand with God.
He stands with us.
He’s for us.
He’s in us.
I know you know these things, but it’s good just to stir them up in our consciousness. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ—the Word of God.
Prayer is the catalyst…
“Prayer is the catalyst for God’s purposes. It activates and sets in motion the plan of God.”
So that’s what we’re going to do today.
We’re going to lay down some tracks for God’s power to flow.
We’re going to lay down some tracks for the Gospel to go.
We’re going to lay down some railroad tracks to make a way where there isn’t a way.
…that God would fully come to our generation, to our nation, to your nation, to this church, to our city.
Like Anna or Simeon of old…
We have been sent here on a mission. Make no mistake about it. You aren’t a coincidence or an accident. We have been sent here out of the divine providence of the Father’s heart. It was His intention to birth you in this generation. It was His plan for you to be here now so that you like Anna and Simeon of old who went to the temple daily watching and praying, looking for the first appearing of Messiah.
Well, guess what?
You are an Anna. You are a Simeon. And we are called to go to the Temple daily. Yes, morning prayer online in the chapel. But wherever you’ve built an altar in your home, whether that’s a closet or a trail that you walk on into your neighborhood. Daily, we should be going to Him. Not because we’re trying to twist His arm to do something for us. He has already made a decision to do something for us. He’s already done something for us, truth be told. The work of Jesus is called a “finished work” for a reason.
Oh, I just sense that enemy doesn’t like that!
God has already decided…
You’re not trying to get something. You’re not trying to cajole or convince or manipulate God so that you can be healed. No! God has already decided “thou shalt be healed.” He sent His Word—past tense—the last time I checked in my Bible anyway. And He healed them. Jesus has already borne our sicknesses, our weaknesses, our pain, even mental struggles and maladies. And that by the stripes He took upon His back, you were (past tense) made whole.
So as we approach the throne of grace today, understand it’s a throne where we can obtain every single time mercy and grace. That we’re not trying to convince Him. We’re not trying to get something from Him. We’ve already received a full and replete account in the heavenly realm that is logged with everything that is necessary for life and godliness, for us personally. And our ability to pray is our ability to connect with the divine. It’s our ability to become a conduit for what is in heaven to become what now is on the earth.
On earth as it is in heaven…
Jesus taught us that succinct prayer that we would pray would be “on earth as it is in heaven.” Prayer, once again, catalyzes the power and the purposes of God. Prayer, I’ve said this before, takes from one realm and releases it into another realm.
Prayer is a reward.
Prayer is a release.
Prayer brings results.
Hallelujah. Glory to God.
The longer I journey and the more I come to know Him, the more I realize the less I have to do in my own strength. And the more I get to wait simply in His presence. I don’t remember the reference, but it says, God works for those who wait for Him.
Wait on the Lord…
I was reading after a woman, I don’t remember her name, but a number of years ago she wrote a book on prayer and she talks about how the Lord led her through a season where He kind of blew up her model for prayer in some ways. And really was trying to help her recover in a way. I don’t know about you, but I’m a recovering “do it yourselfer” myself. And sometimes we carry that mentality over into prayer, into our spiritual life. We’ve lived long enough, we’ve known God for enough years that we can just do same things on our own in some ways. “Lord, I got this. I’ll pray about this. You don’t need to be involved.” I think that’s sometimes how we kind of roll, you know?
But this woman wrote a book talking about how the Lord led her in a very specific season where he just asked her to wait on Him and maybe lift up a situation and then just sit there and wait and reflect and worship. And she talks about how many prayer results and breakthroughs and stories of testimony came out of that season where she didn’t really lift a finger, if you will. She just brought herself in obedience before the throne of God and just stayed put until she had received what God wanted to give her or what God was wanting to do.
Just you bringing yourself before God and saying, “Lord, what’s up? I love you. I worship you.” And just crucifying your flesh and your soul that wants to do something, saying, “No, no, we’re going to stay before the Lord.” Your life ultimately is to worship. I mean, your life is to worship, not just with your words or with your actions or with your thoughts, but just your whole being. Just your presence before the throne of God is worship to Him.
It blesses His heart.