Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Brother DJ…
Thanksgiving and praise…
On this Friday morning, we enter into His gate with thanksgiving in our hearts and we enter His courts with praise.
So we thank You, Father, and bless your holy name.
He said to give thanks in all things. That is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus.
If you were not happy earlier when you came or when you started watching this morning, it’s going to become a happy during our prayer.
Father, we thank you for this church. Thank you for Pastor Mac and Lynne and all the pastors.
Who is thirsty this morning? Who is hungry this morning. Guess what He said? If you’re thirsty, Jesus said, come unto me. Guess what? You will be thirsty no more. If you’re hungry, He said, “eat this bread.”
Thanksgiving for the blood…
Let’s thank Him for the blood. We thank you for the blood.
Oh, there is power in his blood. There is healing in the blood. There is provision in His blood.
The blood of the Lamb washes and cleanses us which makes us whole.
We thank Him for the blood which washes away our sins.
Let’s get washed in His blood today! Be cleansed from contamination—sickness, disease, condemnation, shame, guilt, iniquities, infirmities…
We talked before that His blood is like a detergent. Detergent washes away ALL the stains, dirt.
He sent His Word and healed our diseases. He’s the Lord that healeth thee.
He said I sent My Word and healed your diseases. I am the Lord your healer.
Heart! If you have a murmuring heart… not the complaining but murmuring heart. But the… that could be too. I’m talking about an issue with the heart. Speak to your blood pressure in the name of Jesus, “120 over 80.” The blood flows properly in your heart.
As a man thinketh in his heart so he is.
He said, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
We’re talking about hearts…
You know what? This morning, the blood of Jesus Christ is cleansing hearts and arteries.
Father, we speak to the heart of the man or woman who are here watching. Let the healing power of Christ flow in your heart. In the name of Jesus, we speak to the heart, “Be healed, be made whole in the name of Jesus.”
He said, “I am the Lord Your healer.”
Praying in tongues, the Spirit searches the hearts. We’re talking about hearts this morning.
He knows the mind of the spirit and pray according to His will. The heart.
When we pray, “Come into my heart,” guess what? He comes into your heart. You can say as much as you want, “Get out.” He won’t. Once you invite Him, He come into our heart to stay. Hallelujah.
He says I will give you a new heart. New heart! He says, “I’ll take the stony heart away and give you a new heart of flesh.”
He said, I will turn the hearts of your children to the Father.
It’s about the hearts this morning. He’s the only one that can change heart, give a new heart. Change a heart of stone to a fleshy heart. His name is Jesus.
Only 90 days left…
We glorify your name on this good Friday. Hallelujah! It’s the 27th of September. We got only 90 days left, maybe less, 3 months to go. The harvest is plenty, He said. Pray for the laborers. We are the laborers. That’s right. In 90 days, we can change our lives around us and the world around us.
Go into the world, preach the good news, and change the world around us.
The next 90 days, everything starting today… reset! With the heart man thinks, and with the mouth we speak.
In Jesus’ name, the next 90 days will be very productive, healthy, and wealthy!
Psalm 27:1, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Because of Psalms 27, the Lord is my light. He’s not darkness. He is light. And my salvation. Whom shall I fear? He’s the light in us. The Lord is my light and my salvation. We speak today in the name of Jesus, “Whom shall we fear?” The Lord is a stronghold, the strength of our lives. Whom shall we be afraid? Let’s put the fear out of here for this 90 days.
Fear not!
Do whatever God called you to do. Be afraid about nothing.
Today on this good Friday, whom shall I afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat my flesh, when the sickest, or disease, or infirmity try to come near me, my enemies just tumble and fall.
Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. No fear. No fear.
They may rise against me but in this I’ll be confident. One thing I desired of the Lord that I will seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire into in His temple.
One thing I desire…
One thing I do, I go to church. One thing I do, I bring my tithes and offering. One thing I do, I go to morning prayer. One thing I do is read the Bible. What else I do one thing?
The Lord is my light. Not darkness. He’s light. We speak light in your heart and your mind. Whatever the situation is that is bringing darkness this morning, we speak light. The Lord is light. Where was the disease? We speak light and health in Jesus’ name.
The Lord is my light. How the Lord is my life. The Lord is my life, and the Lord is my life. Kidding The tune. Huh? The Lord is my life and my salvation. The Lord is the strength of my life. So I will not be afraid and I will not be afraid.