Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, September 26, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Sister Jeannie…

 Good morning. Thank you for coming to morning prayer. It’s always good to pray with people that have the joy of the Lord.

The importance of standing until it’s finished…

We’ve been hearing a lot about finishing lately. Tim Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Dutch, Billye and Max. They all have been really… We’ve got Hank, we’ve got Flashpoint. Absolutely any influential believer’s voice right now is talking about the importance of standing until it’s finished.

I was thinking about that this morning and you know, Jesus called it “finished.” And so we have that assurance that He called it finished. But remember that right before Jesus declared “it is finished,” He wanted to give up.

Think on that…

The Word says that He asked God, “Is there any other way we can do this? There’s got to be another. Is there another way?” Here He was, wanting to give up. And He wasn’t in sin! He talked to His Father about it: “Is there any other way? Can this cup pass from Me?” And then He said, “Not my will, but your will be done.” So He moved toward and leaned into His relationship with the Father. And what came next?

And acceptance from those that were on the cross next to Him.
And then “it is finished.”

Could it be that right before a finished work, weariness can set in? Could we be encouraged? Could we be encouraged that even Jesus wanted another way before He finished it? And you know, when Jesus finished it, He finished it forever. The name that we use, the name that we walk in, the kingdom that is coming here on the earth has no opposite. And hasn’t one time lost. Did you know that? That’s the kingdom that’s in you! That’s the kingdom that’s in me. And weariness does not at all discount that it’s finished.

Declaring that weariness does not get a say…

So even today as we pray, I declare over each and every one of us that weariness does not get a say. Weariness does not get to say, “Well, you already gave up. It’s too late.”

No, no!

We lean into our relationship with the Father. We lean into His voice. What did His voice already tell us? That America shall be saved! That’s what He said. And that’s what we lean into today.

Does America still partner with Israel? Yes.
Are we continuing on that course? Yes, we are.

I love what Hank said a couple weeks ago. He said, “The days of saying, ‘Well, I hope so,’ are ending now into, ‘I know so.’”

America is being saved.
America shall be saved.

It’s in play today, along with our relationship with Israel. We do not realize the authority we have here—the church, the praying church.

We are the praying church…

I read a book just a couple months ago and it was about different leaders we’ve had in our country. And when I bought the book… It was talking about the ill character of different leaders in our country. So, as I was reading the book, I had three thoughts, just like chronologically. Boom, boom, boom.

My first thought was, “Why did I buy this book?”

And right away, my second thought was, “How has our country continued to thrive with leaders of ill character?”

And immediately, the final thought was “The praying church.” That’s how it is now.

You are the praying church! I’m the praying church. And giving up? Wanting to give up? Even Jesus experienced it. But because Jesus leaned into His relationship with His Father and the plan of the Father, He already made a way for us to do it too. We can already walk in the finished work.

So do not allow the enemy to lie to you when you’re tired, when you’re weary that you’re not qualified. You can just say, “If I remember correctly, that’s what happened with Jesus before it was finished.”

So Father, I thank you for that right now. I thank you for finishing strength, finishing Joy. I thank you that we see the prize right now. We see it. We see it! We run toward it.

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman…

I was watching a podcast by Andrew Huberman. He’s a neuroscientist, I believe out of MIT, and he was talking about managing dopamine. Now, stick with me because this goes right along with what we’re talking about. And he was talking about the relationship between adrenaline and dopamine. So he showed the graphic of the two neurons, so like one’s dopamine, one’s adrenaline, and how they interact.

And as I was listening, it was occurring to me the genius of our God. So he said that, let’s say sheep are in a pasture and they get lethargic because they’re thirsty. So they just kind of hang out in the pasture. And then they smell water and immediately the adrenaline kicks in and they run toward the water. Did you hear that? That’s faith. And then this neuroscientist said, “If you can start to picture the final outcome, you’ll begin to operate as if the final outcome is already happening.”

Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him…

So here’s what decades, centuries, later, a neuroscientist from MIT with the podcast talking exactly about faith, that’s where we pray today. That’s what Jesus did. It said that He endured the cross for the joy set before Him. I would suspect that both adrenaline and dopamine kicked in. Even from a cellular chemical level, faith has been installed in our DNA and in our makeup.

Isn’t it interesting too that Andrew Huberman used sheep to give his illustration. So when you’re out there in the pasture and you’re thirsty and tired, Holy Spirit reminds you of the end game and what He already said and we run toward it.


Father, I thank you for your Word. I thank you for the intimacy of your Word. I thank you that even today, hope rises up in each individual and everything that you have called them to do today, that the pressure of the times, Father, that they do not crowd out your voice for them as individuals, but they strengthen and light a fire in each individual right now. Your voice lights a fire in each of us to finish the work that you’ve called us to do.

Dreams realized…

You know part of what’s coming is each individual walking out what God has told them to do. Let’s just pray in the Spirit right now. And those of you that are persnickety about us praying in the spirit and saying, “We have to have interpretation.” It’s coming. It comes when we pray it out in English.


The endurance… Holy Ghost endurance… Holy Ghost joy. The supernatural ease of the finished work comes from our feet, from our hands, from our mouths. We see with the Holy Ghost urgency, with the Holy Ghost revelation that even when Jesus said, “it is finished,” He didn’t stop there. He made a show of them. He made a show of them.

Father, I thank you right now that what you have said, you perform, that what you have said, you are watching over today in our nation, in our state, in Israel, globally. We thank you for the privilege of carrying your name, the privilege of Covenant.

Holy Spirit, you minister Covenant to us today. You minister finished… finished to us today that when we tell things to move, they move. When we tell doors to shut, they shut. When we tell things to open up, they open. Why? Because of that name—the name of Jesus. That finished it!

And once again, He was the son of man and even He got tired.

I don’t know about you, but man, that is such a comfort and a joy to me. How many times have you heard that before a big breakthrough, there’s a little warfare going on. That’s where we’re at.

A revelation of “it is finished.” Even when Jesus called it finished, He didn’t even look like a man. It didn’t look finished. But His Word… God performed and “it is finished.”

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