Morning Prayer Summary

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Good morning. Happy Wednesday. Great to see you at morning prayer.


Through our collective agreement in faith, you’re turning hopeless situations around.
That healing anointing is being transacted now… being released now into hearts, into emotions, into minds, into central nervous systems where there’s a short circuit, so to speak, and bringing wholeness. Healing anointing, we declare, is being released into bodies, into marriages, into households, into this church, into our nation.
Father, we pray for a supernatural release of your anointing and your power to do a work that we can’t do on our own.
Let breakthrough come through the realm of the Spirit into this church, into our hearts, into our homes, into our nation, in Jesus’ name.
Ha, ha, ha, on the devil… ha, ha, ha on every obstacle he has tried or attempted to put in our way. We say, “ha ha” on insecurity and fear and trouble… We say, “ha ha” on insufficiency and division. “Ha ha ha” on issues from our upbringing… We say, “ha, ha” on what you’ve tried to do in our nation… We say it all backfires in the enemy’s face, in Jesus’ name. And that our God, let Him arise! And triumph! And do what must be done now in our land, in our hearts, in our homes, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Unleash it. Unleash it. Unleash it, Lord. Let it run now. Let it run now. Let it go now. Let it flow now. Yes, Lord, through the church, through our nation, unto the nations. Yes, Father, your glory flow… yes, your miraculous flow… your divine intention flow. Lord, let it move. Let it be released now, in Jesus’ name.
We call for the supernatural operations of the Holy Spirit. Let them be released, Lord, even as it has been prophesied over many, many decades now. Let that which needs to come into play now be brought into evidence. Even what you prepared, Lord, even what you have held in store up until this point of history and your timeline. So we pray and agree across this prayer gathering this morning, Lord, that there would be a sudden release now of some things.
The enemy thought he was releasing some things. Oh no, that was nothing in comparison to the exceeding great and grand display of power and glory and works of God that now must come into evidence… now must come into the flow of the work of God in the church, through the church, in the heart of individuals, not just pastors or those with a fivefold ministry gift. No, we pray, Father, that there would come a fanning into flame now of holy fire. And the power of God and the display and the work of God the Holy Spirit now in and through your people. Individuals, families, churches, nations, Lord. Yes, Father, a fanning into flame, into fullness now, into brightness.
Racing and accelerating now all over the earth now from generation to generation.
From people group to people group, from household to household.
There’s a movement now. There’s a migration of God and it’s picking up in momentum and pace now and it’s evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit and the display and the show that you intend to put on that will truly be seen and witnessed as a sign to all those who are far from you, even unto the evil leaders in certain nations. Lord, they’ll have no justification any longer, for there will be signs now raised up we pray. Signs, yes, in the heavens, but also in the earth, in Jesus’ name. Signs of your Second Coming. Signs of the outpouring of the glory of God. Signs and wonders performed as if you, Lord, we’re here yourself incarnate, which you are in and through the church.

Word for those who are struggling…

If you’re streaming this online this morning, the anointing of God be released in your home, in your heart, in your situation… For those of you who are struggling so much so you can’t think straight, I speak peace and we stand in alignment with you and we declare to that foul spirit of fear… Because that’s what fear is. It is a demonic entity or spirit. We bind you in your life in whatever way he’s attacking or harassing you. And we say, “Stop now in your maneuvers against that child of God in the mighty name of Jesus. And we agree and we declare freedom this morning. So hearts and lives, freedom to the church at large. Freedom and peace be still to your soul in Jesus’ name.”

Pastor Ken…

One of the things that is on my heart this morning, is a simple reality or truth that we see in scripture. And I think I quoted it earlier as we prayed. And that is, the Bible says very clearly that there is exceeding great power toward those who believe. So can I ask you, do you believe this morning? Can you believe? Jesus made it very clear when He was posed the question, “Will you… can you?” And He said many times and on different occasions, “Yes, I am willing and I can do the impossible.” The question is, will you believe?

His power came down and His power is here…

Sometimes we may be, for religious reasons or indoctrination from something that may be incorrect, we pray, “Lord, let your power come down.” I’m sure I’ve done it too. But the truth of the matter is, the Bible’s very clear. His power came down and His power is here. There’s exceeding great power toward those who believe. The question is, will we learn to connect with it and receive it and assign it?

You are the next move of God…

Somebody that I follow and respect, a great minister, said that “You are the next move of God because He’s moving in you.” Right? And this is one of the reasons why we pray, because prayer connects with the power of God. I quote it about every week, James 5:17. Let me read it from the Passion Translation. Verse 16 says, “Confess and acknowledge how you’ve offended one another, and then pray for one another to be instantly healed.”
Whew! Instantly healed!
“For tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer.” Amen! That would be a really good thing to kind of calibrate your thinking and your expectation to this morning, is exceeding great power is being released when we make faith decrees, when we pray out in God the Holy Spirit, in your heavenly prayer language. Power is released.

Nothing is too great for Him…

And so just know that this morning. Nothing’s too great for Him. Whatever it is God has assigned you to pray about, because God has delegated prayer assignments to each of us individually and to us collectively. Whatever you’re grappling with in your own life and your own spiritual journey, your own household or finances, or maybe your physicality, something you’re dealing with, nothing is too great for him. All things are possible to that person who will simply believe and agree. It just means agree with God. And say the same thing. Because your words are so powerful. Right?

Proverbs 18:21. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” So just be cognizant today that your words can release the power of God or it can release the power of the enemy’s plan. What will you choose to speak today? What will you choose to pray today?

I understand there are times when you want to just be really real and express your heart to the Father, but more often than not, when it comes to effective prayer, we must pray the answer. We must pray the promise regardless of whether or not anything has changed, regardless of whether or not we feel anything. God’s Word is true. His Word proclaims, “let every human being be a liar, but let God be true.”

That means, and we also know that He and His Word are one. So if He is true and not a liar, that His Word is true and not a liar, it doesn’t matter what you see or what you feel or what somebody says later today, I choose, and I believe you do too, to contend for the promise of God for our nation, for our spouses, for our family members, for those in our communities, for our pastors and our leaders. Amen.

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