Morning Prayer Summary

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Folu…

We thank you, Lord, that everyone yields right now to the Spirit of the living God, the greater one, the helper.

He wants to quicken things to you, things to help you do your job better, to help us live this life better.

One of the things I believe God wants to do with this service… Actually two specific things in terms of deliverance. This might not be for you, but I feel that sometime before the end of this service today, He wants to help people with two gateway drugs—marijuana and tobacco.

The Lord wants to help you. The helper is here to help you. And you can also stand in proxy for a family member for those two things I just called out.

Some of you know how addictive those two drugs can be. But God almighty, the Helper is here today to help. Those of you that are online, if you’re dealing with either of those two things… The beautiful thing about God is that when He sets you free, He sets you free!

I believe the people that will respond to that call this morning, the Lord will do it in a way that it’ll be “one and done.” Maybe you’ve gone back and forth because of the addictiveness of those gateway drugs. Maybe you’ve gone back and forth and you were set free for a week or two and then that nicotine just pulled you back. But not today! No withdrawal.

And how is that even possible? It’s only possible in God. Supernatural, just like “BOOM”—one and done. So if that is for you, we’ll have that call. All I ask is that you be humble enough to let the Lord touch you or touch your loved ones and stand in proxy for them. Hallelujah.

Sister, when you started singing about the Spirit of God… Saints, He just reminded me, some of you maybe watched what happened here last night. We were here for over five hours and it was heaven on earth. Many times we’ve heard a lot of prophecies about the “last days.” And I’m going to read some things here from the Word that the Lord is going to pour out His Spirit. We’ve heard many testimonies about demonstrations.  We’ve had many testimonies about the manifestations of the Spirit of the Living God. Oh, it was beautiful in here.

The Healing Service with Guest Minister Dr. James Tan…

You know how when five hours just goes like that… it was like, “It’s 11 something already? Seriously?” We started at 6:45. Oh, the man of God came full. I’m talking about Dr. Tan. Saints, it was so neat to see how the Spirit of God was moving. It started with joy. The joy of the Lord came in here and initially started with people running and dancing and falling down. People were doing all kinds of stuff that I’ve not even seen before. It was just neat to see. And then it went from that to a holy hush, just a holy peace.

It’s interesting how the Lord sometimes, you know, there’s something about the Lord, He loves hunger. Around 10:20, 10:30, it was so palpable… the wind of the Spirit came into this place. It was just like a divine orchestration.

First came the joy…

First it was the joy and people falling and jumping. And as people were laughing and dancing and enjoying the Lord, the man of God started calling out different things… like ankles. He was calling out by the Spirit of God that was being addressed. But God used the route of joy to bring it in.

Then came the wind…

And then when that wind… he had given me the mic to close out the service at about just shy of 11. And as I was up here… and everybody felt it. It was so strong. It’s the wind of the Spirit just blew in here. I said, “Lord, what are you doing? You are doing what you said that in the last days…”

Let’s go to Acts 2:17. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions.” Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Sons and daughters of God, are we prophesying? “And your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants and on my handmaids, I will pour out in those days of My Spirit. And they shall prophesy.” I see a running theme here, saints, about prophesying.

Verse 19, “And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs… signs… signs in the earth beneath. We saw a lot of signs… signs in the earth. We saw a lot of that last night. And you know what was the interesting thing about it? It’s that as the Spirit of the Lord was moving and all these wonderful things were happening, so many people stayed with it. I mean, at 11 o’clock there were still a lot of people in this room, even though we started at 6:45.

Oh, the hunger for His presence. We pray for that for the church of Jesus.

Forbid not to speak in tongues…

You know how the Bible talks about “forbid not to speak in tongue.” The man of God yesterday was telling us… He’s a well-traveled man. He goes to a lot of churches. He said, “What we have here at Living Word is unique.” He said, “It shouldn’t be like that.” A lot of churches now are of a persuasion that they don’t even pray in tongues any longer. It’s like they’ve allowed the enemy to shut that out of their services. He said it breaks his heart. And that we are so privileged what we have here.

And as you know, we have to guard what we have because the enemy wants to take that thing out of every single church. People don’t want that. They just want it nice. They just want to hear the Word. “Don’t be bringing the Spirit in there. You have young converts in there. No! This is not the time for that.”

Saints, my very first time coming to Living Word when I was still a guest was at the old church when Brother Hagin was doing those Holy Ghost meetings. That was my introduction to Living Word.

You know what? The Spirit of God pulled me in. Not the other way around. So that is a lie from the pit of hell. When the enemy would say, “Oh, we don’t want to go there right now.”

I mean, I was not used to the things of the Spirit at all. And then every night it was different. Sometimes it would be people running. Just think about the boldness he must have taken for this man to do what he did. I’m reminded of one of those nights. Brother Hagin had just come up. Oh Lord, help us to be led by the Spirit in everything that we do.

He said, “The anointing is not on me to minister tonight.”

Brother Hagin had just come up. The place was packed out. People were ready to receive a word from the man of God. You know what he said? He said, “The anointing is not on me tonight.” I mean, who does that? But a man that is possessed of heaven. He said, “The anointing is not on me to minister tonight.” And I was like, what? You could feel it. It was so palpable in the room. What do you mean? I drove all these miles to come and see you? And he pointed to one of the guys on the guitar. He said, “The anointing is on him.” And guess what he did? He went and sat down. I’m like, are you kidding me? What?

Take over the service…

And he told the man, “Take over the service.” Guess what this guy did? I’m just sitting in the back, not used to anything like this. The first thing this guy did is he came to where Pastor Lynne was sitting. And he started dancing in front of Pastor Lynne. I’m like, “Wow.”

And before I knew it, Pastor Lynne was on the floor. And then he started going row by row. Everybody stand. And all he did was… it was domino effect. “Everybody stand.” I was like, “Whoa. What is this?” Signs… signs… signs. It takes great humility to do something like that… to go to the leader of the house. And do something like that. But that’s how the Spirit of God was leading him. And then for the man of God to cooperate and just go sit down and says, “It’s not on me. So I’m just going to go sit down.”

Are you prophesying to yourself?

Verse 18, “And on my servants and on my handmaids, I will pour out in those days of my Spirit and they shall prophesy.” Once again, are you prophesying to yourself? “And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of smoke.

Saints, what is all this about anyway? What is all this signs and all this stuff? What is it all about? Verse 21 is where we’re going to land. “And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” And we all know what salvation is. It is not just salvation in terms of receiving Jesus. It’s every area! Salvation in every area.

Salvation in every area…

“And whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Can we pray about that, saints? Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Who in your family still needs to be saved? Who are you crying out to the Lord for? Let’s just thank the Lord for their salvation. Even right now as we are praying. You might say, “Folu, it’s been 20 years, it’s been 30 years.” The Lord is on task. It might be just right now, that as you are praying, “Lord arrest their heart.” And not only salvation as we know it. Every area. Deliverance. Strength. Salvation in every area of life.

So think of that person right now, whoever those people are. Just thank the Lord for them again. Say, “Lord, I see them saved. I see them walking with you. I see them full of the Holy Ghost. I see them full of the power of God. Not only that, I see them going out and reaching people for you. I see them being full of the power of God.”

Is it your sons? Is it your daughters? Is it your nephews? Just thank the Lord for them again. You’ve been lifting them up.

I feel that wind up here very strongly. Some of you might feel that wind in the room. Thank you, Lord, for the wind of the Spirit. Just like He did back in Acts chapter two, there was a wind that came into that place. He’s still doing it. Thank you for your wind right now, just blowing through this place. And I speak to those that are watching online that the wind that is blowing in this place, blows into wherever you are.

Those of you online, I just want to speak to you real quickly. Just engage more and more. Those of you online, if you’re doing something else, just really focus right now intently. Just join in with what the Lord is doing right here, right now. The salvation of your house. Sozo… Every area, everyone that needs to come into the kingdom and everyone that needs to be baptized, there’s all kinds of salvation… healing, restoration, deliverance. Everything is in that salvation world. Who is it that needs anything from the Lord. Right now, the Lord is doing it. That’s why He came. That’s why all the signs is for the salvation of your house.

Deliverance is in that salvation. Restoration is in that salvation. Whatever you need is in that salvation. That’s why He came. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord. Don’t be weary in well doing. It might have been taking some time, but God almighty is on His throne and He’s bringing the answers speedily.

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