Prayer Summary for September 6


Father, You are lifting and stirring us in the Holy Ghost
We draw a blood line right now
Enough is enough—no further and no more!
The name of Jesus is backing us up!
We stand in the power and authority that is in that name!
Declaring freedom in this place!
Calling for diversity of tongues!
Shaking off the old
The blood is stopping some plans dead in their tracks!
Sinning and praying in tongues is the entrance into the place of victory
A great awakening will cause a show!
Get up and walk into it
Joy is the key!
We put on the armor and march into victory!
Lifting up perfect prayers
Cutting up and cutting away the spirit of confusion!
Receiving and expecting restoration—it is restoration day!
Aligning things now
Dry bones, come together and be restored to your place!
The anointing pulls you into your position, for it destroys every yoke of bondage!
We are not willing for even one to be lost
Spirit of darkness, come out in Jesus’ name!
Rising up to a higher level
Lord, cause us to yield to You more!
Letting tongues become our first language for it is so precious
Praying for a greater unveiling of the plans
Let Your gift of tongues be exalted throughout the Church again
Holy Spirit, truly fill us to the overflow!
Father, we hold these things before You!
Thank You for utterance in the Holy Spirit—You fill, direct, and lead us
We rest in You, for everything we need is in You!
Today we take our place in the secret place and call things forth!

The remainder of Morning Prayer was spent in praising and worshiping the Lord in tongues.

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