Prayer Summary for June 28


Father, we look to You as the ALL-sufficient One!
Open our eyes of understanding
Your Word speaks of truth!
Lord, You alone bring joy unspeakable!
Today is the day of salvation!
No matter what is in this world You are more than enough!
You are greater than any idea created by man
We pray for the Body, that she would see how to make the right decisions
Knowing that You have provided everything
We pray for those who have been bound by alcoholism and emotional pain
They have been bought with a price and they have been made whole!
We ask for revelation on their behalf – that they would see where they are at and come out of it!
Clothed in the robes of righteousness!
Releasing themselves of the bondage of sin
Joy of victory and confidence rising up now!
Darkness has to flee, for it has no authority
We are to live heaven on earth and there is no sickness there!
Saved by grace and faith in His blood!
The day of victory is coming!
Let the Holy Spirit lead you to make the decision to defy the darkness
Laying aside the weights!
There is nothing to fear for You, Lord, are on the other side!
Father, we love You and You are more than we deserve
Thank You for the Holy Spirit who helps us make the right decisions

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