Thank You for the blood of Your Son, Father
Lord, we thank You for the healing that is in that name!
We use and apply the blood over those who are in need of every kind of healing
We expect to see healings all around
Joy, peace, revelation are all found in the blood!
Father, thank You for the power that is in the blood!
Jesus, thank You that You went on the cross for us
We apply the blood wherever it is necessary
Father, we plead the blood over the laborers who are in the fields declaring Your Word
Scripture Focus…
(2) “You are jealous and covet [what others have] and your desires go unfulfilled; [so] you become murderers. [To hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned.] You burn with envy and anger and are not able to obtain [the gratification, the contentment, and the happiness that you seek], so you fight and war. You do not have, because you do not ask.”
(James 4:2 Amp.)
Continued Praying…
We cover ourselves, families, and ministries in the blood
Each one will walk out the destiny You have for them, Father!
There is protection in the blood!
We apply it over the borders and airways of Israel!
Declaring America and Israel will continue to stand together!
Wisdom on what to do and how to do it
Praying over the economy of Israel
Calling every man and business blessed!
Father, as a nation we bless Israel!
Calling for change in Jesus’ name!
We thwart the enemy now!
Father, we lift up all positions of authority in the IDF!
Declaring favor over Israel and America
We pray for our leaders and declare they will never back off from supporting Israel
Applying the blood against every wrong and negative plan
Praying for strength over the leaders in Israel!
Assistance for the direction to carry out their plan
We pray for the airport to be open
No fear—we bring fear in the name of Jesus!
Father, we pray for new opportunities of blessings to come their way!
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Miracles, signs, and supernatural happenings unfolding in these days
Calling for words that change, rearrange, and stop the enemy in its tracks
Limitations, get out in Jesus’ name!
We resist you by the blood of the Lamb!
Lies and deceiving ways, get out in Jesus’ name!
A greater mobilization in the Church now!
Hidden things, be uncovered and revealed for what you are and where you are
Taking authority at the root and cutting that off
Putting a stop to the enemy supply line!
The light exposing the darkness and rooting it out
Pinpoint accuracy!
God’s people strengthened by His power and glory!
Father, thank You for the preparations that are being made for the temple to be rebuilt
We hear the sound of the shofar
The Church is rising up and actively standing by Israel
Confusion, we bind you
Inaccuracies, be exposed for what you are and what you were
Wrong motives, be cut off at your very beginning
Lord, we thank You for the blood once again!
Calling freedom everywhere by the blood
Pleading a blood covering over pastors and ministers all over the world
The call of God on your life shall be completed in fullness!
Praying that each one is filled with strength and joy
The Church receiving an overflow of the baptism of the Spirit
Thank You, Lord, that You are true to Your Word!
We give You honor and thanksgiving!