The following hymn by Edwin Hatch was read during Morning Prayer:
Breathe on me, breath of God.
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what thou dost love,
And do what thou wouldst do.
Breathe on me, Breath of God.
Until my heart is pure,
Until my will is one with thine
To do and to endure.
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Till I am wholly thine,
Until this earthly part of me
Glows with thy fine divine.
Lord, we want to dwell in Your presence and take it everywhere we go
We speak to coals within us to burn bright for You again!
You have given us a desire to continually contend for more
Let Your presence draw those who are lost and hungry
Each one of us needs more of You
We know it is all about You!
Lord, we come into Your holy of holies, by faith we take our place
We thank You for the covering of the blood of Jesus
First of all, we DO NOT come asking, but come worshiping You
You said to continually seek You first!
Lord, we are humbled that we have free access to Your presence
We look up unto You, for all of our help comes from You!
We lift and magnify You, and by faith we hold onto Your hand
Thank You that You have always had a plan for us
Every good thing comes from You!
Lord, we purpose to take this time and rest in You, to take on Your strength, joy, and peace
Father, we give You thanks even if we haven’t seen it all come to pass yet
Thank You for the suddenlies and the progressions of Your miracles
There is no other way but Your way!
We thank You for Your unfailing love
You are the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords
In You, we prosper and You are our help every day
This is a new day, and we will continually rejoice
Lord, we desire to give You all of the praise that You deserve
We lift up every ministry across the earth
Father, we plead the blood over every position of leadership
The time has come for all to take their places and run their races
We take in Your strength, healing, joy, and peace on behalf of others
Sending a supply out to them
Father, You know who is in need!
So much is at stake, and so many plans have yet to be carried out
Lord, we are desperate for more of Your presence
We cannot go further without You!
We turn our hearts and desires to You
Jesus, we remind ourselves of what You did when You broke Your body for us
We make much of the blood that You spilled for us!
Remove from us any form of falseness
We desire to be faithful to You!
Lord, we believe for the spirit of seeing and knowing to begin to operate in us in a greater way
We give You praise for today!