Father, this is the day and hour that the church is going to shine brighter and brighter
We do not lean on our own understanding, but in all of our ways we are acknowledging You, Lord
Declaring that our eyes are riveted and fixed on You, our ears are open to heed even the smallest inclination of Your Spirit
The Holy Spirit abides, dwells, and lives on the inside of us and speaks the things of the Father to us
We are not here to stagnate, but we are Your hands and Your feet
Lives will be quickened of and by Your Spirit, O God
By the blood of Jesus, we proclaim that the resurrection power would flow out of the body of Christ
There is a movement and a momentum in the Holy Spirit, today
Supernatural anointings, gifts, and abilities are coming up and responding to You, Lord
There is mending, a fixing, and a healing going on in the church of the living God
Forgetting those things which are behind and pressing on to the high call of God in Christ Jesus
Throwing off of chains of restraints and false paradigms that would hold men in a place and keep them from experiencing all of You, Father
We call for supernatural progress and a continual increase in the plans and purposes of You, Lord
Putting our hands to the plow and not looking back
There are connections along the way-connected in a supernatural way
All things will work out for the good of those who love Him, if we press on and do not fear
I will not apologize, for I am not ashamed of the Gospel
We plead the blood of Jesus over school teachers this day
Fresh wind of God blow across their Spirits today-grant them boldness and courage, Father
We are calling for a great move of Your spirit in our schools and universities
Praying for a change and a shaking off of lying, deceiving devils in our Christian universities
Declaring that they would come back to the foundation of God’s Word
Empower them and give them boldness to stand up for what is right
Applying the blood of Jesus over hospitals, doctors, nurses, and orderlies
Declaring that the anointing of God would be over them to go about the Father’s plan
Calling for miraculous signs and wonders, an increase of boldness and courage
Holy wind of God blow across this nation, blow through every church
You are the way maker and You make a way where there seems to be no way!
Raising up those believers in the villages for such a time as this, Father
There is a yearning for more of You, O Lord
Holy Spirit, breathe on these precious souls that have come to know You
Scripture Focus…
(18) “Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).”
(Ephesians 6:18 Amp.)
“Do you need nothing? Then, you do not know your poverty. Have you no mercy to ask of God? Then, may the Lord’s mercy show you your misery! A prayerless soul is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian. If you be a child of God, you will seek your Father’s face, and live in your Father’s love. Pray that this year you may be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter more often into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that you may be an example and a blessing unto others, and that you may live more to the glory of your Master.”
(Ephesians 6:18 Charles Spurgeon Commentary)
(17) “And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.”
(Acts 2:17 Amp.)
The following excerpt was taken from The Art of Intercession by Kenneth E. Hagin:
The Prayer of Intercession:
One Kind of Prayer
(18) “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”
(Ephesians 6:18 KJV)
Notice that says, “Praying with All prayer…”
The Amplified translation reads, “Pray… with ALL MANNER of prayer…”
Another translation reads, “Praying with ALL KINDS of prayer…”
But the translation that really strikes a note in my own spirit is Goodspeed’s. It reads, “Use EVERY KIND of prayer and entreaty, and at every opportunity pray in the Spirit.” The Bible teaches several kinds of prayer – and the different rules governing them.
One common misconception people have is they think they should conclude every prayer with the words, “If it be thy will.” They claim that is how Jesus prayed. However, Jesus prayed this way on only one occasion. That was in the Garden of Gethsemane when He prayed the prayer of consecration.
When they attempt to pray the prayer of faith (the prayer of petition, the prayer to change things), they conclude it with “if it be thy will.” And their prayer is hindered because they are uncertain of His will – His word.
They may say, “I don’t understand why that didn’t work.” That would be like saying at a football game, “I don’t see why someone doesn’t hit a home run.”
Don’t be confused. Go to the Rulebook! Go to the Bible and see how to pray.
I will list here several kinds of prayers the Bible teaches. However, I cannot go into detail on them in this book. (I do have books on prayer which deal with them.)
*The prayer of Faith: the prayer of petition, the prayer to change things (Matt. 21:22; Mark 11:23). This prayer, always to be based on God’s revealed will in His Word, never contains an “if.”
*The Prayer of Consecration: the prayer of consecration and dedication of our lives for God’s use; to go anywhere and do anything. In this prayer we pray, “If it be thy will” (Luke 22:42).
*The Prayer of Commitment: casting your cares upon the Lord in prayer (1 Peter 5:7).
*The Prayer of Worship (Acts 13:1-4; Luke 24:52,53)
*The Prayer of Agreement (Matt. 18:18-20)
*Prayer in the Spirit: praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:13,15)
*United Prayer (Acts 4:23-31).
*Intercessory Prayer: a prayer for others; and our subject in this book.
An intercessor is one who takes the place of another, or pleads another’s case.
If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Word Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.
A Word From the Lord Came Forth…
“Proceed,” saith the Lord, “proceed ahead down that right way,” saith God, “proceed today for I have called you to march like never before, I have called you to step further than you have ever gone before. For these are new days of illumination and revelation. For My body is being called up to press ahead to move further and to go beyond, in many ways where you have never ever seen yourself go. Steps, new steps, new realms, new activity by the Holy Ghost. It’s not you,” saith the Father,” it’s Me working through you, so do not allow yourself to say ‘well if this…’ or ‘if that…’ but just say ‘yes’ to My will and to My way.”
Continued Praying…
Father, we ask that we would be holy, humble, zealous, and patient, today
We plead the blood of Jesus over our relationship with You
Covering our minds, thoughts, eyes, and ears with the blood of Jesus
You are our helper, provider, and healer
We have the equipment from the Holy Ghost to keep on going through to the end
Praying over the maturing and growing of the church, Father
Breakthroughs of and by Your Spirit
A greater cooperation to the move of Your Holy Spirit, today
Declaring answers, revelation, solutions, and help to all believers, Lord God
We are not moved by what we see, we are moved by what we know
Standing upon the words that have been spoken by Your spirit
We take authority over dryness, and we call for a fresh baptism of Your spirit
Opening ourselves up to more of You, Father
We believe for fresh baptisms, a stirring and a refreshing, today
Father, we expect that what You have said in Your Word would take place
We are more equipped than ever before to do what You have called us to do
By the stripes of Jesus we are, were, and will continue to be healed and whole
You get all the glory, honor, and praise, today, Father