Prayer Summary for April 2


Lord, it is always Your presence that makes us whole!
You work in and through us!
Through Your Word you have shown us how important Your presence is!
Every day we know we need a new and fresh touch!
Lord, we yearn for more and repent forever looking to another way
We humble ourselves and lay everything out before You
You get all the glory and praise!
Lord, You are welcome here and we know there is power in united prayer!
Thank You for the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ – the entire body of Christ is covered by it!
Calling for an increase
We pray a covering of protection over the fivefold ministry
By the blood, we hold back any deception – you will not rule in the body of Christ!
Father, thank You for showing and revealing to us where we are to go and what we are to do
Praying for each one of the keys for the future
Every door that needs to be open will be open
Holy Spirit, we get up on the wall as watchers and watch over the activities of the Church
We pray over every part, detail, and heart!
Thank You Father, that we can walk in Your will by Your presence
You have a great plan for each one of us and the plan for the Body is even bigger
The Body must go ahead and watch out, calling things that are not as though they are!
Seeing things begin to transform and change
We lift up all of our leaders – the president, senate, congress, and all representatives
Each State is a Holy Ghost State!
Praying over every State Capital
Father, thank You for men and women to take their place and begin to stand and speak the truth Declaring a rebound of the Word!
New territory, favor, and places!


The following excerpt is taken from Spiritual Avalanche by Steve Hill:

The Perfect Resort

A phone call recently came in that caused my spirit to rejoice. I knew you deserved to listen in. The person on the line was very reputable. The call was in reference to a large, prestigious church. Though the information was secondhand, I knew the source and was confident the data was accurate. This house of worship had within its acreage everything a church shopper could dream of. The entrance had a foyer that would rival most Western shopping malls.

…The voice on the other end said, “The church has just had a message in tongues with the interpretation, and that never happens. It was Sunday morning, the church was packed, and the senior pastor, who actually gave the interpretation, stood up and apologized to the church for drifting from their calling. He said that they were a Pentecostal church and should be accustomed to what they’d just heard. Then he did something that shocked the majority of the parishioners. He said, ‘We are returning to our roots. How many here today want to be a Pentecostal church? Raise your hand if you’re with me!'”

The voice on the line said, “Out of thousands, over a third refused to back their pastor. They wanted an easygoing, non-offensive garden for guests. They were rejecting the fire of God, His power, and Holy Ghost tongues. That, in their carnal minds, should all be relegated to a back room or the home fellowship groups!”

If you’re reading this and do not have a Pentecostal heritage, keep going. This is about fundamental truth, not nit-picking theological issues that have embattled the church for centuries.

If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Word Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.

Scripture Focus…

(11) I indeed baptize you in (with) water because of repentance [that is, because of your changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
(Matt. 3:11 Amp)


The following commentary to Matthew 3:11 was taken from The Revival Study Bible:

Matt 3:11

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. You cannot choose between the Spirit and the fire. They are inseparable, one and the same. There are not two baptisms, one “in the Spirit” and the other “in fire.” There is one baptism only in the Spirit and fire. When the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost, He arrived with tongues of fire. One hundred and twenty men and women were divinely empowered and supernaturally endued. Heaven’s power invaded the earth, and those one hundred and twenty then shook their whole world. Today, we have got plenty of fanfare, but very little fire; plenty of formulas, but very little flames. We are high on utterance, but low on unction. Where is the holy heat of His presence? What has happened to the “mighty baptism from on high”? How many have been immersed – soaked, saturated, dunked, and virtually drowned – in His enabling power and might? Where is the overwhelming flood tide of His waves in our nation today?

The Baptism with Fire
Matthew 3:11

Fire Illuminates
Fire illuminates, but no fire illuminates like “the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire.” When a man is baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire, truth that was once dark to him becomes instantly as bright as day; passages in the Bible that he could not understand before become as simple as ABC; and every page of God’s Holy Word glows with heavenly light. This kind of baptism will do more for taking the infidelity and skepticism and false doctrine out of a man than any university education.

Fire Makes Warm, It Makes Us Glow
You and I are cold – oh, how cold we are! And the Lord Jesus takes us and He plunges us into the fire of the Holy Spirit. We begin to grow warm, and soon we glow, glow with love for God, glow love for Christ, glow with love for the truth, glow with love for perishing souls. Men and women, the great need of the day is men and women on fire.

Fire Imparts Energy
Science tells us that every form of energy can be transmuted into fire. When a baptism with fire comes, then comes power. That was the principal manifestation at Pentecost. The fire of God fell, and with the energy of that fire men went out from the Upper Room and three thousand people were converted.

Fire Spreads
Nothing spreads life fire!

Fire Reveals
1 Corinthians 3:13 – Each man’s work shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. The night I prayed to God to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, the first thing that came to pass was that I has such a revelation of myself as I had never had before. A revelation of yourself as God sees you!

Fire Refines
Malachi 3:1-3 speaks of the purifying power of fire. Water will not cleans as fire does. What we need is the fire of the Holy Spirit penetrating into the innermost depths of our being, burning, burning, burning, cleansing.

Fire Consumes
Ezekiel 24:11-13 illustrates the consuming power of fire, fire of judgment that will consume the filth of Jerusalem. And the baptism of fire consumes, in fact cleansed by consuming; it burns up all dross, all vanity, all self-righteousness, all personal ambition, all ungovernable temper.

If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Word Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.

Continued Praying…

Thank You that Jesus took upon himself all of our sickness, diseases, and sins
Father, we receive Your fire!
We stand on behalf of those in positions of authority in the body of Christ
That they would stand with their heads held high and receive a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost!
Because of You we are ready to do Your will!
We are ready to keep accessing Your presence
Thank You for the readiness in us because of what You have done in us!
We are so grateful for what You have done!
Thank You for bringing people into our lives to speak into us!
Lord, we thank You for those who have gone on and said ‘You can do it!’
We receive Your Word and we will do everything necessary to stay tuned up and stirred up in You!
Calling for the fire of the Holy Ghost
What has been started shall go on to the end!

A Word of The Lord came forth:

“I’ve sent My power, saith the Lord. I’ve equipped you to do it! So keep moving, keep accessing Me, keep walking in glory and power and authority. And My joy, My peace, My compassion, My strength, My healing, and My abundance will always, always be with you. Didn’t I say in My Word I wanted you to prosper spirit, soul, and body?”

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