Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Folu…

Hello, everybody! Good morning.

A special thanksgiving to the Lord…

Thank you so much for coming to prayer today. I was thinking about doing a special thanksgiving to the Lord today. For those of you online, thank you so much for joining us. We welcome you from whatever part of the world you’re joining us from.

So last night, we were just thinking about the wonderful services we just had with the Upper Midwest Faith Explosion. And all that was shared about what the Lord is doing with our global church planting. And the thought just came about taking some time just to thank the Lord for what He’s already done, and what He will do in times to come. So that’s what we’re going to be doing today, saints. We’re going to be mixing it up a little bit. And it’s going to be a little bit different today for those of you that come to prayer regularly. But we can go with the flow, right? So let us pray.


Father, we thank you for today. This morning, we thank you for the global church-planting initiatives.
Lord, you put this in our Senior Pastor’s heart: 50 churches in five years.
At this rate, Lord, we’re going to surpass that 50 churches. So we just want to take a pause and just say thank you, thank you, thank you. Because each church represents hundreds of people, potentially. Lives being touched, lives being saved, community, people being set free from all kinds of bondages.
Oh, what a planner you are, Lord!

Being watchful with thanksgiving…

As you know, the Bible has a lot to say about giving thanks. Colossians 4:2 says, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Now our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, make music to our God on the harp. Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.”

As we’re going to worship now, please feel free to stand up, come to the front, walk around. Let’s worship and give thanks to our great God.

How did Jesus give thanks…

Today we are taking the time to thank the Lord for all that He has been doing with our global church planting initiatives. I want us to see how Jesus did it, how He thanked the Lord, and how that just multiplied the results. So I’m sure we all know the story in Mark chapter 8, the feeding of the 4,000. So these folks had been with Jesus for three days and because of the compassion of the Lord, He told His disciples that “We have to feed these people.” And I pick up the story here. Mark 8:4.

“And His disciples answered Him, where’s anyone able to feed these people with bread here in the desert? And He asked them, How many loaves do you have? So they said seven. And He commanded the crowd to recline for a meal on the ground and taking the seven loaves, after He had given thanks, He broke them and began to give them to His disciples so that they could set them before the people. And they set them before the crowd.”

Then verse seven, another wonderful thing happened here. “And then they had a few small fish. And after He giving thanks for them, He said to set this before them also and they ate and were satisfied. And they picked up the broken pieces that were left, seven baskets full.”

Do you see this? Jesus had some bread and He gave thanks. Then He had some fish and He gave thanks. And what did this do? It fed over 4,000 people.

So I really believe as we are taking time to give thanks to the Lord today what the Lord has started with the global church planting initiatives is just going to continue to spread like wildfire. As we are thanking Him, just like Jesus thanked the Lord… And then what happened? It was set. He gave it to the disciples and they set it before the people.

Things are being set in place…

And as we are giving thanks, things are being set in place even right now, all over the world. My heart is just full when I was thinking about everything Pastor Mic was saying this past week about each of those churches, the impact they’re already having and the impact they will continue to have. And I just thank the Lord for the example of our Lord here. Now there were about 4,000. And I believe that the impact of what has began, will continue. And what we are making happen for others, God will make it happen for us. And as we’re just taking the time to just worship Him and thank Him, more and more blessings is just being poured out even to you and your family and to your household.

Father, we just say thank you. Thank you for the global church planting initiatives. Thank you for how you put it in our Senior Pastor’s heart. Thank you that we can come alongside them, Lord, and do our part. Thank you, Father, for even right now, all the people all over the world that are currently being impacted, just because of your goodness, just because of your mighty faithfulness, Lord.

Brother Copeland called it forth…

I am reminded last year as Brother Copeland was walking out after finishing the Upper Midwest Faith Explosion, he came right back in and he said, “The Lord is saying, ‘Uruguay. Uruguay.’” I remember when our pastor said, “We now have a church in Uruguay.” The prophetic word of the Lord came to pass. Hallelujah. So let’s just continue in this wonderful mode of thanksgiving.

Thanks for this wonderful mandate…

Saints, we are thanking Him for this new wonderful mandate that He has given not just our senior pastors but that He has given us as a church, collectively. It’s a wonderful mandate and we thank Him for it. We thank Him for committing our senior pastors, Pastors Mac and Lynne, and Living Word with this vision of planting 50 churches in five years.

We thank Him for the $2 million that was given to fix up the plane and to get it ready for the next 10 years.
We thank Him for the seven churches that have been paid for already. That’s already up and going as of last year.
We thank Him for the two that is being completed this year so far in Bogota and in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
We thank Him for joining Mercies, as the plane has been flying up and down all these months and as people have been taking trips.
Lord, we thank you for how you have protected our people, traveling back and forth.
Lord, we thank you for open doors that no man, no woman can shut. Open doors that you’ve already given us and open doors that is to come.
Lord, we thank you for opportunity to plant even 16 more churches this year… through now and the end of the year and into earlier of next year.
We thank you for the remaining millions to come in to complete the 25 churches.
Lord, we thank you for the $200,000 that we’ve received a number of those this year already. That is the average for the church planting initiatives.
Lord, we thank you for the 2,700 partners that you have brought into this initiative already.
Lord, we thank you for that very first church that was planted feels like so long ago now in the Dominican Republic.
We thank you for providing the food and the resources to the community to be able to do all that they’ve been doing.
Lord, we thank you for all the churches already… in the Dominican Republic. The churches in Colombia. The churches in Congo, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Ireland, El Salvador, Mexico.
Thank you for all the churches that you’re currently rebuilding in Ethiopia.
Lord, we say thank you. We worship you. We magnify you, Lord. Hallelujah.

Somebody else tapped to do this…

As I was worshiping the Lord, it occurred to me that this mandate that the Lord gave our senior pastor, that could it be that somebody else was tapped to do this. And the person said, “Oh no, I can’t do that. That is too big. Where do I even begin? And where’s the money to do a plan like this? Let’s revisit that in time to come, because it is such a big task, Lord.”

But our senior pastors said “Yes,” and because they said yes we said “Yes.” And another thing about this global church planting initiative is that it’s other churches are being tapped all over the world. They’re looking at this example and God is using this as a template for other churches in times to come that are going to reach out to us. And they say, “Can you show us what you are doing? Because we would like to replicate this.” This is a big deal! And this will usher in the coming of our Lord.

So Lord, we thank you for all that is planned for next year, 2025: 8 churches in Congo. Five churches in Ethiopia, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, Dominican Republic. Father, those are just some for next year. So we say thank you for all these churches in all of these different countries. We thank you for the vision of taking the Word to the world. We thank you, Lord, for safety, safety, safety.

We’re told that 59% of the world is unreached. That’s a lot of people. No wonder there’s such an urgency to reach the world right now. No wonder God has put it on the hearts of our senior pastors not just to move, but to move quickly. Move quickly and get the job done! Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord.

So those of you that are watching online, maybe the Lord is speaking to your hearts about maybe partnering up with Living Word. There are three ways you can partner up with us. You can go to and get a lot of information. You can partner up with us in three ways. Ground Support, Flight Club, Captain’s Circle. So go to and you’ll get all the information there.

And if you are interested in global church planting, please go to and fill out the interest form. There’s an interest form there. You can fill it out. Together, we are changing the world. We are changing the world. We are transforming communities. And we’re bringing hope to people all over the world.

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