Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Heather…
We love your presence. We know we are changed in your presence. Just a moment in your presence changes everything.
And so as you sit in His presence, open your heart to Him and say, “I’m here. I want to receive everything you have for me, Father. Everything you have. And I choose to be present in your presence.”
There’s nothing like your presence, the peace, the love, the joy that you lavish upon us as we just sit at your feet.
And as we sit and adore you and worship you, you’re going out on our behalf and you’re making things happen that we don’t even know you’re fighting for us.
You’re going out before us and you’re making ways where there seems to be no way.
Just as we sit at your feet because you’re so good.
We can trust that you are God, you’ll fight for us, and we can trust that you are God, so we tell our hearts and our minds and our bodies to be still and know that you are God.
You have it all in your hands and so we refuse to worry… we refuse to be anxious… we refuse to do it alone… we refuse to be stressed.
We sit and we are still… and we know that you are God and that you make a way where there seems to be no way… that you walk out ahead of us and you smooth our paths… you make the bumpy places smooth and the crooked places straight… and as we sit, you are doing that great work.
Just as we adore you, as we abide in your presence, as we entwine our hearts with your hearts. That’s what that means. Abide… entwining our hearts with your heart. And so we do that.
We say, “Here’s our heart, Lord. You can have it. Everything inside of it: the good, the bad, the ugly. We give it all to you, Father.”
Because you want it. You paid a price for it. You gave your precious Son, Jesus, that you could have our hearts and all of the contents in it are covered by your blood.
And so we say, “Here’s our heart, Lord. We lay it at your feet today—our dreams, our ambitions, our goals, our worries, our fears. Father, we lay it at your feet, just like Mary pouring out that oil. We just pour it. We pour it out on you today. We pour our lives out on you today. Our worship, our hearts, our adoration, we say “Have it all.” Have everything we have, because you’re worthy. You’re worthy. You’re worthy. You’re worthy of it all.
You’ve done so much that we can never repay you. And all you want is our hearts. And so we say it’s yours to have, to do as you will. Father, we lay it down today.
Psalms 122:1, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
You know, as I was driving, I just heard that scripture. “I was overjoyed when they said, let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalms 122:1. Like, think of that. We get to go and be in His presence. How beautiful is that?
So we’re just overjoyed today to be in your presence, Father, because you do what no one else can do. You change us like no one else can change us. You move in ways that we don’t even understand just as we sit in your presence. And so we are so thankful.
We’re so glad to be in your house today, to welcome you, to make room for your presence this morning. And that’s what we do.
Isaiah 62:6, reminders of Yahwey…
I was reading in Isaiah 62:6. The Passion translation says “Jerusalem, I have stationed intercessors on your walls who would never be silent day or night. You reminders of Yahweh, take no rest.”
And I love that. We are reminders of Yahweh.
And the footnote said another word would be “remember-ers.” That is those who intercede continually to remind God of His promises. Like divine administrators, we remind God of the promises and the appointments He must keep. And so today we are reminders.
We just remind you, God, of your promises over us. You’re so good that you fulfill everyone, that you surround us with favor like a shield… that we’re blessed going in and blessed going out… that we’re more than conquers through Christ who strengthens us… that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
We thank you, Father. You have so many good promises. And today we just hold you in remembrance of those promises that your steadfast love holds us… that you pursue us every day of our lives… that your thoughts toward us are good and not of evil… that you have a plan and a purpose and a hope for us.
Father, we remind you of those promises, your good, good promises. And as we remind you, we remind ourselves. We remind our hearts that our God is faithful. He is true. He is good. He has a plan for us of hope, a plan that is good beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations.
You’re so good and you’re so big, and you’re so vast. More than we can think. More than we can dream. Your thoughts are not like our thoughts, Father. And so today we just thank you. We put you in remembrance of those promises. We put ourselves in remembrance.
Even now, you’re moving in hearts… you’re moving in lives… you’re walking out destinies… you’re calling, calling, calling, calling, calling us deeper, calling us higher into your presence… into your will… into the calls that you’ve placed inside of us.
You’re touching gifts right now. You’re anointing people, just as we sit in your presence… just as we sit and adore you, as we entwine our hearts with your heart and we say, “We will abide, we will adore, we will worship because you’re so worthy.” No one can do for us what you do, Father, no one can fill that space that’s created just for you in our heart.
Oh, Father, you’re stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring us back to our first love. When we first knew you, when we first loved you, everything was beautiful and new.
Word from the Lord…
And you say, “I’m still here. I still love you like that first day. I still see you as My beautiful child and My bride, without spot, without wrinkle.”
He says, “You’re so beautiful. You’re so beautiful.” That’s how He sees us.
“Your worshiping heart is so beautiful to Me. I love to abide in your presence. I love to abide in your worship… to dwell with you. Nothing in between. So let down your shame… let down your fear… let down your disappointment…let down that distrust… let down that mask, that wall… because I want to fellowship with you today, heart to heart. My hand is upon your heart, He says, “And I see you. I see you. I see the true you. The real you. And it’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful. I see who you truly are, who you want to be, and I will enable you to walk in that, who I created you to be before all time. Before all time, I saw who I created you to be,” He says.
“So yield to that now. Yield to that. Yield to My hand, yield to My touch, yield to My ways. Because My ways are higher than your ways. My ways are better. My ways are the highways… the smooth ways… the clear ways… the light ways.
“And when you yield and when you flow, it’s so easy to go. It’s so easy to go when you’re in My flow. So yield to that flow today. Yield to that.”
Our response…
We yield, Father. We yield to your flow. Not our way. We’re not pushing… we’re not pulling… we’re not kicking… we’re not fighting. We just yield to your flow today. Because your flow is so much easier than our way. Your ways are higher, higher, higher. So open our eyes, Father. Open our eyes to see. Open our ears to hear your words. Open our hearts to sense your presence, your way.
Lead us. Lead us in your ways. We yield ourselves. We die to ourselves. We die to our own stubborn wills. We crucify our flesh this morning, and we say, “Have your way, Father.” And remind us and show us when we step into our own ways, when we fall back into our old ways, gently and lovingly pull us back onto your path and your way. Because your way leads into your plan, leads us right into your plan. The plan that you established long before we came to be us, long before we came to walk on this earth, you had a plan. And so now we just declare those plans over ourselves. We say we will walk in that plan. We will walk in your way, lighting every step, every decision, every word.
Our highest form of worship, to walk in your ways and your will and your plan.
It is time to put our eyes on you. So we walk in your ways, not our own ways, but your ways.
We declare that over ourselves today, that we walk in your ways.
Father, you are the light upon our past. You are a light for our feet as we take each step. You light it and we step into the unknown.
Oh, the adventures. The adventures that you have for us, Father.
So lead and guide us deeper, deeper, deeper into your way for our purpose, for our design because that’s where we’ll burn with fire and passion and purpose.
The place that you designed for us, the place that you have planned for us.
So we pray into those places and plans now.