Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Prayed for Presidential transition…
We thank you, Lord, that your mercy endures and is flooding hearts and lives and even a nation. This nation we say today—your nation today. Let your mercy flow. Let your grace flow to the nations we pray today… to America today. We speak grace to this nation today. Grace to every aspect of our society… to this transition leadership wise in our government, we speak grace and mercy in Jesus’ name. We pray for a supernatural transition, Lord, from one president to the next. We plead the blood of Jesus over the coming days and weeks and months.
Let me read a passage out of Isaiah 43 from the Passion translation. It is the 6th of January of 2025. So Happy New Year, by the way.
This verse came to me last night as I was reflecting. Isaiah 43:18–20. I share this because I want it to be a pattern interrupt, if you will, for you and for me… a pattern interrupt that interrupts what has been, what has happened, perhaps. Maybe you’ve been through some adversities, some challenges. Maybe you have not seen what you thought you would see in 2024.
But I’m here to say to you that you will see it in 2025!
The Bible reminds us to be patient and wait for it for it shall surely come to pass. Whether that would be a promise of God or a prayer that you prayed or something the Lord has whispered in your ear once upon a time, “contend for it.” That’s what prayer is. And that’s what prayer does.
It contends.
It fights.
It stands for it.
The Bible admonishes us we are to fight the good fight of faith that we might lay hold on eternal life—
The God kind of life.
God’s reality for your life on earth
God’s reality for America
God’s reality for your children and your children’s children, your nation, a particular situation.
Prayer, let me remind you… I know you know this. But prayer does real work. It is the real work of the kingdom. Prayer in addition is the process by which we believe. Jesus Himself said this is the work of the kingdom that you might believe.
God wants to bring to pass the promise, that dream in your heart…
So I want to stir up your hearts this morning with a reminder that God is good and God is faithful. And for Him to do what He wants to do and to bring the promise to pass and the dream that’s in your heart to fruition and to reality doesn’t require you having seen anything like it in the earth realm before.
God often does things that have never been seen before, never been heard of before, never recorded in the annals of human history. He does things outside of that even. It doesn’t require you seeing evidences of anything, in the natural that is, for you to have faith and for you to have a belief that God is good and that you will see the goodness of God in this lifetime. In your lifetime in the year of 2025.
Let this be a pattern interrupt…
So I want this to be a bit of a pattern interrupt, to interrupt and to disrupt what has been maybe in 2024. Maybe what hasn’t changed, where your expectations have been frustrated because you haven’t seen what you thought you would see.
A delay is not a denial.
There is a timing. And God is still saying yes to that promise. If it’s recorded in His Word, it is an emphatic…
Yes, I will do that.
Yes, I want you to have that.
Yes, I am your healer.
Yes, I am your deliverer.
Yes, I am your provider and the one who will prosper you.
Keep being in agreement with Him…
But He desires that we would just unite with Him and agree with Him. That’s much of what prayer is. It’s simply agreeing with what God has said. And standing in a place, spiritually speaking, and saying, “I will have that and I will not move off the mark until I see the fullness of the plan of God, the fullness of your promise, Lord. The fullness of revival on our shores and in our schools and in our nation, and around the world. “
This is a new day and a new time…
So I want to encourage you this morning that this is a new day, that this is a new time. We have stepped over a threshold, and we now find ourselves in an unprecedented God-ordained season. Oh, the enemy would want us to think that he’s got a monopoly on this hour because this is an ominous time. And while we may see ominous things that does not restrict God from doing what He wants to do. He is after all the God of the impossible. In fact, He enjoys situations that look like they’re not going to change, that look impossible because He is in the business, if we believe the work of Jesus, of redemption. He’s in the business of redeeming the time that you lost the thing that was stolen, what ended up being broken, or something, maybe a dream that was unrealized.
It’s not too late.
It’s not too far gone.
If we will but put our trust and our confidence in Him. He’s able and is in the process right now, let me just say, of turning it all around… in America and in your life. And so…
2025 is going to be a year of supernatural occurrences.
2025 will be a year of supernatural realization of what God has intended all along.
2025 is going to be a year when you and I take back what the enemy has stolen.
It starts with the mind…
And that starts with your mind, by the way. Oftentimes the only thing that stands between you and the realization of what God has for you is a renewed mind, or a simple decision that “I’m going to get up today and every day and give it my best to be a person in the Word, to be a student of the Word, to not just be a person who memorizes the Word but one who allows the Word to enter his or her heart through the process of meditation.”
The enemy gains entrance through the mind…
And this is so critical when it comes to prayer because the enemy gains entrance into lives through your thoughts—the thoughts you choose to think and the thoughts you choose to speak. The Bible reminds us, don’t give the enemy a foothold or even one square inch of terra firma or place in your life or in your heart.
Well, how do you give place?
One of the biggest ways is with the thoughts you choose to surrender to. Limited, low level thinking, fearful thinking, worrisome thinking, dreadful thinking, a rumination or a replaying of the past and what happened to us.
And I get it. There are times when we must process the past, and we must have a conversation over a period of time with a counselor, a therapist, a friend, to process and heal from what we’ve been through. But then there must come a decision that “I’m going to move forward. I’m going to move beyond the past. So that I might enter the future, that I might enter what God has intended… what could be and really should be.”
And for pray-ers and every believer, that begins with your thought life.
The Bible tells us to guard our hearts…
The Bible reminds us that above all that you guard, guard your heart… guard what comes into your heart, into your eyes, into your ears, out of your mouth. Steward and tend to carefully wisely and diligently the garden of your soul—your mind, your will, and your emotions. If you’ll do so, it’ll work for you. But if you give the enemy entrance and you give the enemy your attention in different ways, then it’ll work against you, your mind that is, your thoughts that is, your words that is.
Be diligent to be a student of the Word…
So as we enter into 2025, make a decision to be diligent with what you think on. Pastor Lynne has taught us that for years. Prayer must pray from the Word to begin with. You must be a student of the Word. That is your platform and your foundation from which to pray effectively, from which to be a person imbibed and saturated with the very faith of God. So that when you say something, when you pray something, when you intercede something, when you praise Him in some way, there’s real faith. There’s God-level faith released. Not because you are someone in and of yourself, but because you’ve been with Him, in His Word and in His presence.
Prayer is easy.
Prayer is powerful.
Prayer is truly supernatural when we tend and we give place to His Word.
Jesus said you can have what you say…
So just let the Holy Spirit arrest you as you step over to this year now. Arrest you when you’re tempted to say the same thing that you’ve been saying all year. But not seeing anything different. Jesus said you can have what you say. Ohhh, that’s a principle for prayer right there.
Just what you’re saying as you drive down the road as you feed your pets, as you pay your bills or whatever. What are you saying? That’s a form of prayer. Is it griping? Is it complaining? Is it the same thing that you said the previous year?
It’s time to say something different.
It’s time to say, “I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.”
It’s time to say, “God is moving in my nation and upending evil at every turn.”
It’s time to say, “As far as me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.”
It’s time to say, “I will prosper in everything I set my hands to.” It’s time to say the Word.
And so in Isaiah 4318, it says in the Passion translation…
“Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember those former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness.”
Right there, that’s a word for somebody. You can just say that over your situation of that impossible deal, that thing that hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would turn out. Just begin to say over it, God is making a way in the midst of adversity, in the presence of even your enemy, God is able to make a way encircled by the enemy of your soul, in your life, in your situation, whether it’s emotionally, whether it’s in your finances, whether it’s with your family, whether it’s with outright adversity and persecution in the presence of your enemy, God is there!
It’s time to live from your spirit…
Come on now! It’s time to choose to live from your spirit, from the eyes and perspective of faith and your spirit. The last time I checked, my Bible still reads that when the children of Israel were faced with the Egyptians behind them and the Red Sea in front of them, God was able to part the waters and lead them into the Promised Land. But the direction, the trajectory, the path to the Promised Land was through many waters, was through an impossible avenue. But God made a way and He parted a sea for His people to traverse to enter the Promised Land.
So stand and believe…
So even though it looks like you’ve got the enemy behind you and another impossibility in front of you, it could just be that God’s going to part the waters for you in 2025. So stand and believe. Don’t stand in fear. The Bible repeats time and time again, “Do not let your heart be troubled.”
As a pray-er, that is an essential habit to practice. If you’re going to be as effective in prayer, you’ve got to practice the habit of not letting your heart be troubled… of resisting fear and worry and dread and the repeating and replaying and rumination of the past in your mind.
God wants to rewire you from the inside out. He wants to change us. And His Word changes us. His presence changes us. It creates pathways, creates new movies to play in your mind that play the best-case scenario instead of the worst-case scenario. Your mind is the best place to preview coming attractions.
So what are you playing?
What are you repeating?
I’m going to start from the beginning. Isaiah 43:18. “Stop dwelling in the past. Don’t remember these former things. I’m doing something brand new, something unheard of, out of the ordinary, above and beyond what you can ask or think. The Bible says He’s in the business of that, doing above and beyond what we can ask, think, hope, or even dream. How can He do it? He just can. He’s able to. He’s the creator of all things. But He does require us to agree with Him. And say the same thing.
“I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness.” Just like He made a way for the children of Israel, right. In the wilderness and through the Red Sea. He’s making a way. That’s just a good prayer right there to say every day. “Lord, I thank you, that you are making a way through this impossibility. You are making a way for me and my household to serve the Lord fully and with all our hearts. You are making a way for America to turn back to God.”