Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to morning prayer.
I thought I would share something with you that blessed me this morning. It was a New Year’s Eve tongues and interpretation. Of course, “tongues” plus “interpretation” equals prophecy, right? And it was given at Eagle Mountain Church by George and Terry Pearsons. And it has to do with the coming year. And it says this.
Tongues and interpretation by George and Terry Pearsons…
“Days come and days go and they just move along. And it seems there is no change. But I mark time as I see fit. For I use time. Time does not mark Me. There are days that are appointed in My time. There are days that are appointed by Me,” says the Lord, “that I assign for My purpose, for My plan. And while the world said the days come and days go, and this day today is the same as all those that have come before. But you are stepping over into a time when the days will not be as they have been. The days will not be as expected by the world.
“But I am calling upon you to stir your faith on purpose. Use your faith and reach for the things of the unexpected. Use your faith for an expectation of the unexpected. Unexpected because the world only foresees trouble, only foresees darkness, or they set their hopes in men. They set their hopes in exterior things. But I’m about to mark the days in such a way that it will be notably clear that the days are not predictable as they have been before.
“For I the Master of time, I the Creator of time, I the Commander of time will use it to serve My purpose, serve My ways. And I call you… I call you… I call you to step up to the throne where I have made a place for you and watch the time as it comes toward you. Seize it by the anointing and watch and see what I will do.”
Pastor Ken remarked…
I had this thought the other day: Wow, is it possible that while we try to strive and struggle to obtain some things, that actually God has already prepared all things for us and for our blessing and our good? At least that’s true according to Psalm 139:16. And that actually maybe we’re not marching at a time, but maybe time is marching toward us and bringing toward us in God’s perfect timing what He’s prepared in every way—personally, us as the church collectively—for your calling, finances, relationships, divine initiatives He wants to birth through you, bring forth from you, that it’s just coming toward us! We’ve been set up to succeed. So why, of course, we just stand in faith!
It goes on to say…
“I’ve said it to you before and I’ll say it to you again. Stay alert. Stay very, very alert. Alert to what? Alert to My Spirit and alert to the voice of My Word. Doesn’t the scripture say that the Word will speak to you when you rise up? That the Word will speak to you as you walk along the way. And the Word will speak to you as you lie down.
“I have in My Word words of wisdom. And they are words that see and know the future. If you will listen to the voice of My Word and by the sound of the voice of My Spirit, then you will be prepared and you will walk in the ways of the Spirit. You will walk in the ways of My glory. You will walk in the ways of power. And you will be prepared.”
Pastor Ken commented…
I would suggest prepared to simply receive and apprehend and enjoy what’s coming toward you right now: the good that God has prepared for you. For today. For tomorrow.
So why worry? Why stress? Why fret?
God set you up to succeed. You cannot fail if you trust Him and you lean into Him and you find that your hope is anchored in Him.
This hit me last night that there’s a passage in 2nd Corinthians 13:5 that says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you. Unless indeed you are disqualified.”
So the admonition is to make sure that we’re in the faith. That was something that came up in my heart as I was meditating and praying last night. It’s important that we not just mail in our faith, so to speak, that we just not meander from one day to the next aimlessly. That we not get too casual, familiar with our calling and the work we do, even in the ministry and in the day to day and where we’re assigned and where we’re called, that we remain utterly and completely dependent upon Him. And people who are very intentional to make sure that we’re in the faith, that we’re searching the scriptures. That we’re building a robust and ongoing prayer life because where we’re going is not the way we’ve been. The unexpected is ahead for us. But I would suggest it’s unexpectedly good. And the Word is, “Will you be ready? Will you be prepared?” The Word readies you. The Word prepares you. Time in His presence shapes you and ensures that we are in the faith.
This prophetic word goes on and finally says this…
“…then you will be prepared and you will walk in the ways of the Spirit. You will walk in the ways of the glory. You will walk in the ways of power. And you will be prepared. Prepared not only for the trouble that surely lies ahead, but you will be prepared for My glory. You will recognize My handy work. And we will work together. And together, we will see the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the earth has ever witnessed.”
Isn’t that good? I like that.
Final thoughts…
So here’s some thoughts real quickly. I’m thinking of the phrase “carpe diem,” which implies seize the day, make the most of your time. Why? Well Ephesians 5:16 in the Passion translation says in verse 15, “So be careful how you live.” I believe this is an admonition for 2025. “So be careful how you live not being like those who have no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom. For we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for His purposes and don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand.” And I would add “apprehend” God’s will.
So here’s my thought this morning. God’s mercy is hovering over us right now, over each and every one of us as we enter into 2025. But again, not to just live any old way, but to “carpe diem”—to seize the day, to make the most of the time and the opportunity that’s before us.
2025 is to be a season where we live on purpose, where we use our energy and our efforts and our talents and our time and our prayers purposefully. His mercy, which is hovering over us, His grace, which is hovering over us, is not so that we can just live any old way or just live on the backs of others that have gone before us, so to speak. But to be very intentional and to search every day as to whether we’re in the faith.
His mercy gives us time and space to respond right now in this time with wisdom to learn what it means to live by faith and to build a robust and ongoing prayer life. As leaders, pray-ers, and followers of Jesus, we are to intentionally use our faith and prayers to promote and further the plan of God, not just for our individual lives, but for God’s greater purpose and ministry.
Be intentional…
And so I want to encourage you with that this morning. In other words, be intentional not just for your personal life, but for what’s going on here in the ministry day to day, for what’s going on in our nation, for what God wants to do through the body of Christ around the world. We have a voice. We have a place. We are assigned to this generation.
And so, Father, we thank you for the privilege to be assigned to this generation. We thank you for the privilege to be intentional about living by faith. We lift your name up and we pray that you would have a greater hold on us in 2025. Us as a church and us individually.
We pray that your voice would flow through us in the spirit and in prayer and in the work that you called us to do in 2025, like no other time.