Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, September 20, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Brother DJ…

Before you even start praising, worshiping, praying, and seeking this morning, I know many are seeking answers for many things. Some are saying, “Lord, I have this terminal problem.” “Lord, I have issue with money.” “Lord, I have family issue.” “Lord, this and that…”

But He said, “In this life, you are going to have troubles.” But then He gave us an answer after and said, “Cheer up! In this life, you’re going to have troubles, issues of life.” Then He said, “Cheer up because I have overcome the world.”

Cheer up because He is a healer.
Cheer up because He is the provider.
Cheer up because He is the healer… healing the broken heart, a broken relationship.

He is the Lord God. He turned the hearts of the children to their Father. And Father’s heart toward the children. He’s a God who turns things around. So He said, Cheer up! Hallelujah.

“But I can’t. I have a lot of problems.”

He’s trying to tell us, “Cheer up because all the issues of life are going to be solved by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

This morning, yield yourself to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the situation, to this disease, or this problem.
He is the answer for every issue of life.

For this reason, we kneel before the Father from whom all families are named.

In the book of life, we are named. We pray out of your glorious riches, you’ll strengthen us.
He’s strengthening you today by His Spirit in your inner man.
I also pray that they will be rooted and established in His love and will have power of the Holy Spirit.
We are here together and the power of the Holy Spirit is released in our bodies, in our mind.
And I pray you will be rooted and established in His love that we’ll have power of the Holy Spirit together.

And to know this love—the wider, longer, deeper love. We are…
Filled with the wisdom of God.
Filled with the knowledge of God.
Filled with the glory of God.
Filled with the joy of the Lord.
Filled with the peace of God.

He has redeemed us from the curse of sickness, curse of disease, curse of poverty, curse of lack.

If you are here this morning, you need an answer and you need an answer now. He said, “Call unto me and I will answer thee.”

“But I can’t call because I’m too sick.”

 That’s the reason we’re calling on Him on behalf of you. We are lifting you up to Jesus, like the four friends did for the lame man. They lifted him up to the roof and then lowered him down to Jesus. So we’re going to lift you up today.

Jesus says, “Get up! Rise up, and pick up your mat and walk.” Let’s lift people up and then bring them down to Jesus. When we lift them up, we bring them to Jesus at His feet and He tells them “Be healed.” Jesus says to you today…

Receive your healing.
Receive your financial problem.
Receive this money.

Jesus is saying “receive.”

You won’t be disappointed because you came to seek Him. He said, “Seek and you will find. Ask and it shall be given. Knock and keep knocking, the door shall be opened.”

This morning, whatever it is that you’re knocking, you’re seeking, you are asking, you are praying. He said “Yes and yes and amen.”

Cindy prayed…

Thank you, Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, our helper, intercessor, the one who comes up alongside takes hold together with us against everything, the one that reveals things to come, the one that leads and guides us into all truth.

This morning, this verse was on my heart: 1st John 20:20. “But you have an anointing from the holy one. And you know all things.”

In a world of deception and lies and darkness, we have the spirit of truth. And we speak truth. We speak these things in a mystery and interpret them.

Lord, the revealer of secrets simply because we choose to abide in the secret place where there’s so many eyes under the wings of Shadai, in the very throne room of God.

I’m thinking about the others that dwell there—the four living creatures. They cry “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God.” Who is to come. Who has come. Who’s right now God. He is here with us and the revealer of things to come. You lure us into the moment. We have complete knowledge and know all things. It doesn’t mean we know all things about everything all at once. It means we know what we need to know when we need to know it. Now! God with us here now in the river of God flowing… time to release.

When I came up here, I didn’t know what I was going to say. But we have an anointing and the greater one is in us. So you just relax and enjoy the ride. The God of all grace… impartations as we come together converging, all the tributaries, all the currents. We flow together and each one of us as we come together has a Psalm, a hymn, a spiritual song, the gifts in complete operation.

The Father who orchestrates everything, letting go of our own plans. It’s okay to plan.

Many are the plans of man, but God’s purpose is prevailing. So we do things because you know, He’s like, I can work with that. But if you’re sitting home and you’re not congregating, then you’re not part of the orchestra.

Now if you’re online, you’re part of the orchestra because everybody’s assembled together.

Thank you, Father, for the power of the unction and the gifts in operation flowing together.

Together we grow. Together we know in a bigger picture.

We get a bigger picture of what you’re doing, Father. We want to know what you’re doing. We want to be a part of what you’re doing.

And so each one of us has a part. Each part is so important. We don’t want to say, “Well, that’s not important.” We want more, more, more, more. That’s what I pray all the time. “More, Father! We want more of the family of God.”

Assembling together, getting built up together, edifying each other, exhorting each other. We’re like a really, really functional family. Is there no dysfunction in this family? We’re the family of the living God. We’re strong in those ties. Family ties. So much so that the world is jealous. They pay attention because they know us for our love. How can I be part of this family? Yes! Come, come. The more is better.

Father, we come together for the express purpose of building each other up, for activating those gifts, for prophetically speaking to each other,

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