Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, September 23, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

 Good morning and happy Monday, everyone!

God has a plan…

I was talking to my daughter last night about how God has a plan. The Bible reveals that there are many voices in this world and all of them come with different degrees of significance. But there is one and only Holy Spirit, and He is the voice of our Savior. He is the voice of Jesus. He is the voice of the Lord in the earth. And He comes with articulation and demonstration that pertains to the plan of God.

We have to choose His plan…

God has a plan but we’ve got to choose that plan. And what a great way to start off the week by choosing the plan of God through prayer. Because if you don’t know what that plan is or what next step to take, you can always know what the next step is if you prioritize connecting with your Heavenly Father.

We are all created to connect with Him…

Because the bottom line is, we were all created for connection… to connect with Him. And when we hook up with Him through the Holy Spirit in the realm of prayer, we are connecting with the plan of God. Even if intellectually or in the moment we are not cognizant of what the next step is in the plan of God or where I’m to go, or what decision I’m to make—He knows. He is the great strategist. He’s the one that wrote your “book of destiny.” He is the one that is able to impart and prompt you and cue you in…

On the steps that you need to take
The decisions you need to make
The places you need to go today
What He has for you to say and do today and any other day because He draws from the Book.

There is a “book of destiny” being written about your life…

Psalm 139 says that God has written a “book of destiny” for each of our lives, that all the days of our lives are recorded in a book. And as I’ve said before, prayer is our opportunity to translate and transmit those directives, those specifics to the plan of God as it relates to our lives. It’s our ability to transmit them from heaven’s realm to the earth realm, to our hearts so that we can follow them. Whether we’re conscious of it or not conscious of it, God’s going to help us because He has a plan.

So, regardless of what’s being reported on social media or in the news media or what you see or how you feel presently, I don’t disregard how you’re feeling. I may be empathetic toward that if it’s a struggle for you right now. But understand that we serve a God with a plan and that plan is meant to succeed. And God is intent to follow through on what He’s promised you. And see you and me, the church at large, and here at Living Word, wherever you attend, and what God is doing in America to prosper and succeed.

I challenge you to choose His plan…

I’m so glad we’re on the winning side. I’m so glad we’re on the side of abundance and healing and blessing and favor. God is with us. He is for us. And today I want to challenge you to choose His plan. Because while it may not seem like it in the moment, it will succeed. You will advance. You are on an upward incline into God. You are going from glory to glory and from success to success.

Sadly, not everyone continues with God’s plan…

And so I was reminding my daughter that “God has a plan for you. You must start that plan. You must choose that plan. And you must continue with that plan.” Because, sadly, not everybody continues with the plan. That’s key, according to the Apostle Paul, who stated that he was glad and proud of one thing: that he had run his race and he had finished his course.

So if you’re feeling like you have flagged in your faith or your faith is somewhere in the corner, today’s the day to pick it back up. Today’s the day to stir yourself up, to take hold of the plan of God…

the plan for victory
the plan for healing
the plan to prosper
the plan to advance forward in the days ahead and do all of the will of God.

Heaven wants to discharge itself through you and me…

However that looks and whatever God intends for you and what He wants to bring through you, one thing is for certain: We live in an hour when heaven wants to discharge itself through you and me through the church. God, according to scripture, wants to put on a show. And it’ll go on all through the ages yet to come. A show that demonstrates His glory, a show that demonstrates His dominance over death, hell, and the grave.

That’s what Jesus came to inaugurate. He came to say, “Hey, world. Let me show you another plan. Let me show you another way, a higher way, a way of grace, a way of love, a way of victory.” Yes, the world says this is important and that is important, but God is saying, “I am the most important thing. And I have a plan for you.”

Report of what is happening with God’s plan in the earth…

I’ll continue with that in a moment, but right now, I want to give you a couple testimonies to encourage you in regard to what’s happening with God’s plan in the earth. I think I mentioned here a couple weeks back that there was a breakout of revival on the Ohio State campus, beginning with the Ohio State football players getting saved, being baptized, and just God moving among the students at Ohio State.

CBN headline, “Jesus Met Us There”

Well, just the other day, it was also reported that the headline in this article from CBN “Jesus Met Us There.” Massive revival moment as 10,000 seek Jesus at the University of Arkansas. In the fourth major collegiate revival in less than a month. Thousands of students gathered at the University of Arkansas on Thursday night to seek Jesus and find salvation in His name.

Doesn’t that make you smile? I love that.

Unite US Reports…

Unite US reports that 10,000 students from 67 different universities gathered in Bud Walton Arena: “Jesus met us there.” The ministry said in an Instagram post, “We were blown away by His presence in the room and how it carried over into baptisms. It was a night we’ll never forget.”

CBN reported out of Brazil…

Then reported also by CBN out of the Amazon region of Brazil, the headline reads, “Revival Grips Brazil in the Amazon.” We baptized 14,500 people. For centuries, the Catholic church held a near monopoly in the Amazon region of Brazil. Today, evangelical Christianity is reshaping the region’s spiritual fabric leading to new converts and churches. CBN News traveled to Brazil in the northwest Amazon region to witness it firsthand in this exclusive report. If you want to read the rest of the port, go to

God has a plan and He is rolling out His plan…

Isn’t that good? God is at work. He has a plan and He is rolling out His plan in our generation. Make no mistake about it! Do not let the enemy have the loudest voice in your head.

The Devil has a plan too…

I was reminding my daughter, “Hey, understand that when the enemy comes to harass, to lie, to deceive, know that just as much as God has a plan, the enemy has a plan for you, for your family, for your church, for your nation. And if people cooperate through deception and through ignorance and through just being apathetic spiritually, which is where our nation is for sure, then we cooperate with the plan of the Devil. And we start going that direction.

Prayer is the great “Pattern Interrupt”

But prayer is the great pattern interrupt. Your words out of your mouth in the form of decrees and declarations and worship is a great pattern interrupt, not only for your life and in your household, but a pattern interrupt that stops and blocks and diminishes the plan of the enemy and the voice of the enemy. It also does that in a national sense as well.

I was reminding my daughter, “Katie, understand when you feel fear, when you feel dread, when you feel negativity, when you feel like it’s not going to work out, you can rise up in your spirit, the real you, your spirit, heart,” which is what she called it when she was a little kid. “In your spirit heart, and you can leverage your will and choose words from God’s Word. Choose words from your heart and speak to those entities that while the veil between heaven and earth is thinning, while there seems to be more activity demonically speaking in this realm…” We see it. People are recording it and reporting on it. It’s true. It’s a sign of the end times. “…that should be our cue, and that should be an opportunity to step in and begin to intercede and pray, to step into the midst of darkness and confusion and say, “Okay, Devil, I’m going to meet you right where you’re at, because I have the name which is above every name. I stand on holy ground. I stand on the grounds of the finished work of Jesus, and I am adorned with His blood and His robe of righteousness. I stand strong in the promise and in the assurance of His Word, which says He is always the one who causes me to triumph. That the Greater One lives and abides in me, that I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.”

We must daily gather the manna of the Word…

So I know you guys know that, but the Word is still the Word. And the Word never goes out of style. It does not have an expiration date. But one thing is for certain, we daily have to gather the manna of the Word. You need fresh oil every day. You can’t rely on yesterday’s anointing, especially as a pray-er, as a believer. You’ve got to get fresh oil. You’ve got to be in pursuit of Him daily. He needs to be your number-one focus, your number-one concern that you would be filled with fresh oil, that you would be baptized daily.

The Bible says “be being.” It speaks in the continuous present sense. “Be being filled, speaking…” When you speak out in tongues, when you worship God, when you declare the Word out of God over your own soul, you are being filled. And it’s that infilling, perpetually, continually and daily that is going to sustain you through times of trouble, that is going to sustain you to take that strong stand of faith and not back off until you see what God promised and can say, “Look, there it is. I see it with my own eyeballs.” But I’ve seen it all along in my heart’s eye, in the eye of faith.

Every arena of our lives is enriched when we follow the plan of God…

So it’s important to understand that every arena of our lives is enriched when we follow the plan of God. Obedience to the plan of God is what blesses your life. Well, it is the Word and it’s prayer that equips you and enables you to follow that plan. You can’t do it on your own. He has set things up in such a way that we are dependent on Him whether you realize it or not.

The enemy likes to try to deceive you into thinking, “Oh, I did that” or you got strength in and of yourself, or because you’ve done it before this way, it’ll work this way again. No. God demands faith. He has set up this realm, this life for us as believers in such a way that He demands that we walk by faith and not by sight, by what we believe and not what we see. And if we’ll do that, then we will see what we’ve not had. We will see the realization of the plan of God, the miraculous, the signs, the wonders, the deliverance from demonic entities that may have harassed your family for generations. It can all be broken and you can start a new experience for your family going forward.

Do you know that even the favor of God that rests on you and the place of prayer that you hold can bless others? Use it! Don’t just be myopic about your own little concerns. God will take care of that. But if you’ll take up the mantle of what is on the Father’s heart today, His plan, take it into your hand and say, “Lord, bless so and so,” “Lord, change that situation,” “Lord, help that family that just lost someone,” “Lord, I pray for the salvations of those in that school right down the street in my neighborhood from my house.”

God wants to stretch us as we go through 24 into 25…

He wants to stretch our perspective. He wants to enlarge us on the inside. And in some ways, He’s closing some doors now that have been open, but yet He’s opening new doors. The Bible says He’s able to close doors that no man may open and open doors that no man can shut.

Invite Him to expand you on the inside…

Let your spiritual eyes look upward and outward and let Him by His Spirit direct you in the things of prayer. Let Him inspire you to pray audaciously some things you’ve not prayed up until now because there is more in you than you understand. You are someone that you have yet to comprehend, not because of what you’ve done or how good you are and how you’re not bad. No. But because of what Jesus has done. As I’ve said before, He’s dotted every I, He’s crossed every T, He has made a way for you and me to step into the fullness of redemption and to walk in righteousness, to walk in authority.

So take up your position of authority. Don’t go with the Devil’s plan. Don’t let him harass you and speak lies to you and beat you up emotionally. Today is the day that ends.

“Oh, is there something special about today, Pastor Ken?”

No, there’s nothing special about today, but my Bible says that this is the day of salvation. Now is the time for us to stand up and be accounted for in the spiritual realm, in the earth realm with your words, with your belief, with your prayers, with your binding, with your loosening.

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