Brother DJ…
It’s a good Friday. Thank you for coming so early to pray this Friday morning. Good morning, to everybody that is watching this morning.
This morning, I got up late. I was so tired probably. And then you want to do everything you do when you wake up early. You can’t catch up. But the first thing I thought was, how am I going to do it, or what I’m going to do about it. And I heard the scripture. I wrote it down this time, so I won’t forget. John 14:16. Jesus said, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.” The Spirit of truth whom the world cannot see because it sees Him, not knows Him. But you know Him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will never leave you orphans. The Holy Spirit is within us. The greater one. He said, What I’m going to do, I have this report. He said, I’ve given you the Holy Spirit. The answer inside of you: greater is He that is in us, then who is in the world. The Holy Spirit.
Father, I thank you today in the name of Jesus. Everybody who’s sitting here and who’s watching the Holy Spirit will give you the answer within you. The greater one is within you. The Holy Spirit. The comforter. The guide. Stir yourself in the Holy Ghost by praying in tongues. He has sent us the Holy Spirit. So what are we going to do? Oh, we’re going to pray. We’re going to ask Him, and He is going to guide us. Which way to go. Left? Right? Eat this. Don’t eat that.
The Holy Spirit will give you the answer you’re looking for. And He’s within us. The greater one. Oh, if you’re watching us today, you’ll get the answer for this problem, or that problem, or this issue, or that issue.
Sister Cindy…
Just move a quarter of an inch to the left…
I had the Lord say this to me one time. He said, “Cindy, I want to take care of this thing that’s dogging you, that’s maybe causing you pain.” I don’t remember if it was pain in my body or some kind of other distress. “I want to take care of this for you, but you’re in the way.” He said, “If I tell you just to move like a quarter of an inch to the left, that’s all I need you to do, because then I can get the shot in.” He’s got His rifle and He’s wanting to take that shot and smite our enemy with a quick decisive blow with the intent to utterly destroy. And He wants to do it right before our face. We just need to listen and say, “What do you think about this? I don’t even know what it is, this thing that’s dogging me?” And He’ll say, “Just move a quarter inch to the left.”
It’s never hard. I would say it might be inconvenient or uncomfortable. It might be something you didn’t think of. It’s like not in your normal everyday pattern of life, but He’s wanting to break up patterns. He’s wanting to disrupt those strongholds of ways of thinking and bring you into a place where you’re like, “Wow, that wasn’t difficult.” But it did take some concentration. Spending time in His presence and hearing what He has to say about everything.
Hearing ear… a hearing ear… do you have ears to hear? In hearing, we hear. In seeing, we see and we turn. I know we are set free in areas where we might not have even known we were in bondage. Thank you, Father. In all our ways, we acknowledge you and you will direct our path.
DJ shared…
I was reading this morning the same thing. You know, in a short time you want to read and put inside of you the Word. When He said, Commit your ways to the Lord. Lean not to your own understanding. He didn’t say don’t use your understanding. We can use our understanding. But He said, do not lean to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Cindy added to that…
I want to add to that because understanding… sometimes in the Word of faith, you’re like “Well, I don’t have to understand in order to… because if God is speaking to our hearts and our heads are going, “That doesn’t make any sense.” But we listen to our hearts and we step out in faith because we’re directed by our hearts. But then I would say, “Lord, with every step that I take, I don’t have to understand in order to be obedient to do that, because I know you’re good and you’re leading me.” And it’s an expectation of something wonderful because I’ve noticed by reason of use, using my faith and faith isn’t just me figuring out the Word says this and doing it. It’s hearing His voice and faith comes. But with every step of obedience, our path gets brighter. Every step, He said it gets brighter and brighter.
What is that? That’s understanding. We’re understanding. We’re becoming more acquainted with who He is and what He’s doing here on the earth. And that understanding is wonderful, and I love it. It gets me excited because I want to live more accurately.
Barb prayed…
He shows us things to come. Thank you, Lord. You open our eyes to see, to see the way … you open our eyes to see the truth. I thank you, Father, for that spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you… Father God, I thank you by your Spirit we see and know by Your Spirit. We see and we know by your Spirit. Glory to God.
I thank you that you said in the last days… that the spirit of seeing and knowing would be in greater operation. So we thank you now for that spirit of seeing… that we see the things that we need to see… that we know the things we need to know at the right time… that you have positioned us in the place in your spirit to walk in those things in these days in Jesus’ name… It’s by your Spirit, by your power… and I thank you that you’re revealing those things to us now … you’re showing those things to us now, Lord…
Words of wisdom, words of knowledge, the gifts of the Spirit in operation, Father God… we know the words to speak, Father. Then those that come, come across our pathway that the right words come out of our mouth that compel them to you, that compel them to the light in Jesus’ name.
I thank you, Father God, that we begin to see into the Spirit … that we can prophesy to them, that we can show them that you are the true God … that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world…
Father, it’s time for us to operate in the Holy Spirit the way that you intended us to operate… being led continually by your voice, by your promptings… that we don’t miss that still small voice that’s speaking on the inside of us, but we hear your voice speaking. It’s so clear to us, Lord, we don’t push that away and we don’t push it down, but we allow your Spirit to flow through us and to use us.
We yield ourselves to you, Father, we yield ourselves to your Spirit of grace. Every single day and every moment. In the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, have your way. Holy Spirit, use us … be big and great and mighty inside of us. We let you flow. We let you out. We let you do what you want to do. You want to reach out through us… You want to touch the earth through us… You want to touch the world through us… So we’re looking for that increase now.
We call for it now, that each one of us in the body would walk in that place … that you said is possible, Father, that we begin to see things that we have not seen.