Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, June 19, 2020

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

Lord, You’re worthy of the honor and praise and glory. We lift You up this morning. In You, we are lifted up. So we see ourselves moving up, being lifted up. Not just in our own strength, but in You and through You and by the power of the Holy Spirit. In advance of the things that we pray out this morning, You deserve thanksgiving. And we bow ourselves before You and humble ourselves before You. It’s all You but not us… It’s You working in us and through us. Thank You, Lord.

Good morning. Yesterday, a book on my shelf kind of just “stuck out” to me. It’s a book about prayer by Charles Capps. The title is “Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer.” Sandy and I were talking about how, we might call them, generals have gone home to be with the Lord. We have so much that they to the Church for us to use. All of them stood on the Word. The Word was “it.” I want to share a couple things from that book. And then a prophecy Charles Capps gave. When he came to Living Word, it was about 25 or more years ago. We thought, “Oh my gosh! Charles Capps!” The thing that stood out to me is that he was so strong on our words, what we say. I remember him saying, “If you want your dog to come, don’t call your cat!” That stood out to me. I want to highlight a couple things he said.

First of all, he said you train your dog by speaking to your dog. When we got out little dog, he didn’t know what his name was. The more we said it, the more he got it. If your dog can understand words and obey words, then this is what Charles Capps said. “Now, what makes you think that your body is less intelligent than your dog?” Sandy and I have words that we can’t speak unless we’re ready to do what the word says because our dog will just… “Go!” “Garbage!” “Cheese.” He’s just … and he even knows the names of his cousins, if you want to call them that. My son and daughter-in-law have two dogs: Bumper and Gracie. Louis has met them and stayed with them and all we have to do is say, “Gracie” and he goes… He looks at the door. “Is Gracie coming?” I don’t mean to go on about dogs, but like he said, we’re more intelligent than a dog. So what makes you think you can’t train your human body to obey the voice of the spirit by the words of your mouth. So it can be done for the body was designed to be obedient to words.

Speaking about prayer, he says, you had to train yourself to pray. You had to be obedient to the spirit man and the words we speak in prayer do have a definite effect on our bodies. So when we pray or continue to say the problem, then the body reacts in line with our speaking or praying. And then he said, Learn to use the Word of God to control your body. Paul said I keep my body and bring it under, lest while I preach the gospel, I become a castaway. In other words, his body is not lignin up. In the literal Greek, Paul actually said “I buffet my body.” And buffet means to slap it with an open hand or a clinched fist.

Okay, I’m not going to ask you to do that today! Ha, ha.

He said to train your spirit man to believe what you say will come to pass by practicing tongue control. Then he was talking about, “oh I have a symptom. Maybe I’m taking on the flu.” When you say that, then you just almost can’t wait to tell someone else. You believe you have the flu! If you’ll just quit thinking and talking about how you feel and say what God said. And he uses Matthew 8:17, and thus he fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, he himself “took” in order to carry it away. He took our weaknesses, our infirmities, and bore away our diseases.

So he uses that scripture and then he said, just using that scripture, you could probably stop 50% of it right there. Just standing on that one scripture. Now don’t misunderstand what I said, I didn’t say that it was all in your mind. I don’t deny that the disease exists. I deny its right to exist in my body. We deny it! So don’t give place to the devil. Just refuse to give him any place. Many times the symptoms will go away if we don’t embrace them. Your body obeys your words, positive, negative, or good or bad. So he says if you continue to say I’m sick, your words will stop your body’s resistance to that disease or virus. Wow.

He said he learned to resist instead of receiving. I would slap my body with my hand and say aloud… at one point, he said he had ulcers for about 3 months. He would slap his body and begin to speak to it, and he would say, “Stop that in the name of Jesus. Body you come into agreement with the Word of God. I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus.” Maybe a lot of times we don’t speak it out loud. Have you ever done that where you just kind of think it? But I know we have to speak it. Even if we’re just barely awake, we speak it.

Someone said, that’s silly to do that. Well, it wasn’t their body that was hurting. It was mine! And it worked. He said they do their dog that way. They slap him and say, stop that. Or get out of the house. They know what to do. They obey. They think nothing of it. But if you slap your body and tell it what to do, they think you’re strange. If your dog understands that language, you know that your body must be more intelligent than a dumb animal.

That’s funny but it’s so true. I know we know it, but it’s just good to be reminded of it. This prophecy is like two full pages long. You have to stick with me. This is the word from the Lord.


For I’ve desired to reveal My wisdom, saith the Lord, even in these days. I’ve spoken to men from time to time that there was coming in this hour men that will speak forth the Word accurately and learn to use My Word as I’ve set it forth. It will come forth with great power as the wisdom of God unfolds within man. As he understands the system that I have set in motion in this universe, all men come under that system. They walk and they live under it. But when they learn to control that system by the spoken Word, then My power will come forth in them. Then they will be able not only to control their bodies, but they will control their minds by casting down imaginations. They will be able to rise to a new level of life. The world will stand in awe as they see these people come forth and they will say, “Who are these people that have come in this hour that are able to speak even as though they had the power to do what they speak and it seems to come to pass even before our eyes. We don’t understand these things. But it is my wisdom, saith the Lord, and it is hidden in My Word. I didn’t hide it from you. I hid it there for you. So you could find it and act upon it. Now turn not a deaf ear to that which I have spoken. For My Word shall rise within you with great revelation. For I’m doing in this hour things that men have not understood just as was prophesied in days of old. I said it by My prophets that you would not believe the reports of the things I would do. Some will not believe, but the hour is coming that men shall proclaim My Word boldly over their own bodies. And it will cause sickness and disease to depart. Their words will cause the enemy to flee in terror. The power of the Lord shall rise within men until there will be a race of people on this earth when I come that will stand against Satan and see him flee from them. They will stand without sickness or disease in their bodies. They will stand even before whole cities and proclaim, “in the name of Jesus, I break the power of sin over this city.” Then the walls of Satan will crumble, and the power of God shall be loosed in that city.

Annie led group singing in the spirit…

Pastor Ray…

So miracles, it’s almost like they’re on assignment. Miraculous happenings where the world will have to say, “that is a miracle.” So begin to expect it, for the Lord saith unto you this day, they will continually be on the increase in these days. Now. And they will draw, and they will ring out and they will sound brightly and strong. And it will say the Lord is good. The Lord is good, and His mercy endures. Always and forever. We believe therefore we receive miracles. It’ll not be the way it was yesterday or yesteryears. But it is a new day and a new time and a new hour and a new season. For greater signs and wonderful miracles, supernatural miracles and testimonies concerning My Word will ring out and bring so many more into the light out from the darkness. Where they seemingly had no sight. But they shall see, and they shall receive from Me the glorious Gospel light because of what they’ve seen.

Thank You, Lord.

Families will be healed. I’m just speaking out what keep coming up. Families shall be restored, and it will flow like never before. The agreement will be stronger than it ever way and it’ll move families into a higher place in Me where they shall see and receive what they say shall come to pass. And My peace that passes all understanding and the comfort of My Spirit will bring comfort into these families.

Abounding… and greater works… those assignments, maybe those things that you’ve heard stand strong. For based on My Word, don’t move off, don’t move away from it. And begin to declare just your desires but speak forth My desire for you personally. And see that come to pass. No pressure. No anxiety. No fear about how the future will be.

Annie led group in worshiping…

Pastor Ray finished the prophecy…

For the wisdom of God shall flow unhindered. And My power shall rule in the midst, even as the darkness grows darker, the light shall grow lighter. My wisdom shall be released in greater measure and greater revelation as men take My Word at face value even as I have spoken it. The tongue cannot be controlled by natural ability. It is an unruly evil and unregenerate state, but the wisdom of God that has come by the rebirth of the human spirit imparted by the Holy Spirit to the hearts of men will cause the tongue to come into subjection to the spirit of man. Which is ordained of God to rule. It shall cause the body to conform to the Word of the living God. The power of the highest shall be manifest in the spoken Word. Then men shall speak My word boldly and believe what they say will come to pass. It will be as though I’ve said it. For when you mix faith with your words, it’s as though I said it for you breath spirit life into the words that you speak, your words shall flow forth. Even as the words of Jesus when He spoke for He said the words that I speak unto you they are spirit. They are life. The flesh profits nothing. But the words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life. These words have come before but men turned a deaf ear to them. But these are the days that I’m raising up a new generation of people. In My Word, I’ve said that you do not put new wine in old bottles lest it break the bottles. You put new wine in new bottles that they will both be preserved. When the human spirit is reborn, the spirit of God releases creative ability within, and it becomes a new bottle that will preserve the new wine. The rebirth shall come to the front in this generation. And you shall observe the mighty works of God in it. I have chosen a people and I shall bring them to a land, and they shall dominate it. And they shall have dominion. For I’m coming for a church that is without spot or wrinkle. I’m coming for a church that is not weak. I’m coming for a church that is victorious. I’m coming and ye shall see the manifestation of My power for I have chosen the church to reveal the wisdom of God to the generations and to the principalities and powers. When men shall conform to the Word of the living God, then the power of the highest shall flow unhindered out of their voices. Out of their mouths shall flow spirit words that will control the forces that have controlled them in days past. They will proclaim “the enemy is defeated!” And he shall be defeated. For I say that the battle is the Lord’s and the victory is yours. Learn to walk in victory, saith the Lord.


We’re learning. We’re changing. Day by day. Every day is a new day. We base our lives on this Word.

Pressure from the enemy must go. Any form of pressure attempting to make us change or make a quick decision or something like that… Go! Get out! We are not moved by pressure of any kind. We’re moved by the written Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

In the book of Jude, verse 20, it says, “But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit; 21 Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)—[which will bring you] unto life eternal.” Just for a few minutes, let’s pray in the Holy Spirit.

Group prays in the spirit…

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