Brother DJ…
We thank the Lord for Living Word Church, where we can come together and release word for agreement. Thank you, Father, for Pastors Mac and Lynne, for making it possible to feed many thousands of people who watch daily. We bless them for morning prayer day after day, sending the word out from the chapel. Father, we praise you for this day… for this reason we kneel before the Father from whom all mercy flows… surely goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and forever and forever.
Thank you, Father, for your goodness is running after me. It’s running after me. It’s running after you. His goodness is running after you and is going to chase you down. His goodness, His mercy is going to follow you.
Prayer about children…
Father, we pray for the children today… we cover them in the blood of Jesus… We cover the children, grandchildren of the Living Word Christian Center in the blood of Jesus. We declare in the name of Jesus that no weapon of the devil, no weapon of the darkness, sickness, disease, accidents… they will escape the work of the enemy who come to steal, kill, and destroy… we break the power of the enemy in your children in Jesus’ name… we declare in the name of Jesus that your children are mighty … we break it and declare great is the peace of your children.
If you’re watching this morning, lift up your children’s names to the Lord…
Shared story of author John Kennedy Toole…
American novelist John Kennedy Toole quickly discovered that as a young writer, he worked alone writing a novel in New Orleans. When it was finished, he sent it to publisher after publisher after publisher. But they all turned him down, one after another. He was overcome by rejection. So much so that he took his own life. Sometime after the funeral, his mother found his coffee-stained manuscript in the attic. She took it to a professor at Louisiana State University who agreed to read it. Immediately, he recognized his genius and recommended it to a major publisher. After it’s release, John Kennedy Toole’s novel, “A Confederacy of Dunces” won the Pulitzer prize for fiction. It became one of the major novels of the 20th century. If only he had surrounded himself with friends who knew how to share his burden.
We need each other…
Oh brother… Do we need people? That’s why we have morning prayer, to lift you up. You’re not alone in Jesus’ name. He was alone. This morning, I thank God for Pastor Mac and Lynne and morning prayer so hundreds of people who need this prayer. If only he had surrounded himself with friends who knew how to share his burden, encourage him when he faced rejection, and motivated him to keep going, his life would have turned out very differently.
So the word for you today is find people who believe in you. Encourage and support them. Spend more time with those who sharpen you and make you better. Don’t spend time with those who drain your energy, time, and talent. The truth is this: friends who speak encouragement into your life are priceless. Their words are like apples of gold and settings of silver. We need people to encourage us.
Father, we surround ourselves with encouraging friends and relatives
Father, your goodness and mercy follow us all the days of her life
I woke up around quarter to five. I heard the word “feed my sheep.” So I get my Bible. I look at the book of John. So when Peter had denied Jesus three times, Jesus said to Peter, “Do you love me more than this?” He said, “Yes, Lord. You know, I love you.” Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my lambs.” Jesus said to Peter again, “Simon, son of Jonas. Do you love me”? Peter said, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love thee.” Jesus said unto him, “Feed my sheep.” Jesus said to Peter a third time, “Simon son of Jonas. Do you love me?” Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time. “I love you.” Jesus said unto him, “Feed my sheep.”
I heard this morning the word for me “feed my sheep.” I’m like “feed my sheep!” I didn’t bring donuts this week. Anyway, then I go, I’ve been thinking a lot about how do I do this? Hey! Should I invite all these people to my restaurant? Feed my sheep… feed with food. And I’ve been thinking when I’m going to do that, but here’s a word that comes to me all the time. I will do it after I do this… after I fix this parking lot… after I fix the awing. Then I will do it. And then haven’t done it yet because we haven’t fixed the awning, and we haven’t fixed our parking lot because we’re so busy. We didn’t even start it yet. Two years passed by, we’re still busy running the restaurant. We haven’t caught up. But the Holy Spirit say, “The time is now.” So I decided in my heart to feed my sheep and to invite all my chapel people to the restaurant the following Friday, or any Friday we decide, but only for 30 minutes. Don’t come there and stay for hours. Just 30 minutes. Come and go.
Sometimes I say, before you come to my restaurant, would you please call me? Don’t just show up. They say, why? I say so I can put my “churchy face” on. Oh, you know how that goes? Feed my sheep.
Sister Cindy…
Today when I was driving up… It’s funny cuz we’re praying for joy and I heard the Lord say, “Do you know what joy is?” I said “What?” He said, “Joy is transformative.” So I thank you, Lord. It says to comfort those with the comfort that you’ve been comforted when you go through hard times. When you’re going through valley situations and people water you and people encourage you, you have the strength they give you from their supply to keep going and keep lifting your head up and one more day receiving strength from God. And then the joy comes. Thank you, Father, for the light that breaks forth in the morning, the transformative joy.
When women are pregnant, they’re carrying something. And then there’s travail, and then the water breaks and there’s pain and it can be hard. But then once you give birth, the joy comes. And you don’t remember all of what you just went through because you have a child. You have something you’ve never experienced before. The revelation of Jesus, a deeper revelation of who you are and whose you are, and not just God in you but you in God…
Thank you, Father, that your words are that when we get up from whatever has pushed us down that we would get up and receive joy and strength… receive the grace, the enabling power of God to get up. And you were saying that about like running and then God chases us. I heard God is saying “slow down.” Not that He can’t catch you, but we just want to know His way so much that we’re not kicking against Him. And that we’re not coming to a place where we’re really tired and frustrated and we have to slow down in order for Him to catch us.
Father, I thank you for your wisdom, the wisdom that every time we go through things and we do go through things because we’re working out our salvation daily… working it out every day. Thank you, Lord. We’re going from glory to glory to glory to glory. So what we went through yesterday, we don’t want to circle back and do that same kind of thing. We want to go through it, completely through it.
Prayed for school in session…
We cover Maranatha Christian academy, all the children, all the teachers, all the buses, all the cars, traffic coming in and going out, the parking lot in the blood of Jesus.
We are declaring no casualty, no accidents.
All the students will graduate healthy and blessed and will change the world when they go out here.
We cover them in the blood of Jesus.
Prayer about State Fair…
We cover the State Fair of Minnesota in the blood of Jesus. We don’t want to see any shooting when we go there.
We command angels to surround the State Fairgrounds.