Sister Jeannie…
Holy Spirit, we honor you today. We honor your voice, your character. Father, we thank you that you sit in the heavens and laugh. And we pray from our position in heaven today. We keep our eyes on the plans and the purposes of the Most High.
I was crying out to God…
Last week, I was on my way to the blessing house with my friend. And, while I was on the freeway, I was crying out to God in a way that only His daughter would cry out to God. And it wasn’t appropriate at all. And I was saying, “Gooooood!” Because you can do that in the car when you’re the only one on the freeway. And I was saying, “What!” And He understood what I was saying. Because there’s a lot happening right now. And a lot of truth is being suppressed and a lot of bad news is being widespread.
“Get in the express lane.”
And so as I was driving, that still small voice came. He said, “Get in the express lane.” And I looked, and it was wide open. And so I took a look and then I was looking for signage to make sure I wouldn’t get in trouble for getting in the express lane. And so I got in the express lane and things went faster and easier. And I kept checking: am I going to get in trouble? Is it okay? Is it okay for me to go fast? Is it okay? Everyone else over here is kind of in the cloud traffic and going slow. And I kept thinking, “Why aren’t they in the express lane? It’s completely free.” And He said, “That is what I’m wanting My body to do in prayer and in walking out what’s going on right now.”
Let’s not be like lemmings…
And then He talked to me about lemmings. Do you know what lemmings are? They’re rodents. And there are a lot of lemmings in Alaska. I only know about this because I studied them in high school. And what lemmings do when they get to be too much, they follow each other over the cliff and they drown. Let’s not be lemmings. Let’s not get all clogged up and caught up in all the stuff that’s going on. Just like the traffic that wasn’t in the express lane. I mean, I will tell you that express lane was wide open. People were not in it because they were so used to, you know… “I’ll get a ticket if I’m in the express lane.” But the signs were saying you can get in the express lane. And we’re going to talk about in the Word today how precedence has been set in the Word over and over and over and over again. That things look really bad on so many levels and then God intervenes.
Believers prayed on their knees in front of Russian tank…
Our friends go to Substance and they were talking about how he talked to some of his people over there in Ukraine and some believers got down on their knees in an urban area in front of the Russian tanks and they prayed. And the tank stopped and the Russians got out. Now, if I remember correctly, they accepted Jesus in that moment, but I’m not sure. But here’s my point. Prayer is powerful.
Jerry Savelle’s word for 2022…
2022 will continue to be challenging, but much better than the previous two years. There will be strong opposition from two distinct forces, light and darkness. Satan will do all that he can do to lull God’s people into a spiritual slumber so that he can keep them from enjoying God’s best. But, on the other hand, God, at the same time, will be drawing them to spend more quality time with Him and His Word so that they can remain strong and win every battle. The church will continue to feel the effects of growing pains, but through greater insight, revelation, and wisdom from God, it will enjoy some of its greatest victories!
The Apostle Paul said in II Corinthians 2:14, “Thanks be unto God which causes us to triumph, always.” [(God always makes his grace visible) He said to me, “Get ready to experience more of my favor.] So, get ready to experience more and more of the favor of God that will be visible to others—not only you, but visible to others. Get ready to experience more and more manifestations of God’s favor. And, once again, it will be visible for all to see. Good things are on the horizon! More and more of your dreams and goals will come to pass in 2022. Stay overwhelmed with gratitude to God for His faithfulness to you and never stop praising Him for his goodness!
Be courageous and continue to take steps of faith. Don’t settle for remaining as you are. Be willing to step out in faith as God directs, even when others have decided to play it safe. God wants you to tap into all of your potential. Don’t allow others to discourage you. Be willing to get out of your comfort zone, God has much more in store for you! Stay focused, stay positive, always remembering that God is with you and God is for you. And, absolutely refuse to give up—no matter what!
Testimony of North Korean Yeonmi Park…
I watched an interview with Yeonmi Park and Jordan Peterson the other day. And Yeonmi Park is a woman. I think she’s only in her thirties now, but when she was in her teens, she grew up in North Korea. And she didn’t even know she was oppressed. In fact, there wasn’t a definition for the word free. She didn’t even know what it meant. And she was hungry, like massively ridiculously hungry. And so her only thought was “If I can get to China, I’ll be able to eat.” So she went through a series… If you hear her story, it’s phenomenal. I mean, it’s beyond words. But one thing she talked about in the interview with Jordan Peterson… Jordan was asking her, “How did you learn English?” And how did you do this? And how did you overcome here? And she said, “When I realized what freedom was, I was so hungry for freedom. I was so hungry to learn that I would forget to eat sometimes.” So think about that. She left an oppressive place because of hunger. And then when she realized there were more things available to her, she could learn more, she could become freer, she forgot about all those other things and kept pursuing more and more freedom. And then she said, “Everyone around me…” She was a refugee and so people didn’t really accept her. She said, “Everyone around me told me I couldn’t do it. So I just kept reading books that told me I could.”
The enemy wants you to slumber…
That’s where we’re at right now. We have a knowing of that freedom. We have a knowing that things are about to get just really, really, really ridiculously free. We know! But your enemy wants you to slumber. Your enemy wants you to listen to those things that will say “you can’t do it. It won’t happen.” He wants you to look at all those things.
Yeonmi Park’s freedom started with hunger…
But think about that. Yeonmi Park’s freedom started with hunger. That’s where our freedom always begins. That’s why you even got to know Jesus. You were hungry. You knew there was more. So our freedom started with physical hunger. And then when she started to discover all of these things, she said it was like being on another planet. She went after that thing because she knew it was available. And that is what we continue to do. We declare right now the blessed assurance of the goodness of God in the land of the living… You have a blessed assurance.
Father, we thank you that your assurance is blessed. It’s always blessed. And we just put a demand on the blessed assurance of God in the land of the living, that we are lifted up. We keep our eyes on Him and we know that His goodness is crashing in! It’s crushing in.
And we allow that hunger to continue to lead us and guide us because when we hunger for Him, we’re satisfied. When we thirst for Him, we’re satisfied every time. And we’re strengthened. We become kingdom dominators… taking dominion. The will of God on earth as it is in heaven.