Prayer Summary for November 23


The Fuel of Prayer Is God’s Word
by Andrew Murray

I find it a great help to use much of God’s Word in my prayers. If the Holy Spirit impresses a certain text on my mind, I take it to the throne of grace and plead the promise. This habit increases our faith, reminds us of God’s promises, and brings us into harmony with God’s will. We learn to pray according to God’s will, and understand that we can only expect an answer when our prayers are in accordance with that will (1 John 5:14).

Prayer is like fire. The fire can only burn brightly if it is supplied with good fuel. That fuel is God’s Word, which must not only be studied carefully and prayerfully, but must be taken into the heart and lived out in the life. The inspiration and powerful working of the Holy Spirit alone can do this.

Faith and the Word

By thoughts such as these we gain a deeper insight into the value and power of God’s Word, as a seed of eternal life. We are all familiar with the characteristics of a seed—a small grain in which the life power of a whole tree slumbers. If it is placed in the soil it will grow and increase and become a large tree.

Each word or promise of God is a seed, containing a divine life in it. If I carry it in my heart by faith, love it and meditate on it, it will surely but slowly spring up and bring forth the fruits of righteousness. Think over this until you gain the assurance; although my heart seems cold and dead, the Word of God will work within me the disposition promised in His Word.

The Holy Spirit uses both the Word and prayers. Prayer is the expression of our human need and desire. The Word of God is the means that the Holy Spirit teaches us to use as a guide to what God will do for us. When these are united, the resulting flame becomes a demonstration of the secret working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, by which God Himself fulfills His promise, and gives us what we could not obtain without the help of the Spirit.

Scripture Focus…

(14) This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. (15) And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him.
(1 John 5:14–15 Amp.)


This is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it
Thank You, Father, that You have called each and every one of us to a specific call and purpose
The anointing of God is residing on the inside of us, and You will never leave us or forsake us
You have filled us with the Holy Spirit and You are leading and guiding us into all the truth
The blood of Jesus is making a way where there seems to be no other way
We have been washed and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus, today!
Applying the blood of the Lamb over each and every believer
No weapon formed against us will or shall prosper in Jesus’ name!
Lifting up our leaders, and pastors, we bring them before You, today, Lord
We call forth abundance of every kind, and every need they have shall be supplied!
The blood of Jesus is surrounding every area of their lives
You have given them everything they need to fulfill the purpose and plan that You have called them to
Give them utterance from heaven today!
No weapon formed against them shall prosper in the name of Jesus!
Calling for a greater illumination for them, Father
That they would have a spirit of seeing and a spirit of knowing
Praying for the keys, keys to open doors, and for those doors to be opened up, Lord
We pray that those doors that need to be closed would be closed in Jesus’ name!
You, Father are orchestrating every step they take
Praying for the peace of God that transcends all understanding to surround them
Give them endurance to finish their race, Father
You have called them for this time and for this hour
We pray that Your vision, Your call, Your plan, and Your purpose would be fulfilled, Lord
Declaring that they would not come behind in any good thing!
Speaking words of prosperity over them, calling forth Your blessings upon them
Whatever they put their hands unto shall and will prosper in the name of Jesus!
Give them greater insight and revelation to the things You have for them, Lord
Divine supernatural power from heaven is working in and through them right now!
Praying over their families, over their husbands, their wives, over their children and grandchildren
Lifting them up and pleading the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them, Lord
Declaring that they will walk out every step that You have called them to walk out
Praying for the peace of God to cover each and every one of them, Father
They are equipped to do what they have been called to do
Applying the blood of Jesus over every area of their lives
No, no, no, we cast down every evil plan of the enemy today!
Give them a greater revelation to the assignments You have called them to
That they will go beyond where they have ever gone before
You, Father, have prepared them for this day
Strengthen them all along the way, calling for strength from heaven, today
Loosing angels and ministering spirits to go and work on their behalf
Arrangements of and by Your Spirit, O God
Ordered in You, ordered by You, ordered by Your Spirit
Clarity in Jesus’ name!
We must fulfill the call and plan You have for us, Lord
Reveal the intimate details, that we may read and follow the blueprint You have set before us
No, we will not go another way, or be drawn off, but we will seek You first!
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear, Father
There is a release of the anointing and a release of the supplies!
We esteem the gift of God
Calling for each and every believer to find their place in the body of Christ
Give them boldness and courage to step out, Father
Speaking to those mountains, and declaring them to be turned around
Continually standing on the truth of Your Word!
No, we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We take hold of those opportunities You have called us to, Father
Supernatural aid and assistance to be right on time and right in time
The Church is joining together in the spirit and by the blood of Jesus
Calling for the Church to be united in one purpose, one vision, one heart, and one mind
You bring us from one degree of glory to another
By faith, we call those things not as though they were
Restoring order by faith in the name of Jesus!
Orders according to Your plan, orders according to Your purpose, orders according to Your will
No, the Devil will not rip us off!
Father, we call those things that were stolen from us, to be multiplied back to us
Where those things were stolen, where money was stolen, where resources were stolen—we call them back!
Be replaced, restored, and made whole in Jesus’ name!
No, we shall not be ripped off or stolen from!
Contending for the perfect will of God to come forth!
Those things will be restored, and we will fulfill the destiny that we were called to
Every evil plan, be uncovered in Jesus’ name!
No division, no strife, but wholeness in the body
Pleading the blood of Jesus and breaking the hold of every evil work of the enemy
Guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of our heart flow the issues of life
Casting down all discord in the body of Christ
Father, we guard our hearts and our minds, we walk in the way of the Lord
We will seize every opportunity You set before us, Father

A Word of the Lord came forth:

God has put His hand upon you. There is an opportunity for you in these last days, and He has selected you, and He says “Son, I’ve got your back, but you must prepare yourself,” “Daughter, you must prepare yourself for the work at hand.” And don’t look at the circumstances, don’t look at the opposition, don’t look at the naysayers, don’t look at the things that people have tried and have failed. Look to God, look to His Word, continually to seek Him steadfastly in His Word, and seek the Lord, until that thing which He has told you belongs to you that is supposed to come to pass in your life comes to pass, don’t give yourself rest until you see the manifestation of what God said belongs to You.

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