We take upon ourselves the peace that passes all understanding
Father, we worship and glorify You for who You are!
We love Your Word, Your plan, and Your purposes
Thank You for companies of believers who are pressing forward
We come by the blood today!
The joy of the Lord is our strength, and we can do all things!
We have overcome, because You have overcome
Every day is a new day, and we are equipped to do all things
We hide in the protection of the blood!
Thank You that we serve a living Father and that we are called Your children
We thank You for Your Son!
The following confession by John Osteen was read during Morning Prayer:
Father, Your Word says, “I will take sickness from the midst of thee … the number of thy days I will fulfill,” Exodus 23:25, 26.
Therefore, I refuse to die before my time. I will not die one day nor one second before I should. You have promised me “long life” and I will settle for nothing less. I will not have a heart attack nor a stroke. I will not be cut down by the enemy in any way. The number of my days shall be fulfilled by the loving care of my Heavenly Father. My family needs me. The church needs me. The body of Christ needs me. Therefore, I shall stay in this body my full allotted time.
“Christ hath redeemed (me) from the curse of the law,” Galatians 3:13. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,” Ephesians 1:7. “Unto Him that loveth us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood,” Revelation 1.5.
Lord, the curse of the law is for those who are guilty of sin. They can expect sickness and disease, but not me. I am declared “not guilty” because I am justified by Jesus’ blood. Lord, look on me and search me. Can you find any trace of sin left after the blood of Your Son has cleansed me? Can You condemn me? Ask and search through all heaven and hell and see if there is any record of any transgression against me. Check Your own memory, which is infinite, and You will say, “I have no remembrance of your ever having been charged with one sin.” “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more,” Hebrews 10:17.
Shall not the judge of the earth do right? Will I, who have no sins against me and am not guilty of breaking Your law, have to bear its curse of sickness and disease? Shall one of Your promises fail? No! Because I am “not guilty,” I am the “righteousness of God.” You have taken sickness away from the midst of me, and the number of my days You will fulfill. I am redeemed from the curse of the law by Christ Jesus and His precious blood! Satan, I resist you in the name of Jesus! God is my defense. Go! in Jesus’ name.
“That by (going through) death He might bring to nought (zero) and make of no effect him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,” Hebrews 2:14. “I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, amen, and have the keys of hades and of death,” Revelation 1:18.
Father, who has the power of death? Your Word says Satan did have but now Your Son, Jesus, has the keys of death. He has the power of death. He took those keys by His mighty power when He descended into the lower parts of the earth. He is Lord over death! I cannot die until He personally turns the key! I boldly say that He will not turn the key until my days are fulfilled. I am Your child. I am joined with You in reaching this lost world with the Gospel. No demon nor devil can kill me. No disease or sickness can kill me. I cannot die until my Savior, who loved me and redeemed me, says it is time. Therefore, I fear not! God is in charge. I will live on and on doing the work of Jesus, and when it is time, I will just fall asleep in Him. All sickness has left my body. You, O Lord, have taken sickness away from the midst of me.
“Who bath delivered (me) from the power of darkness, and hath translated (me) into the Kingdom of His dear Son,” Colossians 1:13.
I boldly confess before Your throne that I have resisted the Devil and he has fled from me, taking all his symptoms with him. He has nothing on me. He has no power over me!
“With His stripes I am healed,” Isaiah 53:5.
Father, I say this boldly, not on the basis of sight, feeling, or symptoms, but rather in the face of them, by His stripes, I am healed. I believe this in my heart and say it with my mouth, and it is mine.
I walk in divine health. I have no sickness, no weakness. God is the strength of my life. I will do the work of God joyfully and successfully. Because I am healed, I will believe, act, and talk like it. It is all based on Your Word, Father. You watch over Your Word to perform it and make it good (see Jeremiah 1:12).
Continued Praying…
Thank You that we are completely and entirely cleansed by the blood
We cover every question and decision in the blood
Declaring Holy Ghost revelations to be carried out
We are on the right course and the future is bright
Today we apply this blood over family members who are not serving the Lord
Come home now!
The way has been prepared the steps have been ordered
Make a turn today!
It is a 911 situation!
Devil, stop in every maneuver against us
Lack, poverty, and any touch of fear, be gone in Jesus’ name!
Jesus is Lord over death!
No evil can stop us in God’s plan!
Thank You for ALL of Your Word!
Father, thank You for the drawing of Your Spirit!
We believe and agree that those whose hearts are open will come back!