The following confession by Keith Moore was read during Morning Prayer:
Father, God, I believe You. I am your child. I serve You. I belong to You and I believe You. And I’m the seed of Abraham. And I’m fully persuaded that what You have said to me, You are well able to perform.
I am persuaded that every good thing You have begun in me, You will complete it, You will finish it until the end. You are the author and finisher of my faith.
I believe You. It shall be in my life and over all mine, just like You have said. Just like You have told me. I will serve You, I will run my whole race. I will finish my whole course with joy. I will overcome every trial. I will be more than a conqueror.
Things are changing in my life. The perfect will of God, the complete plan of God is unfolding in my life. The Lord is causing me to see. I am seeing. I am knowing. I am understanding the will of God, the plans of God, the ways of God. Revelation is flowing in my life. I will see things I have not seen. I will understand great things I have not understood. I will grow. I am growing and I will grow mighty in spirit, in faith, in grace, in truth, in power, in victory. Hallelujah!
My finances are getting stronger. I’m coming out of debt. I’m getting stronger. Money flows to me in great abundance. I always have more than enough. I lack for no good thing. I want for no good thing.
My body is kept by the power of God. Every system, every organ, every part is kept by the anointing of God, by the strength of God. No disease can operate in me. I’m strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
My children, my grandchildren, are growing up in the nurture, in the instruction, in the protection, in the care of the Most High. Every one will live free. Every one will serve God. Every one will be fruitful in the things of God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
NO weapon formed against me shall prosper. NO work of the enemy, NO purpose of his will stand, but the purpose of God, the plan of God WILL stand, WILL be completed, WILL be fulfilled in my life. Hallelujah! Praise God for it! Thank You, Lord! Hallelujah!
Some ministers need to say this. Everybody can say it out loud, because we all have a ministry even though you may not be called to the five-fold. Say it out loud.
My ministry will not be held down. My ministry will not be suppressed. It will not be restricted. It will not be stopped. But all that the Lord has called me to do shall come up, shall come out, shall come forth. Every word of God He’s spoken concerning me shall come to pass.
No devil, no world problem, no country government, no city situation can hold it back, can narrow it down. It’ll break forth. It’ll break out as the flood of God and the glory of God will be fully shown and the will of God will be fully done. I decree it. I say it. In Jesus’ name. Hallelujah! Thank Him for it. Thank You, Lord!
We’re glad cause we know how it is. We’re glad cause we know how it turns out. We’re glad, glad, glad. Thank you, Lord, thank You, Lord, thank You, Lord.
We need to say this too. Decree it. Now, this is serious business. We’re not playing here. Say it out loud.
Money will never be a problem for me. I will not be stopped or held back for a lack of money. I will have all the resources, all the equipment, all the personnel, all the favor, all the open doors that I need, that I desire to fulfill the Word of God. Hallelujah! Glory to God!
We decree it. We say it. We rule and reign in life as kings under our Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory! Glory to God! Glory to God! How’s it going to turn out? How’s this going to end? How’s this going to wind up? Say it out loud.
We know. We know. You can say this throughout the day. Just look at somebody and say, We know!
We welcome You, Holy Spirit, in this place
Yearning for more and more of You; we cannot do it without You
Thank You that You will continually be faithful unto the very end
It is in the finishing—it is not by might, not by power, but by Your Spirit that we will finish our race
Father, we want You to be glorified and seen
It is all because of You and the blood of Jesus that anything can come through us
All things are available to us through the blood of Jesus
We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
The joy of the Lord is our strength; we need some joy and strength to finish our course, Father
We will press on to the higher calling of Christ Jesus
You said there would be a transfer of wealth in the last days
We are looking for some great transfers in this day and in this hour
Calling for the harvest to come in
Adjustments are being made, advancement, and acceleration of and by Your Spirit
Resources of every kind are coming into the hands of the Church
People in the right places at the right time, positioned by the Holy Spirit
There is a contending, we must be willing and obedient
Seeing with the eyes of our spirit
No fear there!
Give and it shall be given—we must be harvest minded!
We cleave unto You, Your ways, and Your Word
Lord, to whom shall we go?
For You alone have the words of eternal life
The clothing of the almighty God is covering the Church
We are transformed by the Word and by the Spirit
Transformed in the image and in the likeness of the Father
Praying over the seeds that have been sown into other countries
Calling for a turnaround in the finances
The Word that was sown into the hearts of the hearers will come up, out, and come through
Resources that were sown will be multiplied back to the sower
Increase will come from every direction
It is like a full circle—what comes in will go back out, and what goes out will come back in
Pleading the blood over every seed that has been sown; seeds of faith, finances, and seeds of the Word
The harvest is coming; we need to be prepared for it!
Your Word says that You will bless those who bless Israel
So we declare a blessing on this church, for the seeds sown into the nation of Israel
Finances will begin to come back to this place because of the seeds that have been sown
Your Word is true and so we will be expecting a greater harvest than what was sown
Praying for increase in every area and in every arena in Jesus’ name
Opening up those doors and resources by the blood of Jesus
Praying for an increase in the prayer ministry and in the schools
Calling for breakthroughs of every kind
No weapon formed against us shall or will prosper!
An increase of souls, that the number would begin to multiply
Calling for the lost souls to come back to You, Lord
A supernatural turnaround is taking place today!
Asking that they would have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying
We walk by faith and not by sight
Praying for pastors to rise up and take their places
That they would continually be preparing the way of the Lord
Walking and speaking the will of the Father
Impossibilities are turning around
Regions, nations, and states are being changed
Ministering spirits go, bring in the necessary finances
No limitations, poverty get out!
Abundance, restoration, and healing are on the way
Holding the blood against every evil work and plot of the enemy
The blood of Jesus is over the church and every member of the body of Christ
Our steps are ordered by You, Lord
Calling for accuracy and for hidden things to be revealed
Doubt, we tell you to leave in Jesus’ name!
The anointing is working on our behalf today!
We call this day anointed and blessed
Thank You, Father
The following confession was read during Morning Prayer:
Father, in the name of Jesus, we confess that Your Word reigns in every area of our life’s—our spiritual lives; our emotional lives, and our physical lives. There is no part of our being that is not completely, absolutely, and eternally enveloped and saturated with Your Word. Because Your Word is our very substance, we live a prosperous life—spiritually, physically, and materially.
I thank You that You liberally and super abundantly supply and fill to the full, our every need, according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. According to Your Word (Deut. 8:18), we accept and receive the power of Your wealth in order to establish Your covenant. As an act of faith, Father, we receive the power of Your wealth in knowledge, revelation, discernment, and recollection of Your thoughts as they are written in Your Word. We receive the power of Your wealth in our spiritual life. We will be enduring, patient, kind, mannerly, joyful, forgiving, courageous, faithful, loving, and all that is necessary to correct our spiritual selves, that we coincide with Your image of us. We receive the power of Your wealth into our physical and material needs, so that Your Word is life to us, and health to all our flesh, so that we have riches and honor; that we inherit substance and our treasuries are full (Proverbs 4:22; 8:18,21).
We confess to You that we are givers. As we give abundantly of our increase in knowledge of Your Word—either in ministering, counseling, healing, teaching, as we give of the increase of ourselves, our energies, our efficiency and our ability, or our material possessions—we know that You will make all grace, every favor and earthly blessing come to us in abundance, so that under all circumstances we are totally self-sufficient. Possessing enough knowledge, recall and recollection, we will spread Your Word in all circumstances. Requiring no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation (Galatians 3:13,14).
Father, I thank You that You sent Your Son to enable Your power. That You sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and teach us and that Your angels are free to minister for us, and bring about all that is necessary for us to be generous in every area of your work in which we have stirred our spirit and stored up for us to do. Father, we desire to be Your perfect channel, and we praise and thank You for so using us. It is written that Your angels have been sent to minister for the heirs of salvation; we loose them now to work on my behalf.
We confess today that we are redeemed form the curse of the law, of lack of knowledge, of lack of understanding, of lack of revelation, of lack of recollection, of lack of ability, time and efficiency. We are redeemed from the curse of poverty. We resist any and all lack in our lives and claim through Your Word and in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son, its ability to have ANY PLACE in our lives at all. The Lord is our Shepherd and we do not and shall not want. Abundance in every area of our life is ours. Success in every area of life is ours. The blessings of the Lord are ours. I AM HIS; HE IS MY STRENGH; I DWELL IN HIM AND HE IN ME. We confess to it; we claim it; we accept it, and we revel in it. We thank You for it, Father. In Jesus’ name, we praise Your holy name.