Dear Praying Friend,
Do you want a great Christmas gift idea that also blesses Israel? For a limited time, we are reducing the sponsorship rate for an olive tree in Israel by over 40%! A $75 donation to Olive Tree Bond will sponsor not only your initial sponsorship tree, but you’ll also receive an extra bonus tree for free that you can dedicate in someone’s honor.
Your $75 gift (of which $50 is tax-deductible) will bless far more than the two people you’ve honored with your tree sponsorships. It will also bless people like Gali, the lead Jewish farmer on our Olive Tree Bond field. Gali’s father was killed by a crash of an Arab airplane coming to attack his kibbutz on the first day of the Six Days War. His father left behind Gali, his mother, and his two siblings. Today, Gali’s brother is a fighter pilot of an F16 airplane of the Israeli army and, thanks to Olive Tree Bond sponsors, Gali himself is taking care of our sponsored and soon-to-be sponsored trees.
I’m glad to say that when our Olive Tree Bond grove was harvested for the first time in October 2013, the farmers in Israel said, “There is no doubt that the Olive Tree Bond sponsors pray for this grove.” They went on to explain that:
- The original three-inch saplings have grown to large, 12-foot trees in three years’ time.
- The total weight of the olives picked at the last harvest was close to three tons and the olive oil yield was about 7,217 pounds of olive oil.
- The laboratory tests and inspections of the olive oil were extremely good. They showed an acidity of only 0.3 (better than the world’s standard of 0.8 for extra virgin olive oil). These low acidity results ensure that all nutritional components of the olive oil are at very high levels.
You can be a part of sponsoring one or more of the remaining few hundred trees available to be sponsored. Blessing Israel is part of what God has called us to do as Christians. Let’s take time during the Christmas season to not only bless our family and friends, but also bless Israel, God’s family.
If you sponsor a tree by Sunday, December 8, you’ll receive your sponsorship package in time for Christmas. This package includes a personalized certificate, a 17-ounce bottle of high quality olive oil from Israel along with an attractive booklet of recipes and interesting facts about olive oil and trees. You’ll also receive a CD containing beautiful photos from Israel, and by February of 2014, we’ll send you a diagram and tree number to know exactly which tree(s) you’ve sponsored. (You’ll receive this package after Christmas if your tree is ordered after December 8; the free bonus tree will not have a sponsorship package sent with it. The bonus tree will have a certificate and map.)
To sponsor a tree, visit or call 1-888-298-9686.