The following was shared at Morning Prayer…
“There are too many. There are too many in the earth that are afraid, on edge, wondering and waiting. What shall happen? What shall take place in the coming days and weeks? And yet, men look too much at their politics. Men look too much at the things that they see and hear upon the media. Men are looking too much at what was, what took place in 2020. And yet because they look at these things, they are as Lot’s wife who only could see a perspective of that which was of her flesh. For in the coming days and weeks, there will be things that will be undisputed. There will be things that will be disputed, and there will be things that will be refuted. There will be theft and stealing and fraud, and there will be delays, but there shall be victories as well” says the living God.
“Yet some will say, ‘Here we go again. We’re going backwards. This will never change,’ and others will hang their head in disappointment because they expected a different outcome. But listen to me. This is about my time. This is about my hands,” says the Lord.
“Do not look to a day. Do not look to a midterm event, for if you do, you will not fully understand that there is a moment where it shall be as though, ‘What is happening?’ Do not let this fool you, for Israel thought the same thing in the middle of the sea.
“The Egyptians are prevailing. We are but lost. Our freedom is but lost. And they looked to the left, they looked to the right of the walls, but they did not see that in the Spirit, My hand, My wind was blowing to consume that which the enemy did and was trying to do. And yet there was a great victory. And there is victory for I have declared that there is an unraveling that shall continue to take place and there will be reversals that will reset this earth again.
“Do you think that I can inject goodness at this time that will overcome evil? Do you not see that I can inject truth that shall outweigh the lies? Therefore, I say, Do not put your hopes in just a day. For I am not limited to man’s time or to man’s day, I have said, and I say it to you so you will not be moved, this is my terms. This is my turning and believe me,” says the Lord, “you will see that darkness will not prevail. You will see My light will overcome and My truth will have its way and its voice in this day,” says the Lord.
A Special Flash Point with Hank Kunneman
We have been in a birthing of a new season. A fresh grace is coming on the Bride for new season encounter with Jesus. There is a new way for the new time. A shaking up of the old and breaking with a previous format for a new wineskin.
Small adjustments, mustard seed like faith moves are going to help us bring awareness to our hearts and minds, that He is wanting to come in and move among us.
Same fire, new oil. Same Spirit, new wine.
Just like when a new baby is birthed, the whole household prepares and adjusts to its arrival. Rhythms are changed, new norms are formed. But first the current customs are shaken to accommodate for new life.
The Lord is wooing us towards Himself for He delights in our communion with Him. Our response is to shake up the things of God to which we have grown accustomed. Change some of the rhythms and routines that are stale and lean into His welcome.
Scripture Focus…
Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us, (2) Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
(Hebrews 12:1–2 AMPC)
And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.
(Colossians 3:2 AMPC)
Father, we lean into You today, You are welcoming us in
We worship You and thank You for Your faithfulness, Lord
Yes, we know You are at work in us, and we thank You for it
Stir up our hearts, and we humble and surrender our will and ways to You
We fall short and we ask for Your empowerment
The atmosphere is being cleared out and shifted
We magnify You, Father, and we lift up the name of Jesus today
Have Your way in our hearts and in our families
Thank You for the release of Your goodness; there is a release to our emotions and soul
Calling for the peace of God to cover and surround us, Father
We decree in the name of Jesus that there would be a new perspective
Lord, we declare that our hearts and souls would be lifted up
Father, we put our hope in You
We pray for a furthering to get ready now; we pray over our churches today
Praying over our nation, and we pray for a furtherance and an advancement
Yes, there is a lifting now, we call you up and out in Jesus’ name
Depression, release your hold on each and every believer
Calling for a financial release from financial insufficiency
Thank You for supernatural release to the body of Christ
We speak that over our souls and our hearts
Be released from trauma, be released from depression and suicidal ideation
Speaking over pastors and ministers, and we declare light over them, Father
Declaring for fresh vision over pastors, we speak encouragement in Jesus’ name
Open their eyes to be open to those things You have shown them
Thank You for the Spirit of God that is covering us in these last days
Yes, we are about to embark on something new, and we look out to the horizon
Calling for new doorways today, that they would be opened now
Declaring for a release of some things, Lord
Letting that go in Jesus’ name; we turn that over to You, Lord
Yes, we cast all of our cares over on You
We put that sin under the precious blood of Jesus
Laying hold of those things, and we will reach out and take it!
Declaring victory today, we declare advancement and an opening now!
There is a new day and a new opportunity!
Father, we pray that Your hand would unlock those new seasons and experiences
Commanding angels to go and open hearts, and to open those doors, Lord
Yes, You are revealing yourselves to us, Father
Your love and mercy endures forever
We pray for a gathering of souls like we have never seen before
You are making a way where there seems to be no other way
Calling for those things to be set in motion, that there would be a releasing of Your Spirit
There is an increase in encounters from heaven
We pray for a supernatural rerouting of hearts and lives