Scripture Focus…
(2) “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
(Acts 2:2 KJV)
The following excerpt is taken from The Revival Bible
The Wind of a Revival Tornado
On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God moved in “like a violent rushing wind.” Each word is significant. Wind denotes respiration, or a breeze. It is frequently rendered “breathe” because in the spiritual sense it is the bringer of new life and the sustainer of the life it brings. Violent denotes the power to move things and rushing indicates the ability to carry or bear something. These three words point to God’s power to breathe life, power to move opposition, and power to bring the accomplishment of God’s will. That kind of action is perhaps best demonstrated by the activity of wind known as a tornado.
When the atmosphere is just right, God unleashes a tornado against the human heart. Divine truth strikes like lightning. God’s voice thunders, bringing heavy conviction and repentance. Torrents of rain in the form of God’s saving and delivering power pour forth from heaven upon men, women, and children.
• Like a tornado, a revival draws attention to an unseen power. Anyone who has ever witnessed a tornado is left awestruck by its mighty power. Spiritually speaking, a mighty revival tornado captures the attention of sinners. With their desires fixed on fleshly and material things, a swirling move of God’s Spirit causes them to weep, tremble, pray, and cry out for God’s mercy until their lives are transformed.
• Like a tornado, revival purifies the atmosphere. Before a tornado hits, the atmosphere is hot and heavy. Disease-carrying mosquitoes may hover over swampy areas. Smog may blanket a valley. But when a tornado passes through, it cleanses the atmosphere. Revival comes to deliver people from the swamps of sin and the foggy skies of unbelief. The holy gaze of God makes you feel naked and exposed. You cannot hide your sin anymore. As you confess and repent, the work of the cross applies death to the sin in your heart. Chains of bondage fall off. Addictions and demonic strongholds crumble by the power of God. And you are left clean and pure in His presence.
• Like a tornado, revival brings awesome power. In an atmosphere of revival, believers and sinners alike are brought low in humility and repentance, and then are raised in power to live righteously victorious in an anti-God, sin-filled world. Revival finds its way into places where spiritual drought abounds and the water of God’s truth no longer springs up into everlasting life. It goes where the fruit of the Spirit is no longer evident and the tree has become barren. Where hearts have become like the dry, cracked desert sand; where there is moisture and very little life.
We should all pray, “Bring the violent, rushing wind, Oh God! Bring a revival tornado!”
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By faith, Father, we believe for the mighty wind of Your Spirit to blow through the body of Christ
That not one person would go unchanged
In the political arena, from the president on down, we expect atmospheric changes
In every capital of every state
Thank You, Father, for the baptism and infilling of Your precious Holy Spirit
We pray in the Spirit, lifting our voices in one accord, so we can bring these requests to you today
Father, we are hungry for a mighty deluge of Your power; a greater move of Your precious Holy Spirit
This is the time, this is the hour
We plead the blood of Jesus over the atmospheric conditions and say, “Be changed”
We expect to sense it in the very atmosphere
Thank You, Father, for Your revealed glory; it is a necessity
Doors seemingly unable to be opened, suddenly swing open
Father, we thank You for new sounds and songs that bring about change with the notes played
Entire families changed and brought back to where they could have been
We see it, we expect it, we believe it by faith
Even bodies are changed and physically rearranged internally and externally
So, Father, we watch as we pray
We expect to stand in the hour of Your great visitation
Plans from heaven in operation
The Church shall never be the same, a radical upward change
Thank You, Father, for all the lives that will be totally turned around
Day after day continually walking in it
No nation or border can stop Your glorious presence, the ministry of Your Spirit
Beautiful, glorious miracles, supernatural events, more and more of the new
We see societies changing and governments changing with Your great move
Thank You, Father, for the winds of the Spirit blowing away all impurities
Your fire from heaven burning away the chaff and refining your body
Thank You, Father, that we are changed as we behold You with unveiled faces from glory to glory